Hello World, and welcome to the ‘Lucky’ Wednesday Edition of the Good News Journal. Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with My friend Captain Thomas Yoo, a Chaplain of the Salvation Army. We once met every Tuesday morning but We’ve both had busy schedules lately and were unable to meet for a several weeks and it was truly wonderful to see him again. Sadly, Our meeting did not end near as favourably as it began and the fault for that is mine. This Blog Post is to Honour My friendship with Captain Yoo, thank him for a wonderful lunch, and offer something in the Way of an explanation for My behaviour.
My family know better than anyone how passionate I am about My Ideas. Generally, I am a very kind, well spoken, mild mannered man. However, if I had come with an instruction manual, it would probably include a warning tag that reads something like:
My day with Captain Yoo started out great. Captain Yoo was excited to hear about My Court adventures and see the new shoes – he even as King of Me if he could photograph them and I was happy to grant his Wish. He also wants to promote My artwork and has as King of Me if I Will Present a few pieces for a market sponsored by the Salvation Army on Friday evenings and I promised I would get a few pieces together for him. I was also tall King with him about some of My promotional Ideas and he seemed both surprised and impressed with some of My strategies. I may even have a chance for an interview with the Salvation Army’s public relations officer. It really was great to see him, it is refreshing for Me to have someone like Captain Yoo to share My Ideas with, and he is generally very supportive.
We were even tall King about My Case, [human] rights violations and what Life is like for those who rely on the Salvation Army for basic needs and/or shelter. Captain Yoo as King of Me if the Salvation Army is guilty of any rights violations and I once again assured him that even if they are, they need not worry about any complaints coming from Me, as I do not feel they are legally responsible, or liable. When he as King of Me to explain why, I said that the Salvation Army is Acting ‘under duress’, many of the policies they have are necessary because they do not have the funding and/or resources to provide the necessary care. The duty and responsibility to provide basic needs for the People of Canada does not rest on the shoulders of shelters, it lies within the Ministries of the Canadian government, or (more specifically) in the city of Ottawa, Jim Watson and the Ministry of Community and Social Services. The People of Ottawa are only subject to poverty, homelessness and the continual trespasses upon their dignity and rights because the city mayor is not doing his job.
We had a wonderful lunch and toward the end of the meal I as King of Captian Yoo what is new in his Life and what he might be busy with. He told Me he is focused on spreading the Good News about the Christ. He used exactly those Words, and I told him it sounded like important work. He agreed, and went on to say that he wants the People to know that soon Christ Will return to establish God’s Kingdom on earth. I could feel his enthusiasm and I as King of him if he believes that it Will actually be a flesh and blood man named Jesus of Nazareth and he said to Me, “Yes!”, with a great deal of enthusiasm.
I hope I don’t offend anyone, but I think this is the most critical theological error which [in My opinion] negates the rest of the Bible’s teaching. If a man named Jesus Christ is coming to earth to accomplish peace and solve all the world’s problems, then why should anyone bother doing anything? Really? The best Way for a man to absolve himself of accountability and responsibility is to Trust that someone else Will do it all for him. Wonderful, how spiritually enlightening (and yes, I’m being facetious). I guess I’ll just twiddle My thumbs and wait then? (And no, of course not!)
Argh… And that’s probably pretty close to how it all came out, too. What’s worse, is that Captain Yoo suggested that if I don’t believe this, I need to study the Bible more – and that infuriated Me. Yes, I believe the Bible is a great book and that the Christ character provides an exceptional moral example, but I do not believe that every Word is a factual account of events, the story of Adam and Eve the most notable allegory. However, it seems that there are many spiritual leaders who do not know the difference between an allegory and actual events. In fact, I would even say that many of the so called spiritual leaders I’ve encountered are still seeking the Truth of God themselves, and therefor, still students of the Bible and the Universe.
I said to Captain Yoo that Jesus and God cannot be the same thing, the closest thing Jesus could be to God would be the Living expression of God. Captain Yoo said to Me, “But Christ was God’s son!”
“Yes, He was. And what do You think You are, Captain Yoo?”
I can accept being wrong. Maybe some dude named Jesus is going to descend from the Heavens and establish God’s Kingdom on earth, and maybe everyone who believes this story Will be miraculously saved, even if they do nothing to promote peace, prosperity and a brotherhood of man until then. However, I think that if some dude named Jesus is coming back to establish God’s Kingdom, He’s going to be a little disappointed with those whom have chosen to do nothing and wait for Him, especially when most Christians claim to know he’s coming! It’s like waiting for the parents to come home after the long weekend – do You hope to get the house cleaned up before they return, or wait until they get back so they can scold You and make You do it? Just some food for thought. My plan is to do everything I can to establish God’s Kingdom now… And if Jesus shows up, I’ll be more than happy to let Him take over, believe Me!
So, I cannot change this view, Captain Yoo, but I do appreciate Our friendship and hope this Will not prevent Us from having further fruitful conversations. This is one of the reasons I prefer to share My philosophies here. As much as Captain Yoo has told Me how much he appreciates Our spiritual conversations, the moment We interpret a message from the Bible differently, Captain Yoo insists that his interpretation is correct – not because he has superior knowledge of God, but because he has superior knowledge of the Bible. He doesn’t even know that his own predetermined Ideas and interpretations of the Bible are interfering with his Spiritual development and ability to find deeper meaning.
Part of My marketing strategy leading up to My Trial date on February 21st and 22nd of 2019 is providing a solid foundation for God’s Kingdom. And My catch phrase Will be, “The Kingdom of Heaven Found A Sean”.
I hope this day finds You all in wonderful health and spirit.
Love and Blessings,
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