Hello every One and welcome to the Sensei-Sean all Saturday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have Your Royal (Moral) Highness in My House. I have another explosive Edition for You today as I continue to expose corruption in Canada’s Courts that seems to be so common in this Common Law Jurisdiction, and Moral Highness is in short supply, that the ‘Sensei-Sean’ all Saturday Edition takes on a whole new meaning for officers of Canada’s Courts.
One of the most basic Principles of Justice in Canada’s Courts and the Superior Courts of each province in particular, is that the Superior Courts of every province are of inherent, concurrent and congruent jurisdiction. The Superior Courts of each province must (legally meaning no except-Sean’s) be of inherent, concurrent and congruent jurisdiction in Order to be (legally and lawfully) a Court of competent Jurisdiction. The Superior Courts of each province are the default Courts of competent Jurisdiction. This is very easy to prove because Canada’s Department of Justice have made this information available as an external link to Canada’s Charter so that Claimants who’ve had their Charter rights violated know where One can go for Remedy.
Charter Remedies, 24.1“The superior courts of each province have constant and concurrent jurisdiction to hear section 24(1) applications to ensure that there is always a court of competent jurisdiction (Rahey, supra, at pages 603-604; R. v. Mills, [1986] 1 S.C.R. 863, at page 956; Weber v. Ontario Hydro, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 929, at page 962; Canada (Attorney General) v. McArthur, [2010] 3 S.C.R. 626 at paragraph 14). They are the “default” courts of competent jurisdiction (Doucet-Boudreau v. Nova Scotia (Minister of Education), [2003] 3 S.C.R. 3 at paragraph 45)”
The brackets following each statement are case law examples where Rulings have been made by the highest Court of Law in Canada (which IS the Superior Court of every province unless they fail to provide Remedy in accordance with the Provisions (Pro-Vision – for REAL professionals in Law, not attorney or lawyers at Law – big difference, Trust Me) afforded to the Courts by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General. And what exactly is a Provision, and what does it mean if a Court has Provisions afforded to it?
Now, there Will be a ‘legal’ definition for the Word, too – but We’re not interested in that because I’m not a lawyer/liar, I’m not a false profit, not a commercial entity, I’m a Lawful Man with a Lawful Trust in God. My first language is English, and that is the Common language for most People in Canada outside of Quebec, though as a bi-lingual corporate entity, One can also request for proceedings to be in French. Either Way, a French or English language dictionary’s definition of a Word is the only One the Common Man is required to comprehend – if the legal fiction’s definition is different, that’s ‘legalese’ and foreign language to the Common Man, which would be deceptive, fraudulent, and contrary to the Principles of Law integral to Justice. So We are Trusting Mirriam-Webster’s definition of ‘Provision’.
a: the act or process of providing
b: the fact or state of being prepared beforehand
c: a measure taken beforehand to deal with a need or contingency : PREPARATION
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Every single code, statute or ‘Act’ legislated by State Actors in a constitutional society (at this point I care not what type of government it is, the constitution is the compact between the People of the society and its State Actors), is to guarantee and protect the rights enshrined in their Charter. It really is that simple. That is precisely why any code, statute or Act that violates a Charter or Treaty obligation, is ‘to the extent of the violation, of no force or effect’.
So the Provisions of the Court were set up to provide Remedy for Charter violations specifically. It is also defined as ‘a measure taken beforehand to deal with a need or contingency’. What I’m getting at here, is that the Courts must Honour Charter obligations before they may consider any other code, statute or Act. If One reads the whole page, You Will find that even ‘statute barred’ claims can be made because the provisions are external to the Charter it Self, and a statute ‘barring’ One’s ability to receive remedy for a Charter violation would be inconsistent with the Charter and the Provisions of the Court to provide remedy which take priority over any statute (beforehand relevance). In Order for a lawyer to argue that a Charter right is ‘statute barred’ they Will have to prove that there is an inherent right to deny One remedy if they don’t make their Claim soon enough. Good luck with that! Otherwise, the Charter right and Provision of the Court to provide remedy Trumps the statute of limitations because the statute is not protecting an inherent right.
In this very Trust Claim I was threatened by Jester of a Justice, Jaye ‘the Hopeless’ Hooper for Recording the Rule 21 Motion hearing, telling Me that if I did not remove the audio of the Motion from My website, she may ‘notify the police’ or ‘charge Me with contempt’. I told the Jester of a Justice that she’s not allowed to threaten a Claimant that comes before her Court for exercising Charter rights not provided to Me by the Courts themselves, and advised her that the Charter allows for uninhibited public access to the Courts. Apparently, Recording the audio is a violation of the Courts of Justice Act of Ontario. No code, statute or Act, including the Courts of Justice Act has the force of Law to violate a Charter obligation. Justice Jaye Hooper had nothing to say in reply, and the audio of the Motion is still available for You here…
The Justice violated more than One Rule of the Court because she’s not allowed to demonstrate bias or prejudice – she’s to be an impartial magistrate of the Court. She doesn’t have a ‘Will’ to be offended by what I Post, and she can’t even know about the Post unless My opposing counsel were to file a Motion of contempt against Me for publishing the audio. No judge has any right to take the law into her own hands without receiving direction from a party to the proceeding. The Justice represents the Court, and Courts don’t have the Will to move without the Will of a Man or his or her representative Motioning the Court. They don’t use the Word ‘Motion’ arbitrarily. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest until they are moved by an external force. No One filed a Motion, the Judge was Acting rogue which shows extreme bias. She should be recused (and fired – but We know that Will never happen).
I didn’t really expect for this Post to be so long, I’m just trying to update this International Public Record with the latest update. Despite telling the Jester of a Judge in the Rule 21 Motion hearing that doesn’t even allow for the Judge to consider the evidence opposing counsel is Presenting to the Judge (which immediately disqualifies any consideration to dismiss because if evidence is required, then the Motion needs to be made under a different Rule and doesn’t qualify for dismissal under Rule 21) that I had no knowledge of any developments in the Estate Application and had not been served with any documents since March 24th, 2022, this clown turns the Court into a circus and decides that the Claim is a ‘colossal attack’ on an Endorsement I knew nothing about.
But the antics in this circus of a Court get even more entertaining. When there is a Motion to enforce the Decision, the Registrar of the Ottawa Court confirms that no documents have been filed in the Estate Application since March 24th, 2022 – exactly like I Claimed in My initial materials, My clear and explicit Reply Factum, and in the Rule 21 Motion hearing. You can hear Derrick Bert confirm these facts Your Self…
Why is this so crazy? Because apparently either Derrick Bert legitimately has no Idea what it means to be war King for a Court of concurrent and congruent Jurisdiction, or he sincerely believes that I don’t, and that he can gaslight Me on an International Public Record. Whether it be a result of ignorance and incompetence or Willful, criminal intent to gaslight Me and his obligations to the Court, Derrick continues to attempt to provide excuse for the Bracebridge Courthouse not filing documents onto the Court of Record for over a year and more than six months after a Certificate has allegedly been awarded. He even clearly states that the Estate Matter is still open and has not been resolved yet!!! But he doesn’t consider that fraud?! Just how incompetent are these People, and or how stupid are they thing King I am? Not stupid enough to be thing King that King Charles III Will find this funny if this Claim escalates to that level – which it Will do if Remedy is not provided to Me on or before June 17th.
So, just to humour Derrick Bert of the Superior Court, I make another call to the Bracebridge Courthouse, requesting the Court of Record for the Estate Application, including proof of service of all hearings and endorsements on all parties with an interest in the outcome of the proceeding required to process the Application (which of course Will be required before One can Issue a Certificate). Clueless Kim (who REFUSES to Give Me her last name which is interfering with Justice – as an officer of the Court she does not have any right to keep her name or the Estate private from Me) clearly indicates in Our phone conversation that the Estate files have now been entered onto the system and I should now be able to contact any Superior Court in the Province of Ontario to receive the full Court of Record. I am specifically as King if the Ottawa Courthouse Will be able to produce the full Court of Record now. Once again she confirms ANY Superior Court should be able to pull up the file with the file number 2020-59 (not actually a valid file number, but they are attempting to gaslight Me on this point, too). Listen for Your Self…
So now We have two Court Registrar’s, both representatives of the Ontario Superior Court in the municipalities of Ottawa and Bracebridge. The Bracebridge Courthouse is telling Me all the files have now been processed onto the Record and I can contact any Superior Court in Ontario to receive the full Court of Record, and Derrick Bert insisting that the only Courthouse that Will have the information I am requesting is the Bracebridge Courthouse. And apparently the Bracebridge Courthouse doesn’t know what they have on file, they have ‘exactly what I have’ – which is nothing since Notice of an Application on March 24th with no file number assigned to it, and no Registrar’s signature to show it had been received by the Court. It didn’t even have a back page (they probably don’t think I know that’s required for all Court forms). It was clearly a fraud that was NOT filed with any Court.
Obviously, it’s getting harder and harder for Derrick Bert to come up with believable excuses. One of the ‘tricks’ I like to Play with officials of the Court, is as King rhetorical Quest-Ions like, ‘Doesn’t that prove the fraud on its face?’ just innocently enough for Derrick to be thing King it’s a genuine Quest-Ion when really I’m just trying to figure out how many People of the Court are attempting to gaslight Me. I know they must be thing King I’m stupid, so I take advantage by as King rhetorical Quest-Ions I already know the answer to. I did this to the Freedom of Information People recently, too.
Every Superior Court in Ontario should know everything every other Superior Court in Ontario knows. There MUST be a chronological accounting of when documents are filed with the Court, otherwise the Bracebridge Courthouse could switch out documents whenever they Wish, tell One party One thing while telling another party something else – it opens Pandora’s box and allows all kinds of evil to corrupt the Court process, allowing a franchise of the Superior Court to Act ‘rogue’ (as Michelle Murphy chose to do in this case, conspiring with My sister’s lawyer to exclude Me from the proceedings).
Because they’ve been caught in their fraud, they can’t really process any of the documents now because there Will be a chronological record that Will Show when they were entered onto the public Record. So their best attempt is to convince Me due process was had without ever producing any Court of Record!!! Yup, stupid is as stupid does.
So I’m calling both Courts out on their lies by making the request for the Court of Record to both Courts at the same time!!! Yeah, let’s see what kind of incredible excuse they have for Me this time. Two courts telling two different stories, finally get a chance to Act concurrently and congruently as they are required to do. Enjoy!!!
Love and Blessings,
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