Hello every One, and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour and Pleasure to have You in My House. Yesterday, I was tall King about how Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI)’s ‘Manager of Community Engagement’ is a fascist and a fraud with no real interest in improving communities, only virtue signalling with all the right Words so that People perceive her to be advocating for the dignity and rights of those less privileged than her Self. Not so much that she was Willing to take off her gold Rolex for an interview, or deny that her favourite thing to do is dress up in fancy clothes so she can rub elbows with important People at community ‘galas’, something most of the People Living in the communities she claims to be improving Will never have the opportunity to experience even once. So privileged and out of touch with the People in the community, she doesn’t realize her own arrogance.
Today, I’m tall King about the lawyer and ‘useful tool’ for landlords Wishing to unlawfully deny housing to tenants who refuse to provide their private medical records on demand, Michael Thiele.
The Issues are related because I’m pretty sure that the article published in the Ottawa Citizen is a public relations piece to try to Present Sahada to the public as an ‘upstanding’ citizen with an impeccable record. She’s a globalist, plain and simple. She’s fully vaccinated, or was lucky enough to receive a placebo shot so that her records Will at least show that she is fully vaccinated. How do I know? Well, she’s a member of the ‘Community Equity Council‘, a link which takes One directly to the Ottawa Police Website under ‘careers and volunteering’, and if One is interested in a ‘career’ with the Ottawa Police, they MUST be fully vaccinated, proving that the Ottawa Police Service is a corporation that places corporate, fascist interests of pharmaceutical companies and the #treasonousTrudeau government before the inherent Charter rights of Canada’s People.
Steve Bell, the chief of police, is also a fascist who was caught bold faced lying about using RCMP to trample old ladies peacefully protesting unlawful vaccine mandates during the famous #Truckerconvoy.
When One is literally required to violate their Oath to protect Canada’s Charter and Treaty obligations just to get an interview, One knows the police are no longer serving the People, they’ve been hijacked by a treasonous dictator like Trudeau. My belief is that Sahada’s PR stunt with the Ottawa Citizen was the suggestion of Michael Thiele, hoping to impove the ‘Image’ of his client who has a claim against her in the amount of $10,000.00 for assaulting Me at a community event for not being vaccinated, and not wearing a mask. Like I said, she is a #FRAUD, and she doesn’t Give a Fuck about any One but her Self and her Image in the community. Narcissists are sociopaths. She’s essentially just a glamourized informant for the Ottawa Police who claims (here in the community) that she Wishes to see less police presence in ‘racialized’ neighbourhoods. However, she also claims the Way to regain police Trust in communities, is to have police directly in the communities. If Sahada has her Way, there Will be a community police station right here on the property – that Will make all the racial minorities feel SO much better and earn so much Trust. Yes, I’m being very facetious.
Steve Bell is only still war King for the Ottawa Police because he proved to have enough Nazi in him to do Trudeau’s treasonous bidding. When the police are serving government rather than their Oath, We are officially living in a Banana Republic police state, fascist dictatorship. Trudeau’s just waiting to use his emergency powers once again to violently disrupt any One in Canada who attempts to Honour their Oath to protect the constitutional rights of Canada’s People. I vote for Steve Bell and the rest of the Ottawa Police and RCMP involved in breaking up the blockade to be charged with #Treason and #CrimesAgainstHumanity. Requiring Your officers to be vaccinated is a violation of the Charter regarding autonomy over health care and unconstitutional.
But Michael Thiele is a REAL tool! Listen to this, it REALLY infuriated Me…
This is Canadian Radio, CFRA 580 – boycott if You have a conscience, or at the very least boycott Bill Carroll who is also a fascist and #propagandist. Here they are mocking the Man who was as King if a landlord has the right to refuse tenancy to a tenant two weeks before moving in based on their vaccination status. Michael Thiele says ‘yes’! What a moron! Where did this Man get his law degree, a Crackerjack box? Can You believe this idiot teaches a course (only to paralegals which aren’t really lawyers, but still)?! Yep, this is why We have so many clueless lawyers – because they are being taught by other clueless lawyers.
Here’s a FACT for Michael Thiele. No landlord has the right to demand to see or know any personal medical information, which is exactly what vaccination status is – private medical records. That is protected in Canada and if landlords could discriminate based on One’s medical records, what kind of dystopian world would We all be living in?
Michael Thiele also appears to have no common sense, because he believes healthy, unvaccinated People are a risk to the public? Really? How so? You think he can ever prove that in Court? NEVER! If the vaccine works, why does Michael Thiele care if I’m vaccinated? Oh, it’s for the ‘immunocompromised’? Oh, so if One is immunocompromised they can’t rent an apartment or home? Damn, that’s unfortunate. Unless of course Michael makes except-Sean’s for the immunocompromised (who are at greater risk of getting sick and spreading their illness), but discriminates exclusively for those who could get vaccinated but choose not to because of their Spiritual beliefs or even their belief that they are not as risk of contracting the virus.
Is Michael Thiele one of those really stupid People who believes that vaccinated People pose no risk to the immunocompromised? Does Michael Thiele not understand how vaccines work? A vaccinated individual is the MOST likely to be carrying a virus asymptomatically because they are allegedly ‘immune’ from infection their Self (if the vaccines actually worked as advertised/promised, which they don’t), so if they have symptoms they Will be minimal and potentially undetectable. But that doesn’t make the virus they are carrying any less deadly for any One not vaccinated!!!
Like honestly, this is common sense, logic and reason that One does not require a medical degree to know – just two war King brain cells Will be sufficient. Michael Thiele should be as King of Bill Carroll if he can borrow one of his – I’m confident he can continue parroting his harmful poison #propaganda on CFRA with the single cell he’ll have left. No One is listening anyway.
The Good News is, I get be as King of Michael Thiele these questions before the Landlord Tenant Board Tribunal very soon. I can’t wait to see what his excuse is for Sahada violating the rights of individuals in the community and assaulting and discriminating against those who refused to comply with Trudeau’s treason and the unlawful vaccine and mask mandates imposed on Canada’s People.
If a woman named Sahada Alolo tells You she’s all about creating inclusive communities where every One feels welcome, tell her You know she’s a #fraud social posturing for attention. She doesn’t mean a Word she says.
Oh, and the #propagandist who did the PR stunt for the Ottawa Citizen has also covered this lady with a strikingly similar background to Sahada’s, advocating for gender divirsity training. Fabulous, they Wish for People in the community to believe that sex is subject to interpret a Sean, rather than biology or genitals. I strongly disagree. Gender dysphoria is #propaganda designed to destroy the family unit and the identity of women advocating for real women’s issues. How can One call their Self a feminist and support men playing women’s sports because they have a psychological disorder?
She’s also claiming to be a rights advocate while she destroys everything real women’s advocacy groups have been fighting for, stripping real women of their identity. This is all just #Fraud. I don’t even believe they believe the shit coming out of their mouth, they are paid shills for a globalist agenda. Canada’s media is nothing but a #propaganda network for the #WEF and global governance.
Should Michael Thiele be at #nuremberg2.0? I think so…
And how dangerous are the #bioweapons posing as vaccines in Canada? Well, take a look. This has been known by governments for a long time. Still thing King this is about ‘public health’ and not a eugenics program? If so, You are far more trusting than Me, and far too trusting in My not so humble opinion.
Love and Blessings,
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