Hello every One and welcome to the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure and Honour to have You in My House. There are crazy things going on in Man’s Macrocosm; gross injustices taking place all over the world, magnificent malfeasance with respect to State Actors of every country with respect to their (fiduciary) obligations to the People, innocent People are victimized while tyrants are seemingly untouchable – and I could go on! Just as I was thing King about all of this, I received the following email notificate-Sean…
“New Health Minister says it’s ‘critical’ to keep covid shots up to date.”
The Epoch Times
Please consider that the evidence does strongly suggest that the ‘Sars-CoV2’ virus (covid) was created in a lab in Wuhan, China. That’s not conclusive yet, but they do know it was not a naturally occuring virus (meaning it was man-made and created in a lab somewhere). That literally makes it a bioweapon by definition. Now consider that the ‘spike’ protein used in the vaccine is (allegedly) the same spike protein as ‘Sars-CoV2’, or what most People just call covid (covid is the Manifestation of the virus, the name of the dis-ease it causes). So where did they get it if it doesn’t exist in nature? Where did these vaccine companies find a matching spike protein for their product in the first place? Another biolab? Is Wuhan Institute just one of many biolabs producing viruses for vaccine companies to experiment with? Could some of them be located in Ukraine? What about Canada? No One would be thing King to look there, right? What were those Chinese scientists expelled for again – oh, right, they never told Us! Top secret…
Now, just to Play the devil’s advocate, let’s suspend disbelief long enough to consider that these are just evil People beyond most of Man’s Imagine a Sean. In fact, let’s presume that their intentions are so horrible that most of Man’s kind would just consider this a conspiracy theory because no One could ever believe that any One could be this morally bankrupt.
But let’s consider for a moment that some People are so radical, they believe the population needs to be reduced considerably. They also believe certain types of People are less desirable than others. They believe any One gullible enough to participate in a medical experiment without having any idea what the side effects might be deserves to die. Just to put it plainly. If that were a thing and such a strategy were plausible, what types of People is One thing King these sorts of People might target as a priority if the world needs less People and more ‘Good genes’?
If You just consider that Idea for a moment, knowing that more than a third of Canada’s cabinet has been infiltrated by the WEF, how harrowing does this paragraph sound if the vaccines are the bioweapon created for the aforementioned purposes?
NACI suggested it is “particularly important” that “individuals who are pregnant,” adults over the age of 65, long-term care home residents, and indigenous communities as well as those from “racialized or other equity-deserving communities,” get more COVID shots.
Epoch Times
But just like Man’s Macrocosm, My Microcosm is crazy busy, too. Remember how I was tall King about how Sahata Alolo’s real objective, is to get the community used to the idea of having police officers around all the time? Today they are generously Gifting out bicycles to children in the community in need. At least now You know that when I mentioned that lots of children like to ride bikes around here, You know I wasn’t exaggerating! How nice of the community volunteers to plant rose bushes for the children to crash into. The police were giving out shoes and pizza, too! Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it? This is how You get a community gently climatized to police presence in the community when a country is becoming a police state. Sahata’s goal is to have a police station in every community!
Remember last year for the MHI barbeque they were handcuffing children and placing them in the back of a cruiser for ‘entertainment’? Oh yeah, what fun!!! This is called conditioning minorities to police presence in the community (while simultaneously getting minorities used to the kind of treatment they can grow to expect as adults).
Who’s idea was this? This is My big question. When was any One in ‘the community’ as King for any of this? A Truly Good deed, is One You tell no One about. I’m not against the police giving bicycles they seize from criminals or find abandoned somewhere to People in need, I am thing King it is a great idea! Will they be Giving out cars soon, too? That would be even better, a few People around here could use a car, especially those with children. But why do they have to make a big production out of it and what makes this community so special? Why not let the entire greater community know? I can tell You that I don’t like to be around police and didn’t feel comfortable at all in My community, and I know there were plenty of others who felt the same. The gesture was Good, the Way it was done was narcissistic.
If the police Wish to impress Me, start teaching the People in the community that Your first priority is to Canada’s Charter and International Treaty obligations, and that no code, statute or act has the force of law to violate an inherent right. Tell the People in the community that they can Trust police to investigate criminals and protect Canada’s Charter, not prosecute police who Wish to investigate the safety of vaccines on pregnant and nursing mothers.
This is how the People really feel about police who stomp on the heads of People trying to defend Canada’s Charter.
Also consider that this involves the death of nine nursing infants who died after their mother received the covid vaccine Canada’s new Health Minister is advising You to keep updated. Suspended for investigating infant deaths of nursing mothers who died suddenly after mother’s were injected. Seriously think about that, please.
I suppose I should share My thoughts on the Matter.
I also received My Brother’s Motion Materials today, so please enjoy those!
It’s so crazy I’m not even going to get into it in any detail today but I Wish to Keep the public Record up to date. Today was the deadline to serve Me with their Factums and I now have until the 24th to prepare My Reply Factum.
Some things I Will point out now that I’ve received both Factums, is that I’ve already answered most of these arguments in My first Reply Factum which none of the parties have responded to, and a judge has already ruled that ‘The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean’ is a Trust for which ‘Sean von Dehn’ is the beneficiary and (King) Sean is Acting as Trustee.
I have new theories and arguments to Present to You, but Christopher Crisman-Cox is correct on One point and that is I that I haven’t Presented any (new) evidence or information in response to this Motion because I am confident that I have already addressed every point on the Record and was only as King for One critical piece of information all parties are refusing to provide (because it doesn’t exist), and that is proof of service of ANY document filed with the Court in the estate proceding after March 24th when an application was filed but never processed. To this day there is no public record of any estate proceeding regarding My father’s interests in any (Ontario) Superior Court, and no record of any documents dated later than March 24th having ever been served on Me.
The fact that Tiffany is now allegedly supporting Tanja’s (fraudulent) appointment when she believes she has a legitimate Will and should have been appointed as executor? Is that believable to any One? No. It’s a last ditch effort, Tiffany’s lawyer should be furious to have not received notice if he did believe the Will was valid, and if he did believe the Will was valid, he should have said so four years ago and made the application before all the property was destroyed and sold. Tiffany was found to be smoking crack cocaine with her stripper friends on the property selling drugs out of a car port when George Link stopped by one day. Another time George stopped by he found Michael destroying the property frantically looking for a Will or anything with Tiffany’s name on it so that he could destroy it!!! I only mention this because they have now included George Link in their information materials, so I can tell the court what I know about him because he is the same Man who was Trusted to verify My father’s handwriting of the Will they are now claiming to be valid (which also means My sister is conceding that she was not and is not duly appointed to Act as Trustee because no Court has yet had the opportunity to make an informed decision and We know this to be a fact). New information is grounds for appeal.
Oh, and here’s an email from My brother telling Me what he really thinks about Tiffany and how long he’s known about her belief in a valid Will.
Okay, that’s all for today. Hopefully I’ll feel like ranting more for FreeLance Friday tomorrow!!!
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