Hello every One and welcome to the Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have You in My House and We Will finally be getting back to My Matrix IV, Resurrections Interpret-a-Sean this evening. As an added bonus that seemed perfectly kismet and something of a Sign that it’s time to get back to this Interpret-a-Sean from Man’s Macrocosm courtesy of Twitter, Tucker, and Tate. Some of You Will immediately know what I am tall King about, for every One else…
DISCLAIMER: Not an endorsement of any kind, I haven’t even watched the interview My Self yet because this just came out today and I don’t often spend two and a half hours indoors watching an interview in the summer when it’s a beautiful day outside. Once the sun goes down, different story… But I Wish to do a Matrix Interpret-a-Sean and if I watch the interview that Will not get done. So I’m also Posting as something of a ‘to do’ list for Self. Although I haven’t watched it yet, I am thing King it Will be a Good One for every One to watch if only to see the world through a new pair of eyes. I believe it Will contribute to the overall Apocalypse of Man’s Macrocosm.
Ah, the Red Pill – now a familiar Express-Ion in Man’s Macrocosm, the Matrix has infected and hijacked Man’s popular culture. And what does the Red Pill represent? Man’s first sin, the fall from Grace, the Quest for Know-ledge to achieve a new Degree of High-ness. Morpheus is Satan, and here he is tempting Adam. Mr. Anderson, like Adam, cannot resist the tempt a Sean.
What I Wish to be most clear about here, is that I am NOT abandoning any of the themes Presented in My first Matrix Intepret-a-Sean where I have suggested that the Matrix is Our codified system of Commercial Admiralty Law, Morpheus re-Presents the Heavenly Father (the Pope), Trinity re-Presents the Virgin Mother (Queen and now the King, or Crown), and Neo is their Immaculate Concept-Ion, the Saviour (Christ).
Here, I’m suggesting Morpheus is Satan, Trinity is Eve (the (irresistible) Temptress), and Neo is Adam, the first of Man’s kind to SIN. So how can both be True? Because I’ve also said that 6 is 9; for every (Magical) Idea there is an equal and opposing Idea. The apple Eve offers Adam is professed to Give Adam the knowledge of God; the know-ledge of Good and evil. One who has the know-ledge of God would have a Degree of know-ledge equal in Highness to that of Christ.
As I’ve said before in other Writings, if God did not Wish for Adam to take a bite of the Apple and gain the knowledge of God, God would not have allowed a serpent to enter the garden. God made a covenant with Adam and Eve. They could live in their (primitive) paradise forever and ever, or they could have the knowledge of God – but there Will be consequences!!! Neither Adam or Eve could know the reality of the consequences of their Actions despite God’s warning because One must experience suffering to know it. But the know-ledge of Good and evil is what allows Man’s kind to choose which Way to go, and ultimately what Kingdom He Will Establish. God’s Wish was to Establish God’s Kingdom on earth, but he needed Man’s kind to choose it first; and Man cannot make an informed decision without experiential knowledge.
Right now, Man’s kind Will have a choice between a Life of ignorance and a virtual Garden of Eden provided by Klaus Schwab and the WEF (You Will own nothing and You Will be happy), or We Will choose to govern Our Self and make Our own Way in the world without any overlords, one hundred percent accountable to One another for Our Actions. I know that doesn’t even sound realistic right now, but believe Me when I tell You it Will – most People have no Idea just how much labour technology can take over. There is virtually no more need for ‘human resources’, most mundane manual labour jobs especially can be completely automated, and in most cases they can do it better and faster than Man’s kind could ever dream of.
The problem is, so many People are so hopelessly enslaved that most of Man’s kind would suffer!!! Most People would not even know what to do with their Self if they never had to work another (mundane) job in their life! But the reality is, technology Will eventually be used to continually reduce the overall labour required to distribute necessary resources and the workload and compensation Will be evenly distributed just like the resources. We Will know abundance like most cannot imagine and We Will spend most of Our time socializing and exploring the world (or whatever else We Wish to do). We really are heading into a Golden Age for Man’s kind. We are on the brink of the Golden Dawn.
However, before the Golden Dawn can break, the darkest night must pass. That’s where We are in Man’s Macrocosm, and that’s also where We are in this Tell a Vision Interpret-a-Sean of Matrix IV, Resurrections. One of the Key themes to take away from this series over the first Matrix, is that Mr. Anderson’s friendship with Satan is instrumental for him achieving success.
And that’s also Your cliffhanger for this week!
We might not seem to be getting through this one very fast, but the Ideas in this film are far more complex than the first. However, We do have a lot of Action scenes coming up soon which Will move this Interpret-a-Sean along more quickly (because I don’t have much to say about the action sequences).
Love and Blessings,
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