I knew that day Five would be too complex or detailed to cover in a Single Post; there Will be Three. In My Last (a Last is an Impression, God touching Your Mind) Entry (Impregnating Your Mind with new Concepts until they are Immaculate), I Tall Kinged about the Four Evangelicals who Spoke the Word of God, and I have now told You how Four is Foundation in the Physical Universe – it should be firmly Established in Your Mind. The Law’s of God were Established by the Scrolls, or Script-You-Are (Scripture’s) Performing, and Passed Down (God is Highest Authority of Law) to Moses in the Tablet (Hard Stone, represents a Solid Idea in the Mind) to provide Foundation for all other laws that would follow. These are the Laws the were handed down to Moses by God:
Again, I couldn’t make this up, things could not fit together more perfectly. I am now giving You a second StateMent (State of Mind) to Unite Your Kingdom. Five represents perfection, and My number is a 5, representing the Perfect Teacher of the Second Statement. 6 is Peace, the dash is ‘by Way of’, (or “I” turned sideways) 21, which is two Ideas combined, 3, the Trinity or Christ. Any “T” in Your Language represents the Christ, as does a + or X. Same Idea pointing in different directions.
So to translate the Last (Impression) Sentence (a Powerful Word I Will Touch on later) into Magic would Read: “The Age is over, duality is known (in this Case, the Idea of God’s Love is Re-Membered, or put back together), by Way of My (“I”) Creation of Heaven and by Way of the Pentateuch (5 Gold Rings). The Continuation of the Idea will Continue on the Sixth Day (Peace), when the World Will begin working together to Create God’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth as God Himself did when He Created the Heavens and the Earth in the Beginning. Every Story comes full Circle, all Our great teachers Will Tell You this, every end is a new beginning, and this provides the Foundation for Peace and Your understanding of Death:
Ten Commandments List
- You shall have no other gods before Me.
- You shall make no idols.
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Keep the Sabbath day holy.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not murder.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet.
There are also TEN Commandments for a reason. The reason being that when they are followed and obeyed, the Door to God’s Kingdom would be opened. What is the Last Impression of the Law, the Last Idea that God gave man? Though Shall NOT Covet. Anything!!! We are in this together!!! We are all Stars! We all have a very unique and special Role to Play in God’s Divine Plan. As soon as We can all learn to share, We can all have Peace. It’s 10 because the moment the world understands this Law is the moment the world Will know Peace. Period.
Love and Blessings,
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