Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Re-View, thank Your Royal, Moral Highness for being here, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. Initially, the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Re-View were Posts directly related to Honouring My late Father in some Way. That is not the Case for today’s Post, though I’ve decided that I Will Keep using ‘Son’ day in place of the usual ‘Sun’ day to remind every One that We are all Sons and Daughters of God, We are all Heirs to God’s Kingdom. Christ was Called the Son of God because He was the example the Sons and Daughter’s of God were meant to follow; the Truth, the Life, and the Way. One does not need to be a Christian to appreciate that Christ set an excellent moral example for Man’s kind to follow.
It’s been an exciting week for Man’s Macrocosm; We had a coup or psyop designed to fool the west into believing there was a coup taking place in Russia for the Free Lance Friday Edition, a resolution to the situation in Russia was reached as suddenly as the story emerged for the Sensei-Sean all Saturday Edition, (further suggesting Putin may well be a tactical genuis manipulating a psyop on the west), and for today’s ‘Son’ day Edition, the latest developments on Twitter at this moment in time are…
Well, let’s start with how MSNBC and the mainstream ‘legacy’ media are attempting to frame this whole situation, now that they are left piecing all the inform a Sean together and realizing that the west most likely just got played. Don’t hate player Putin, hate the game You’re losing.
What’s really going on, and the more likely Truth to the whole situation in Russia regarding this attempted coup (allegedly)? Well, let’s look at where Putin’s troops are after they re-routed toward Russia, then headed back out to the battlefield as if nothing had changed…
These are the kind of things MSNBC and CNN Will not show You because this makes it look like any One who believe the coup was real is a fool. It appears to be denial of what is. Yet MSNBC and CNN still Wish to suggest that this means Ukraine is winning the war and Russia’s People are losing faith in their leader. Obviously they didn’t see the Russian People cheering the Wagner group on after announcing they were heading back out to continue the offensive. The People looked ecstatic with excitement!
As I predicted on Fabulous Free Lance Friday, this was a psyops – potentially, a very profitable one because it’s also very likely that it was ‘the west’ who paid for this coup. A loyal general appeared to play into the coup by heading back to Russia to close the deal, and as soon as the money transferred to Prigozhin’s account, they made it appear as though they reached a deal with Putin when he’d known about the bribe the entire time. It was just a Way to swindle another $6.2 billion dollars from an Americal jackal. Jackal’s are special spies designed to be-Friend important military commanders (or a country’s leader) to bribe them into serving a foreign interest. Many jackals were used by the U.S. to get foreign countries to accept a loan from the IMF or Federal Reserve, effectively enslaving People one nation at a time.
Here are some of the things those who Wish for all of Us to hate Putin should take into consideration, because these are some of the reasons Putin’s People love him so much, which is why his chief commanders on the battlefield are so loyal.
And that brings Us to other Good News not currently being reported by any of Canada’s public #propaganda networks. The CBC doesn’t Wish for You to know how unpopular this transgender ideology really is in Canada, so they won’t be showing You any of the massive protests that were taking place in Ottawa and other major cities in Canada today, despite some of the worst air quality warnings being in effect for the city of Ottawa.
The only Good News about the censorship in Canada is that I can now provide any One who doesn’t have a Twitter account with exclusive content not available on mainstream media, or even mainstream internet! Facebook probably won’t let Me share any of this stuff and I’m not even going to bother attempting to test the theory because I don’t need any accounts monitored any more than they already are!
Here’s a better look at just how many People were out at parliament today. Canada has removed all Canadian flags and replaced them with the alphabet flag. This literally represents the conquering of a nation by a foreign entity, and believe Me when I tell You it is not done in ignorance or without intent.
And speaking of intention…

Mara’s (one of the ‘Community Volunteers’ for MHI, Multifaith Housing Initiative) Intention behind planting the rose bushes here on the left, was to harm children that might play in the area. Yes, that is literally the cause and motive behind planting the rose bushes, tacitly confirmed by MHI’s Gardening Committee. Previously, there were flower bushes – but ones that are virtually indestructible and not going to cause harm if any One were to fall into them. You may also Notice that (almost as if it was done to deliberately block the path to the smoking area) there is caution tape around the vehicle, literally forcing People to walk through the rose bushes if they Wish to reach the path to exit the common courtyard! You have to wonder if they were trying to find the most inconvenient place to park this car. Was there something wrong with the parking lot that they had all tenants vacate for this community barbecue (and parking spots they pay for by the way)? I swear, bankrupt when it comes to common cents.

This is just to show how prolific rose bushes already are in the area. As I said previously, this stretch of rose bushes is roughly half a kilometer long. This is also where they obtained the rose bushes in the previous photo. I’m pretty sure it’s city property, not sure if they were as King if they could take some and I don’t really care that they did – the rose bushes belong to the People at the end of the day. ]
But they are not the kind of thing that just ‘take care of their Self’ – they Will need to be pruned and trimmed every year, but no One Will Wish to do that! And because no One Will Wish to do that, they Will become an even greater hazard for the children and a greater cost for the landlord to maintain over time, never Mind the liability claims when some child does eventually fall into them. Remember, the intent is that these rose bushes Will harm children in the community, so that intention Will Magically Manifest now that the seed of intention has been planted – it is the law of the Universe. So a child Will be harmed, it is only a Matter of time – unless some One takes proactive measure to remove them.

I was aggressively verbally and physically assaulted when I attended a community event I was invited to by the ‘Volunteer Committee’ their Self. They had a Sign on the door stating that masks were mandatory except for those with a medical exempt-Sean, and to respect those with a medical exemption. It also advised that People with medical exemptions are not required to provide proof of exemption (those are private medical records). So they had the (correct) Laws clearly Posted on the door, but it did not stop every One from trying to tell Me I was not allowed to enter without a mask!
When I mentioned that I have a medical exempt-Sean, they told Me they don’t care, and got right in My face, so close that I couldn’t move forward without walking into them! I was called a fascist, white priviledge, entitled, ‘a-hole’ Man (and said like the Word it Self was evil) who ‘doesn’t Give a F–k about any One but him Self’ (Laura, a charming lady in the community).
The manager, Sahata was called by one of the volunteers and continued to assault Me by yelling right in My face, inches away from Me, telling Me I’m putting every One in the room at risk because I’m not wearing a mask – all while social distancing was still ‘law’ at the time. I’m the vulnerable One not able to wear a mask, and they are getting in My personal space, threatening Me with removal and trespass for having a medical exemption? Narcissists put up Signs like this when their policies tell a different story.

I was so furious, and they were so ‘in My face’ that I couldn’t even move forward, I had to turn around toward the door I entered from, where I promptly returned to the door, ripped the Sign off the door, and returned it to Sahata as King of her to read it out to Me.
“Now You’re damaging property and I’m going to have to report You.”
To this day, I never mentioned it here but I did file an informal complaint and advised MHI that I better not hear of any One else ever being subject to this kind of treatment. I was assured that the letter was sent to the highest levels of mangement, but I have never received an apology and have been discriminated against by the community volunteers ever since. Treating People with dignity and respect, does not apply to the unvaxxed as far as MHI is concerned.
Here’s the email regarding their rose bushes, MHI has so far declined to comment.
Today’s daily dock is a final Notice of Contempt, advising all My adversaries that if they do not respond, I Will be requesting for the Court to have them all Noted in Default for contempt, and advising that the Motion is unopposed.
Love and Blessings,
Today’s feature photo is My garden plot this year. I’m hoping to take a new photo every Son day!

The thirteen pepper plants are easier to see from this side.

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