That is the Quest-Ion this Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. I do Love Friday’s because I’m even more fear-less and Free Lance about Casting the Magic of My Words into Man’s Macrocosm than usual. There are so many crazy things to be tall King about in Man’s Macrocosm these days that the whole King thing sounds more sensible with every passing second – seriously! We now live in a world where if One says that a Man and a Womb-Man are biologically different, they Will be called ‘transphobic’, a ‘Nazi’, a ‘mysogynist’, and finally (and perhaps most comically), a ‘Trump supporter’. That’s just a few off the top of My head, there are many more and a quick search on Twitter or similar Will help You find them. The same is True if One believes that puberty blockers and operations that mutilate the genitals of young children should be absolutely outlawed until the child is of lawful age to consent and fully informed of the consequences.
See, We’re just getting started and We’re already tall King about heavy topics and We haven’t touched on international affairs yet! The U.S. and Ukraine are determined to antagonize Russia as much as they possibly can, it seems they committed to causing conflict and inevitable catastrophe. Most of Us are not stupid enough to believe Russia would destroy its own dam but of course that is what legacy media Wishes for Us to believe. Oh, and look at that! Saved by a Notification of Elon Musk’s most recent tweet (at least as far as My Twitter algorhythm is concerned).
I mean, seriously. Okay, so it’s a few hours old but I did just get the Notification. I had three Notifications but this was also the first time I was ‘notified’ of a notification. I read People complaining to Elon about Twitter stuff all the time on his feed, he Musk get so sick of it (yes, that pun was intended).
However, speaking of being Notified or not being Notified, that is also the Quest-Ion in My Microcosm. I sent an email to confirm the Case Conference for Monday, advising the Court that I would like to use the opportunity to Enforce the Order for Default Judgment awarded against the Respondents that was duly served upon them. I also included the Notices served upon the Ottawa and Bracebridge Court staff complicit with the fraud.
Initially, Violet responded to say there were no other scheduled Motions until September 7th. I replied as King when the Case Conference was cancelled and whether or not any One had intended to Give Me Notice that the Conference has been cancelled. I then started searching My Records looking for exactly what the Judge said in the Case Conference to cross reference with My Notes and make sure I hadn’t made an error. I do make mistakes all the time, but not typically with something so important. Any Motion (or Case Conference) can be converted into a Motion for Judgment, and I am thing King it’s Rule 37.12 but don’t quote Me on that, though I’m pretty sure it’s 37.something. 37 is My Magic number so it is not an important Rule for no reason.
It was very much worth listening to again, just to re Mind My Self of how much contempt for the Rule of Law and the Rules of the Court have been demonstrated by every single officer of the Court this Claim has been Presented to. There is absolutely no Way they would even try to get away with this nonsense if I were a licensed lawyer – the problem is, I’m not!!!
The fact that I’m telling the Judge that I require a copy of the service of the Endorsement and the Court of Record should be enough for the Judge to at least be suspect that something is amiss.
Regardless, what I’m as King for from each of the Respondents at the Case Conference hearing specifically is service of the Endorsement on Sean. I go as far as to say it’s the only document I’m Truly interested in seeing because I know it doesn’t exist, and if they fail to produce that document I Will be as King for an additional $100,000.00 from each of the Respondents for Willful defamation of Character with criminal intent to influence justice. Seriously, I say almost exactly those Words, check it out for Your Self.
The fact a Court is NOT taking action to recover the fraudulent Certificate is outrageously unacceptable incompetence at best, and showcasing the corruption in Canada’s Courts at worst. Very difficult to tell right now, so I’m going to go with a healthy measure of each.
As far as Man’s Macrocosm is concerned, it’s all about the children, ladies and gentlemen, fell-low Queens and Kings. The whole transgender ideology isn’t about gay rights or gender disphoria, it’s about sterilizing and sexualizing children for People who prey on that kind of thing. They Wish to normalize the sexualization of children, that’s what the propaganda machine (legacy media) is all about. I’m opposed to government teaching sexuality to children in schools, leave that to the family values at home.
That’s just My humble opinion this Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition. I believe the only Real pandemic is a pandemic of Mindless compliance by those who’ve contracted the #WokeMindVirus.
Love and Blessings,
Post Script: Today’s photo is Musa Paradisio, more commonly called the ‘Banana plant’. This baby is three years old and can potentially produce bananas beginning at year five if conditions are favourable enough. We Will see…
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