Hello every One, welcome to the Super Natural Sun Day Review, thank King or Queen You for joining Me. It has been a reasonably quiet week, though somewhat exciting (and extremely cold). Today I’m also going to be reviewing some of My resolute-Sean’s for the New Year and how I’m making out with them. I’m also going to be tall King about the Magic of Monday’s (moon-day) first Full Moon of the year which is perfectly synchronized with one of the most important matters in My Microcosm, My father’s estate and My rightful inheritance. As always, it is a Pleasure to have You in My House.
Alright, first thing I Wish to start with is My New Year resolute-Sean to resume war King out. Typically, I don’t usually make New Year’s resolute-Sean’s because I believe that now is as Good a time as any to start any regiment that Will benefit One’s Life. However, picking a date to start is an exceptional excuse to procrastinate and potentially psyche one’s Self up for the starting date – so long as One actually starts on their official starting date! Basically what I’m saying here in a roundabout Way, is that I had decided it was time to start war King out again as soon as I moved into My new office at the beginning of November, and was pretty much procrastinating up until the New Year. Since then, I have been very Good at keeping My commitments so far.

It’s True, I haven’t done My workout yet today, but I’ve got a hearty meal on the stove as I Write this entry and Will be war King out as soon as I’ve finished this Post. The Idea behind sharing My routine for war King out is to help People get started with their own regiment regardless their current level of fitness. One can see that I started off very slow this year, beginning My first workout with only one set consisting of the number of reps I Wish to maintain for a total of five sets, with one minute, thirty seconds rest interval between sets.

The yellow coloured boxes at the top of each set indicate the difficulty of the set. For push ups, the boxes represents the elevation of My feet – one box is flat, two boxes is with My feet on a stool or similar (using My coffee table right now), and three Will be with My feet on something roughly the height of a desk or counter (not applicable yet).
The goals in the top left corner are starting goals I’m hoping to achieve by the end of each month. The variation is important because I Will start mixing it up every month when gains start to slow. Even a slight variation in technique Will affect different muscles which can help to shock new muscle growth. War king out is biological evolution occurring in real time. If the muscle is not challenged, it has no reason to continue evolving. I hit My first goal of fifty push ups per day yesterday, just one day short of My goal to reach fifty pushups per day by two weeks. It’s a Good start, but I was once able to do sixty pushups in a minute, and the year end goal is 500 per work out, so I still have a long Way to go. In My Mind, a year seems like ample time to reach My goal, though it is very difficult to gauge and I’m not going to know how likely I am to reach My goal for a few more months yet.
The other reason I Wish to share this with You is because it really is very easy and takes very little time out of My day (less than 20 minutes, probably less than fifteen). I’m also sharing because I genuinely believe that five sets is the perfect number of sets for any resistance, strength training exercise. Although I did quit due to an injury last time (elbow bursitis), injuries are far less likely when One is doing what I call ‘natural’ exercises. The body was perfectly designed to carry Our weight, so it is less likely that tendon and cartilage damage Will occur from over-exertion. (I attribute My last injury to war King out ‘cold’ – it is Good to shake the arms around and get blood flowing to the muscles before starting One’s workout.) At the same time, the injury didn’t hurt, I just had a gross, golf-ball sized protrusion on My elbow that took almost three weeks to completely disappear.
In addition to war King out, I’ve maintained My commitment to Write a Blog Post daily and I am confident this is a habit I Will continue to maintain for the year unless there are serious unforeseen circumstances beyond My control.
I also thought it might be worth mentioning that I am still procrastinating with other goals I have for My Self, one of which is painting for at least an hour a day (and preferably two), getting back to My Latin course, and playing at least one game of chess everyday (for My Mind). The only real reason I’m still procrastinating on those resolute-Sean’s is because I Wish for all of these things to be new habits that are just part of My daily routine, and I don’t Wish to take on so much that something gets omitted. The goals are in something of a priority sequence, so I’m planning to build on that foundation.
Also, before I continue with other Good News of the past week, it really doesn’t take long to see results which is the other reason I’m Posting My routine. One can see that I’ve already made improvements, but physically, the transformation is unbelievable. It already looks like I’ve been war King out for at least three months, so I’m encouraging any One who feels like they should start war King out or has always Wished to start to get on it. There really is no time like the Present and even though I have started with as much enthusiasm many times only to Give it up for one reason or another somewhere down the road, it is still significantly better than never starting at all! Really. That’s why My body bounces back so quickly – because muscles have memory that Will stay with One for Life. So even if You lose (quit war King out after a couple of weeks or months), You are still winning and Way ahead of where One would be if they’d never started.
Okay, I am thing King that finishes My fitness lecture (which is probably how it comes across) but I Promise One Will never regret improving their fitness.
Otherwise, the really big Good News of the past week is that My Declaration of Trust was received by Ontario Works ‘On Her Majesty’s Service’. Obviously I can’t speak for the government, but if I were a government service employee and I were to receive a package in the mail with no postage, but instead a thumbprint and the Words ‘On Her Majesty’s Service’ in its place, I would be taking that package very seriously. It is also worth noting (if I haven’t mentioned it before) that it is also receipt of legal and lawful notice ‘On Her Majesty’s Service’. The stamp itself Acts as a Notice to the recipient of the sender’s position of Office.
Kitchener Collegiate Vocational Institute was also served a Notice of Claim for My short story, ‘Like a Fish out of Water’ and have thus far failed to respond. Not really a huge surprise I suppose, though I figured a school board was more likely to demonstrate Honour and integrity than the Canadian government, though I suppose they are branches of the same tree, so I should not be surprised.
And finally, My big ‘Good News’ is that I have drafted the Default Judgment, Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata against Noah S. Potechin and Laraine Burton of Merovitz Potechin LLP. I considered placing the bank (their client) on Notice, too, but the fact of the Matter is the bank does not have any capacity to cause Me harm, they are entirely dependent on a representative agent (Noah). Noah should know the law (that’s presumably why they hired him) and he is ultimately responsible if he does not know what a bill of exchange is or that My payment to him was legal and lawful. Noah has a legal and lawful obligation to Present My offer to his client before refusing acceptance, and he failed to do so. I am not necessarily confident that the result would have been any different, it would only affect liability.
The other issue, is that if Noah is claiming My payment is no Good, he has an obligation to return it to Me with a letter of protest of acceptance explaining why the payment cannot be accepted. This ‘protest of acceptance’ on an ‘acceptance for Honour’ is necessary to Show the payment was refused. The refusal of acceptance is the legal grounds for Noah and his client losing their right of recourse (power of sale). So the fact he didn’t return the payment to Me is also very shady because as a lawyer, it is expected Noah should know these things. So he refuses acceptance of payment, but is failing to provide the instrument he is refusing to accept (theft of the commercial instrument) worth the Value he was as King of Me for in the first place.
I don’t have the most recent Notice of Default Judgment to share with You today as it is scheduled to send for 7:37 tomorrow AM to get Noah’s week started on the right foot. I also tried calling Noah three times but there was no answer and his mailbox is full. He’s had no problem receiving any of My other correspondences, I wonder what his excuse Will be (that’s rhetorical, I doubt very much he has one). I said there was some Magic on the Way for the Full Moon on Monday and placing Noah on Notice on the Full Moon seems serendipitous in Deed.
Alright, that’s this week in review and I hope You are making the best of this crazy world. There is a lot of other Good stuff going on in the Macrocosm, too, the most notable and Victorious being the SCOTUS ruling on mandated vaccines being ‘unlawful’. SCOTUS carries a lot of weight in Case Law rulings, so this Will be setting a precedent for other countries and the treasonous Acts of their fraudulent, fascist de-facto government dictators usurping the Sovereignty of their People and nation.
Love and Blessings,
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