Hello every One, and welcome to the Good News Journal’s Magical Motive-A-Sean Edition, thank King You for being here. Yes, today does feel somewhat Magical because I have the pleasure of praising Ottawa’s Police Services today. It feels very Magical to be able to say such nice things about a representative body of Canada’s government Acting in any capacity.
Special mention of course goes to Sergeant Catherine Wood who has facilitated the mediation process and paid impressive attention to detail in her correspondences with Me.

It is in fact the content of the last email from Sergeant Catherine Wood that accompanied the above form that makes Me feel Good about returning this release. This is the Magical email:
Good afternoon,
Thanks very much for the follow-up. I just spent time reading about the United Nations Human Rights covenant going thru the articles you provided as well as a number of others. This international covenant is nothing I have read before but I heartily support the notion we all must recognize the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is founded on freedom, justice and peace in the world.
I just received your follow up email and you have my word I will keep any information confidential to this process and not shared outside. I further completely appreciate your title is central and fundamental to who you are and your word is your bond. Please know the Ottawa Police Service, as an organization and through the work of each our members, are truly trying to serve everyone in the best way we can, work in harmony in our community and constantly better our approach with our citizens.
I do believe your concerns were heard by Jenkyn’s in the mediation, however, you can certainly address your post mediation reservations in an email to him or directed to him and I can make sure he receives it if you believe that would serve any purpose for you. When you said at the end of the mediation something to the effect you hope going forward he acts in a more kind fashion towards everyone he meets especially those in the greatest need I can tell you those words were impactful.
As published through the Ottawa Police Services Board, the Ottawa Police deemed four overarching themes to be critically important- innovation, partnerships, risk management and continuous improvement. As noted in the business plan we are grateful for the participation in the community and look forward to continuing this positive dialogue as we move forward. Again, I think this speaks to your engagement as well as your commitment mentioned in the session to looking at positives coming out of this situation.
At this point I am not entirely sure how to proceed with respect to your written guarantee request or what that would look like but certainly I appreciate you continuing with this important dialogue. I do apologize for using Mr in the form. What I can do is send you a blank copy of the OIPRD form, properly titled, and you can assert in the narrative your stipulation for a guarantee of your legally protected rights as ratified in 1976 that you are entitled to freely enjoy here in Ottawa -if that is something you want to consider doing. I can assure you Chief Peter Sloly will be sent a copy of the form back from the OIPRD for his review as well.
I remain open to working towards effectively resolving this process for you so please let me know, if you want to do something other than add your own narrative on the form, how we can move forward.
Thanks again,
My immediate response:
Dear Catherine,
I Promise I Will respond to You more formally shortly (though maybe not before early next week, it’s been a busy one for Me), but for now I just Wish to let You know Your last email Truly made My day. I feel that You are hearing Me, and that means the world to Me, so thank You.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Good afternoon. I’m just following up your last and very much appreciate your email.
I am at my desk most of the week so if you wanted to go over anything or had any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
Take good care & thanks again.
Hi Catherine,
I’ve had a chance to review Your email more carefully and I find it very satisfactory. Thank You kindly for Your attention to detail. I Will return the release form to You when I have had a chance to properly fill it out. I am hoping this is not a Matter of immediate urgency as I have no desk at the moment but Will be receiving one at the end of the month and prefer to wait until then if that is not an inconvenience.
I also haven’t had a chance to fully review the included Strategic Direction plan but appreciate You sending it and Will review it more carefully later. For now, I like that the first Word at the foot of the Strategic Direction plan is HONOUR. Honour is paramount.
I also hope You don’t Mind, I did tell You I like to publish as much as I can on the public record and I believe the last email reflects very favourably on Canada, Ottawa, the Ottawa Police Services and on Your determination and commitment to this Issue in particular. It is called the Good News Journal, so it is always nice to have Good News to share. It has been refreshing, thank You.
Thanks again, I’ll be in touch, have a fabulous week,
See, I’m not so hard to get along with…
Seriously, thank You very much Sergeant Catherine Wood, You have done an exceptional job on behalf of the Ottawa Police Service You represent.
Well, that’s My Good News for this Magical Monday Motive-A-Sean Edition, hope and Trust You are all well.
Love and Blessings,
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