Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural Son Day Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. Today is the ‘Son’ Day Re-View to re-Mind My audience that as far as the Anno Domini Calendar is concerned, Christ’s moral example is the Way to go. If any Canadian Wishes to Honour their ‘True North’, Man’s moral compass should be Set to the example of Christ. The Truth, the Life, and the Way, right? And God’s Sun in the sky is what Gives Life to all on earth, so ‘Son’ day seems like an appropriate day to celebrate both.
I have to Write about this because it Truly blows Me away. The Canadian government is unabashedly perpetrating #CrimesAgainstHumanity and contributing to global #Genocide. We shouldn’t really be surprised, I suppose, that is pretty much what they did to the aboriginal People that lived here before; treasonous traitors betrayed the Crown and decided they Will conquer the land for their Self. They murdered countless numbers of People, We Will never Truly know how many, and were recently narcissistic and arrogant enough to be as King of the Roman Catholic Church to take credit for their crimes because they allegedly did so in the name of ‘Christianity’. Really? Wow! Such audacity!!!
Now You know why I shouldn’t be surprised that Health Canada is still recommending for People to get the ‘Covid’ shot despite the fact that science has now conclusively shown that the risks considerably outweigh any benefits – because so far, there are none! It does not stop transmission, prevent One from contracting any virus (because ‘Covid’ is really just the common cold OR an adverse event from one of the other jabs People were intimidated and coerced into taking without being fully informed and in violation of the Rule of Law governing informed consent), or reduce symptoms! In fact, 100% of test subject for the vaccine in the Pfizer trials contracted covid! Yes, You read that correctly, 100%!!! Still going to try and tell Me it’s not a #bioweapon? It was developed in a lab, One can sugar coat it all they Wish, it is a bioweapon by definition. The jab is in fact a vehicle for transmission of the Wuhan virus. Just watch My Words Magically Manifest.
For consent to be legally or lawfully binding, consent must be fully informed and Given without coersion or intimidation. No One in Canada has Given legal or lawful consent to be vaccinated because Health Canada is STILL not advising Canada’s People that the risks are serious and potentially lethal. How many People have to die before a crime is considered #Genocide? If You hadn’t guessed, I’m furious!!!
What adverse side effects have officially been released by Pfizer?
SADS (Sudden Acute Death Syndrome) is up 10-25% in countries that mandated the jab and Canada’s Public Health hasn’t called an inquiry yet, advised the public or recalled the product? That should be sufficient to let Canada’s People know that these vaccines and the recent plandemic have nothing at all to do with public health, and everything to do with selling a toxic #bioweapon invented in a lab in Wuhan China, where the spike protien was then sold to the pharmaceutical companies that produced the vaccine.
The obvious collusion between the WHO, the WEF (World Economic Forum) and even China, is too obvious for any critical thing King individual to overlook. And the inform a Sean isn’t new either – that’s why I’m so infuriated. If Canadians can still watch the following video, there is no excuse for Canada’s government claiming ignorance of these facts. Whether correlation infers causation or not, it is gross malfeasance and incompetence on the part of Canada’s government to not at least investigate, put the jabs on hold until We find out for sure what’s causing all the excess deaths.
I’m becoming a big fan of this lady! This is the same Christine Anderson that called out Trudeau for his tyranny in response to a peaceful trucker protest of his illegal, unlawful, and unconstitutional mandates. She wasn’t the only One who expressed disdain for #Trudeautreason, as King of the Man-child to step down and spare the room his fascist opinions. I hope You’ll check it out.
I also like calling the Sunday re-View the ‘Son’ day review because although I am not a Christian and do not believe that Christ is/was God, I do believe the point of the Story is to set the perfect (Immaculate) moral example. So whenever I am thing King it is ‘tough’ Living a Spiritual Life, I consider what Christ went through and, well – what I’m doing is nothing by comparison. The very least I should do, is try to tell People what’s going on as best I can for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
But I have been very seriously discriminated against since the start of this whole thing because of My Spiritual convict-Sean’s. I have never put a mask on My face and I’m (perhaps obviously) not vaccinated! I also haven’t contracted ‘covid’, or if I did it was so mild I didn’t even Notice. I’ve had People tell Me I’m probably an ‘asymptomatic’ carrier and should get tested. Why? So they can stick a q-tip up My nasal cavity laced with graphene oxide? Sure… As fabulous as that sounds, if I’m not feeling sick, I’m not going to Trust a doctor to tell Me I am. I Trust Me and God exclusively.
The Truth is most of the People in My neighbourhood community Love Me, seriously – especially the Muslim community. They feel exactly as I do as far as the whole #wokeMindVirus gender ideology thing is concerned, and most of them Wish they hadn’t taken the vaccine but felt pressured by the community. I may well file a Class Action on their behalf, We’ll see – I’ve got enough going on right now but when the Matters I have in Court now are finally concluded, I Will be taking on this Issue more seriously with Canada’s more significant State Actors. I’m coming for You Trudeau!!! You Will be tried for #treason and #CrimesAgainstHumanity You worthless Man-child.
There is, however, a little ‘cult’ in the community who call their Self ‘volunteers’. What it really means is that they decide amongst their Self that something ‘needs to be done’ in the community, then do it without as King any One in the community. In typical narcissist fashion, they tell every One they are doing it ‘for the community’ when they’re really just serving their Self. The one lady even receieves generous donations for the community (Mara) but ‘Secretly’ has first dibs on all the Goods for her Self and her favourite ‘Friends’ – which ironically enough tend to typically be the same group of community volunteers. I guess they figure they deserve it because they’re not getting paid.
But they are also fascists. These People specifically attacked Me when I attended My first ‘community giveaway’ after being invited by email. I had no Idea what it was, I had just moved into My apartment sometime shortly before this, and I was called a ‘misogynist, white privilege, male prick who only cares about him Self’, all while the ‘manager’ (or so she calls her Self) Sahata, is screaming at Me inches from My face while social distancing was still a thing and I’m not wearing a mask.
Ever since, I’ve been treated like an outsider in the kind of Way where You just know every One is tall King about You behind Your back. (And I’m not just being paranoid, I do legitimately know because I’m so well liked by the rest of the community, I basically have ‘spies’ everywhere who tell Me what some People are really thing King of Me.) I’ve even heard they are attempting to collect witnesses to testify against Me because I’m such a deplorable and violent Character! We’ll see how that works out for them – I just uploaded some new documents to the Landlord Tenant Board today regarding the discriminate-Sean.
And here’s the email that was sent to the Landlord Tenant Board and the landlord regarding the Matter.
Well, there is more than one benefit to Writing a Blog and maintaining a Public Record – I just realized that I haven’t yet filed the above email with the LTB, only the first one. I have, however, advised the landlord that I Will be filing these emails with the LTB. I’m sure I’m not the only One who Will find it a little ridiculous that a landlord doesn’t tell Me they’re not receiving rent payments for a full year? Nothing at all strange about that. My Friends Truly believe that all My legal opponents fear Me like the plague. If they don’t, they should, and if they do… Well, the best first step is an apology. From there We can negotiate. But gaslighting Will blow up in their face. I like that metaphor and feel it is appropriate. My Words Magically Manifest.
Alright, that’s it for this week, thank King or Queen You for joining Me. Please do check out My beautiful garden and gorgeous echinacea first flower bloom!
Love and Blessings,
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