Hello every One and welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Presence is a Gift in My House. Today was a very Motive a Sean all Monday for Me because I still wasn’t sure if there would be a Case Conference today when I got up this morning, so I had to start the day with a follow up email to the Court.
Again, I don’t believe in coincidences and I’m guessing that providing an audio of the Case Conference and quoting the Judge scheduling the hearing wasn’t sufficient ‘proof’ that a Case Conference had been scheduled. The only reason I was as King of the Court in the first place is because all I had Writ down was ’12, June, 12 – Case Conference’, and it was just on a scrap of paper keeping important notes and dates related to this Matter. I just wanted to be 100% sure that there had been no change without having to find the actual pdf pertaining to scheduling, or having to listen to the audio Record to be sure. Notice that in the second to last email in the correspondence above, I also located the pdf pertaining to the minutes of the last Case Conference in Writing. I was going to follow up by quoting the pdf where is clearly states that a Case Conference shall take place on June 12th at 12:00 noon, and explain that ‘shall’ means MUST – obligation, legally binding. However, at Magical 11:37 AM (and almost right on the second) I received the confirm a Sean of the Case Conference I was as King for!!!
Now, if You didn’t READ the first pdf today, I wouldn’t blame You – who Wishes to read court documents and boring emails? But if You did, You may have Noticed that there was a Resolute Sean propose all for David Lametti at around 9:40 AM, telling him that if the Judge of the Court does his job and holds the current parties to the Claim accountable, putting an immediate stop to the harm being done to Me by these criminals, I Will absolve ‘the Crown’ of any direct (commercial) liability related to this Claim, and David Lametti Will not be accountable as Chief officer of the Court in his personal, private capacity.
I was thing King that was a pretty Good Resolute Sean propose all for every One and figured it might even be responsible for the Court conveniently confirming the Case Conference. The fact that the Judge was booked (though scheduled in January) and was as King to reschedule only 23 minutes before the originally scheduled appointment? Yeah, I am thing King it is more likely opposing counsel cancelled the Case Conference without Notice to Me and the Court figured they better re-schedule something so that I don’t have one more thing to complain about (and that the Crown it Self Will be liable for).
It was also very easy to tell that opposing counsel was not prepared for any Case Conference today and surprised to hear about it.
Neil immediately Wishes for confirm a Sean that the Case Conference is NOT happening!!!
But, despite an optimistic start to this Motive a Sean all Monday, the Court proved to be as corrupt and or incompetent as ever. I mean, the Judge doesn’t even dispute any of the points I make, he just implies that somehow these Provisions do not apply in My Court? I find that to be an interesting interpret a Sean of the Rule of Law and the Rule of the Courts – and quite frankly, an incorrect and unreasonable one! But You know, as per usual, We are keeping a careful public Record for the King to review and determine for him Self if this is the sort of Repute a Sean the King Will Wish for Canada’s ‘Crown’ Courts. Who knows, maybe His Majesty Will be okay with Crown courts hosting clowns and jesters in place of Justice. I am thing King Charles has enough on his plate trying to dis-Spell the curses Cast upon his House and its repute a Sean by Meghan Markle. The King doesn’t Wish to discover that ‘the Crown’ means nothing but corrupt-Sean in Common Law Courts of their Jurisdict-Sean.
So here’s the last Act of contempt by a Superior Court Judge who has no moral or ethical obligation to put a stop to any Court fraud or hold any officers accountable to the Rule of Law or even the Rules of Civil Procedure, even when he knows a Claimant Will be further harmed by his failure to take Action (unless he is also going to Claim he doesn’t understand English). I antipate this Case Conference Will soon top the charts because it’s the most blatant demonstrate Sean of incompetence or corrupt-Sean so far.
Love and Blessings,
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