Good day, every One, and welcome to the Good News Journal’s Wonderful Witches Wizards and Warlocks (Lucky) Wednesday Edition. Thank King You so much for joining Me!
‘A Royal Pain’ for the city of Ottawa? Well, it would seem that Mayor Jim Watson and members of Ottawa city council are deciding to move forward with the Salvation Army’s new ‘Mega Shelter’ proposal, which was very disappointing news for Me to hear.
When Geneviève Langlais, associate legal council for the city of Ottawa had insisted on several occasions in Our last resolution meeting that the city was taking the complaint and Issues I’d raised very seriously but was not at liberty to disclose to Me what was going on behind the scenes, I had Trusted that meant that if the Salvation Army’s funding was not being immediately revoked for failing to comply with their contractual agreements (upon which their municipal funding depends), that any Vision for a future mega shelter at three times the cost [to the Canadian taxpayer] of their current funding, would most certainly be permanently quashed. Sadly, that does not appear to be the case, and the city seems to be moving ahead with the plan, ‘business as usual’, at great expense to the Canadian taxpayer and contrary to the well being and best interest of Ottawa’s impoverished homeless. Frankly, this is absolutely unacceptable.
So, rather than file My Claim against the Salvation Army, I Will now be holding the city of Ottawa liable for the harm that was done to Me by failing in their fiduciary duty of care to the People of Ottawa. The city determinations sustain all of the allegations I had made with respect to Jason Prevost and his lack of regard for the dignity and worth of clients and failure to respond to internal complaints. The determinations also clearly show that the Salvation Army failed to respond to requests made by Housing Services, including a Letter from Jason Prevost stating why I was arbitrarily barred from the facility, and providing copies of application forms to social programs that evidence trespasses upon the constitutional rights of Canada’s People. The final determination also concluded that it is the opinion of the city of Ottawa that the Salvation Army is ‘unable’ to eradicate vermin from their facility, despite their best efforts which is a violation of Ottawa’s property standard act and a breach of their contractual agreements upon which their municipal funding is dependant. If they are unable to control vermin in their current facility, why would the city of Ottawa presume they Will be able to comply with property standards at the new proposed venue? It doesn’t make sense, and the decision to move forward with the plan is both ‘incorrect and unreasonable’ (foreshadowing some future plans I have in Mind). 😉
Initially, the reason for choosing to withdraw My application to the Divisional Court for Judicial Review was because I did not Wish to burden the Canadian taxpayer with a tort claim. If the city is ordered to pay My Claim, they Will be compelled to sue the Salvation Army to recover those costs, again at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer. By filing a Claim against the Salvation Army directly, I would have been saving the city of Ottawa this additional financial burden. However, the city has not fulfilled their duty to Ottawa’s People and recovered funding paid to the Salvation Army while in breach of contract, so this Will compel the city to do so after they are ordered to compensate Me for My injuries. Furthermore, the investigation was conducted by the city, so the city has actually provided Me with all of the information proving My case on a Court of Record. Like I said, I am becoming a ‘Royal’ pain in the ass for the city of Ottawa, and I have no Issue with that if they are going to continue to be Willfully negligent in their duty of care to Ottawa’s People.
Clearly there is something going on behind the scenes. This wreaks of the same kind of corruption Justin Trudeau is guilty of with respect to the whole SNC Lavalin affair. SNC Lavalin was charged with serious criminal offences in 2015. In 2016, Justin Trudeau pushed a bill through the House of Commons and senate that would allow for ‘deferred prosecution’ for some corporations. Then, he interfered with Judicial process when the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould felt the criminal charges were too serious to be eligible for a deferred prosecution (fine, rather than criminal charges). That has to be one of the greatest examples of corruption within government in Canadian history. In retrospect, it is clear that Justin Trudeau pushed the bill for deferred prosecution through the House of Commons exclusively to protect SNC Lavalin from criminal prosecution. To add insult to injury, he then demoted Canada’s Attorney General when he didn’t get his Way after interfering with Jody Wilson-Raybould’s decision.
Currently, the city of Ottawa has approved funding to shelters at a cost to taxpayers of $1790 per month, while the city’s subsidy budget to get the same individuals into dignified, safe and secure housing is only $600 per month. No member of city council Will deny that homelessness places individuals in a situation of undo hardship and duress, so it doesn’t make any sense that they would spend more money to harm the People of Ottawa than they would to remove those individuals from harm; unless of course, members of city council have been bought and paid for by representatives of the Salvation Army.
To make matters worse and even more ludicrous, the new mega shelter Will come at a cost of over $3000. per person per month. It doesn’t make any sense and it certainly doesn’t take a financial genius to know that. If the city of Ottawa were to purchase the same property and build a housing complex sufficient to accommodate Ottawa’s homeless with single occupancy and family apartments, all rent received by those subject to social welfare and municipal housing subsidies, would go right back into the city’s coffers. Why would the city Wish contract this space to a private organization that Will need to demand higher rent to cover the cost of leasing the property from the city? Doesn’t make sense, does it?
So, filing My tort claim against the city is just one of the new strategies I Will be implementing moving forward. The other, is that I Will be filing a new complaint with the city of Ottawa to clearly show why a decision to support a mega shelter complex is both incorrect and unreasonable, and if the city of Ottawa does not immediately revoke their decision, I Will also file a new application to the Divisional Court for Judicial Review, where I Will clearly show why this is not only irresponsible use of the Canadian taxpayer’s money, but also causes harm to Ottawa’s People. Having the city determinations of the Salvation Army’s failure to comply with their previous contractual agreements to operate their current facility in compliance with Ottawa’s property standards Will further endorse My position.
Yes, I Will become a Royal pain for the city of Ottawa – Canada’s People deserve better.
Love and Blessings,
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