Hi everyone! I didn’t even realize that today was the 37th Volume of The Good News Journal until I sat down to Write, and it was a little Magic in My microcosm that Inspired Me to do so. This being the 37th Edition makes it especially Auspicious. Yes, I like that Word, too…
Ah, I am going to have some Fun today! I’m going to share some photos of My Last Letter to Jason. I capitalized the Letter ‘L’ so that My reader would be thing King of the Word for it’s other meaning, which is an Impression of a foot. Shoemakers use a Last to build shoes around. One could make a Last by making an impression of One’s foot in some clay, then using the clay to Form the Last. This Blog Post is all about how Letters mimic People, and more specifically, how People became persons (and no, they are not the same thing). I wanted My Last Letter to Jason to leave a Lasting Impression, pun intended. 😉
A Letter is about Forming the Earth into a person. It is said that Man was made in the Image of God, and Man is the God of the Letter, so the Letter should be made in the I-Mage of the Man. To summarize: the Letter should reflect the Character of the Man.
I said I wanted to leave a Lasting Impression, and the best Way to do that is by making a Great First Impression. People tend to take a Man more seriously when he is well Dressed. One can’t just show up naked, One should envelope the Body in clothing that begs to be removed.
When Jason failed to respond to My first e-mail, I sent him a Letter in My usual Style; pretty much as pictured below, except I Give everyone to whom I Write a Form-All Letter, One ‘freebie’, an Original document, ‘off the record’. No one would ever need a witness, or to make true copies of documents in the days of Kings and Queens because no One would ever dream of being so dishonourable, it would be a dis-Grace to their reputation. Now, it has become commonplace. So the first Letter Jason received was like the one pictured except Writ on high quality, unbleached parchment.
The Letter made an Impression on Jason and he did make a point of telling Me just how Impressed he was with it. Jason really doesn’t know Me at all except by what he knows of Me from My Letters and perhaps what he reads here. As it stands now, he asked Me to leave and I left without incident; he hasn’t heard from Me since. I don’t really know or care what Jason thinks of Me as a Man, the True nature of My Character is revealed in My Letters.
My Body is now completely enveloped. The Face of the envelope tells Jason who the Letter is from and how to find My House, otherwise known as the return address. What I have Writ is a real, physical, address. If I want mail designated for Me sent somewhere else, I would place ‘In Loving Care of’ underneath ‘Kingdom of God’, followed by whatever address I want it delivered to. And this isn’t philosophy, this is tried and tested by Yours Truly and why I have so much fun teaching it – because no One taught Me the tricks I know about the Mail, that was instinct, or intuition. My thumb-print on the top right is how a King sends a Letter because he represents the wealth of God’s Kingdom (which is unlimited of course). A thumbprint is the King’s Seal. That Part is essentially philosophy, though I have successfully sent two letters to private corporations that Way, the only difference was that I had also Writ ‘On Her Majesty’s Service’. I think it was the O.H.M.S. that got them there, but that’s fine, too because now when I claim I’m in Court that I’m doing My duty ‘On Her Majesty’s Service’, I have receipts to show that it’s true!!! Anyway, I digress, time to reveal My True Character.

Even the Way I Fold the Paper is deliberate. Imagine that the Head was bowed and has just been lifted, now You are seeing the Face of My Character for the first time.
The Head of the document States the Title of the Organizations, starting again in the upper left with the return address. By Writing My address this Way, I am as King that Letters be Given to Me by Hand, the upper right tells them how to contact Me to make those arrangements. The upper right also provides additional information about My Organization; My website and Twitter presence. I am incorporating these details into My Letters for a reason, I am Giving Life to My Character, My Persona (Person).

Finally, the bottom unfolds to reveal the Body of the Letter and Gives the Character some Footing to Stand on. It Will be Hand delivered Wednesday.
Well, if I don’t Sign off now it Will be too late to make it the Magical Monday Evening Edition. Have a wonderful week, world!
Love and Blessings,
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