Hello everyone, and thank You for being here, this truly is a Sensational Saturday as this Will be My 600th Blog Post!!! I know, right!? It seems truly remarkable, even to Me.
There were a number of things I was going to be tall King about today, but I am thing King I Will save those thoughts for tomorrow. Today, I want to dedicate this Special Saturday 600th Edition to Giving thanks to all of My followers; the 5,137 I now have on Twitter, and an extra special thank You to My 82 WordPress followers. My WordPress followers mean the world to Me because I feel that only other Writers who pour their Souls on the Pages of their Posts can truly appreciate what it means to put One’s Self out there. Also, I’ve been reading Posts from My fellow Bloggers and I was surprised to find out how many are tall King about similar things – Our Duty as Writers to Inspire the world, be fearless in sharing Our successes and failures with Our audience, and the importance of setting Goals (and sticking to them).
One of My fellow Bloggers was tall King about her Goals for 2019, which was to have 10,000 WordPress followers. She’s already at just over 6.1k, so I am thing King it is a very realistic Goal. My Goal is to have 10,000 Twitter followers because I already 5,000+, so 10,000 seems the next natural benchmark. But I would LOVE to have 10,000 followers on WordPress and believe that One day I Will, though it may be a bit ambitious a Goal for 2019. Don’t get Me wrong, I never say never because in My Universe, anything really is possible!
I found a lot of My fellow Bloggers were tall King of the importance of setting Goals and Writing them down, something I was tall King about just last week. In the relaunch of The Good News Journal I’m planning for February first, Monday’s Will be dedicated to motivating My readers. Sunday’s Will be a weekly review, including updates on the progress I am making with My own Goals, including any new Goals I may set for My Self in the Monday Edition.
Because I said I would be dedicating 2019 to monetizing, promoting My Blog, and taking My Writing a little more seriously, I thought the 600th Edition would be the perfect time for an update to Show My audience just how much My efforts are already paying off. Again, modest by most standards, We all have to start somewhere. Compared to My beginnings as a Blogger, it is now extremely rare that I don’t have at least a few visitors and I think only other Bloggers can relate and truly appreciate how it feels to overcome that first hurdle and finally have daily readership… But I made it! And I didn’t have to compromise My integrity to get here – now, I just have to build upon that foundation.
Tomorrow Will be two weeks of Keeping My Goals and Writing daily. That’s huge for Me! How much has that impacted My Blog?

It appears something is working. It Will be amazing when stats like this become My norm, and I give You My Word, I Will get there. The only Quest-Ion is how long it might take. Ever since I decided that I would Focus on monetizing My Blog and Keeping My Goals, My stats have steadily increased and I believe that so long as I continue to put in the effort, I Will continue to see the results. Sharing them with You here is as much an example of Keeping My philosophies and being the change I Wish to see in the world, as it is a means of making Me accountable to My audience.

So far, this is the second busiest month this Blog has ever enjoyed, and today, is the second busiest day of all time… And it just ‘happens’ to be the day I am celebrating My 600th Blog Post; probably just a coincidence, right? (Yeah, We don’t believe in those here). 😉
That’s all for today, Lords and Ladies, I look forward to sharing more of My thoughts with You on My Way to 1,000 Posts and 1,000,000 Words. Any guesses on which of the two I might reach first? Only time Will tell.
Thanks so much to all of My audience that have helped to make this Journey to 600 feel so Magical!!! I Love You all more than You could know.
Love and Blessings,
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