Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure and Honour to have You in My House. Yes, this is House von Dehn, (United) Kingdom of God, a Do-Main for all My Lawful Act-Ions and any essential Crown Investigate-Sean‘s. It’s the best Way I can be thing King for may King Good use of this Public a Sean. And now You know why this is the Free Lance Friday Edition where I Wield My Words fearlessly, and let Me tell You Ladies and Lords, My S-Word (Sean’s Word, Sword) is sharper than ever!!!
I’m going to see if I can find the quote to Give You directly, but recite it as best I can from memory before doing so just because it stood out in My Mind as the most surprising Characteristic of the Prince of Wands personality from the Thoth Tarot. This is the one line that I felt seemed incorrect, and most unlike Me.
“His name alone invokes fear in his adversaries…”
Prince of Wands, Book of Thoth (paraphrasing from memory)
I mean, seriously. I legitimately cannot Willfully cause harm to another Man. The Willful Part is emphasized because I’ve also been in more street brawls than I could hope to count, and been attacked by Men armed with various knives, bottles, chains, baseball bat, hammer… and that’s just off the top of My head thing King about the most recent. I’ve had five men attack Me with various types of knives and one shiv, all with very serious intent to cause Me harm or kill Me!
Thankfully, ‘fight or flight mode’ for Me means blackout. So apparently I’m a bad ass but I don’t ever get to see it, so You Will have to be as King of My Friends one day. Very much like David Banner, I suppose. The point is, I also think it’s because I’m so small and seem so unimposing and niave, that it makes Me a target for bullies – and I tolerate bullies about as much as I tolerate liars who identify as lawyers. Speaking of which, let’s get back to the subject Matter at Hand!
This is the line from the ‘moral qualities’ of the Prince of Wands from Crowley’s Writing that spooked Me more than a little…
“dreaded without reason by people who actually know nothing about him but his name – as a symbol of Terror.”
Keep in Mind that this is going back at least ten years now. I didn’t ‘pick’ the Prince of Wands as My ‘identifier’ in the Tarot. I felt I understood Crowley’s system of Magic enough that I decided to let the Tarot and Magic tell Me. I did the First Operation of the Opening of the Key four times in a row, shuffling the cards five times between each ‘Opening’, basically telling ‘the Tarot’ that I Will accept whatever identifier (court card) the Opening chooses for each element of My Spirit.
The ‘Idea’ was that I might get a different court card for each element of My Spirit, and I started with the deck on the left, turning over the top card until the first court card of the right sex appeared on top.
I start the First Operation, turn over the top card of the left-most deck, Prince of Wands on top! Re-shuffle, do the same thing again, this time second from the left. Again, Prince of Wands!! Two more times I did this, shuffling five times between each Operation, every time the Prince of Wands was the card on top of the pile I chose. There are 78 cards in the deck in total, I would need a grand Master in mathematics to calculate those odds.
The point is, I could not Imagine how (or more importantly why) that could ever be True. I know some People would Love to be feared (I honestly think that’s a psychopath or sociopath in the making), but that is about the last thing I Wish for.
The irony is, most People who believe they are afraid of Me are not really afraid of Me at all! In fact, they are afraid of their Self!!! I’m the guy who tells Golem to take off the freaking ring for a moment, look in the mirror and tell Me how ‘precious’ is the reflect-Sean? Greed makes People ugly.
Take a look at this email, for example.
The Part of the Prince of Wands that resonates most with Me now, is My name being associated with a symbol for terror. My Logo comes to Mind. And did You know that in Matrix III the Ship Neo is directing on his Way to defeat the machines is Called ‘Logos’? Probably just a coincidence.
But if You really consider why People might fear Me, it has nothing to do with actually being afraid of Me, it is People who have engaged in nefarious Acts of some kind and are feeling guilty for their Act-Ions and concerned about the consequences. I’m never doing anything more than holding People accountable to the Law for their Act-Sean’s because I don’t have any authority to do anything more than that! If fraud were not a crime, My adversaries would not have to fear Me. It’s not Me they fear, it’s their own fraud…
But the very best Part of this Fabulous Free Lance Friday is that I might have the opportunity to tell You that Canada’s Courts are not only not corrupt, they are also very cunning. What if I told You that My Words regarding Jester of a Justice Jaye Hooper are more True than We may have been thing King at first glance? What if Jester of a Justice, Jaye Hooper is in fact, an Honourable Justice?
What?! How could that possibly be True? Justice Jaye Hooper made a ruling that quite literally defies the space time continuum of rational possibility, and stated that ‘The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean’ is not a legal entity, and that there is no legislation provided for it. Seriously? A Judge for the Ontario Superior Court does not know what legislation provides for Trust Law in Canada? Is any One thing King that argument would survive a Court of Appeal? What about the Claim being ‘a colossal attack’ on an Endorsement the Man had no knowledge of?
Obviously, niether one of those is even remotely believable. To take the Words of Justice Gomery, these presumpt-Sean’s are ‘untennable’.
This is why I was so angry about the Endorsement. It isn’t even physically possible for it to be correct, that’s how ridiculous it is. But what if that was the point?
What if Justice Jaye Hooper is so smart, so slick, and such a Grand Master Jester of a Justice, that she knew exactly how I would respond to such an Endorsement based on how I responded to her warnings regarding the audio recordings? Why would it take thirteen weeks to make such an obviously incorrect decision? Was Justice Gomery the trial Judge at that time, too?
It would be natural for Me to be outraged, complain about how corrupt the Courts are, and how obviously incorrect the decision was. Also keep in Mind that if the Justice took just two minutes out of that entire thirteen weeks to search the Registry for the Estate Application, she Will know the entire testimony made by Rosen Sack LLP is fraud immediately. Are We really to believe that the Justice didn’t do that? Come on. I mean, I know that a Rule 21 Motion does not allow for evidence, but do You seriously believe that a Judge who’s only been on the bench less than a year (six months I am thing King at the time) didn’t check the Record to make sure she wasn’t gettting duped? And if she was getting duped, is she really going to risk her reputation and make the wrong decision deliberately to gaslight a Trustee? Not unless there is another motive.
Finally, is a (reasonably) new Judge on the bench really going to pretend she doesn’t know what laws have been legislated to govern a Trust? Sure, I suppose she could try to gaslight just because I’m a ‘Self Presented’ Trustee, but if I did Appeal is that really what she Wishes to be the reason for one of her first decisions being overturned? She’d look like an idiot, or she’d look corrupt (more likely)!
Now, also consider that Justice Gomery had already made a Denial Endorsement Styling the document correctly, identifying the parties to the Claim correctly, and suggesting the Claimant Trustee believes his siblings are colluding to deprive him of his rightful share of Estate assets. Again, Words are very deliberate in Endorsements, and collusion infers criminal conduct. And Justice Jaye Hooper ignores precedent set by another Judge?
The natural motive seems obvious – bribery, corruption. But what if there was a more sinister and sutle motive, and Honourable Jester of a Justice, Jaye Hooper, was only Acting as a Jester to Play a Part and catch some clowns?
Consider just for a moment that ‘the Court’ (as an impartial body) knows Me better than any One. I’m not saying it’s reasonable, I’m as King for You to suspend disbelief long enough to just suppose or Imagine it might be True.
Consider that Justice Jaye Hooper knew that Rosen Sack was perpetrating fraud on the Court from the moment they entered the Courtroom. Honestly, if One listens to the audio Reocording of the Motion again with that perspective, it might change Your Mind if You don’t believe Me.
Consider that the only reason it took thirteen weeks to make a decision was because the Court knew it was fraud, and knew the decisionwas a big risk. If I believed that opposing counsel was hoping to perpetrate fraud on this Judge so that they could use the determination as precedence to perpetrate fraud on the Court for another Motion to dismiss against Tanja and Michael later, then what are the chances of ‘the Court’ suspecting that might be defense counsel’s strategy, too? Probably pretty Good, right?
The whole reason I didn’t file an Appeal or Motion to vacate and suspend the Judge was because I did Wish to see if My brother and sister would try to Play the same trick, and if they did, I would expose both frauds together in that Motion hearing!
It is also entirely possible and even probable that I was tall King about how that was exactly what I was thing King opposing counsel was hoping for. So what if the Court was just doing what was necessary in the interest of Justice?
What if the Court deliberately made the incorrect decision exclusively to see if My brother and sister were conspiring with Hala Tabl? Remember, the second the gig is up and the fraud is exposed, all those Endorsements would be overturned automatically. Also, the Judge isn’t violating her Oath if she’s deceived. The crime is the fault of opposing counsel for influencing Justice directly – that’s a fourteen year prison term if done deliberately.
I honestly believe that ‘the Courts’ have always just been a step ahead of Me, and I have underestimated the sophisticate-Sean of Canada’s Justice system.
Now, maybe it is just a fantasy narrative, but I am thing King the Courts know exactly what is going on, and always have. The only reason they haven’t interfered yet, is becaues they figure I’m doing a pretty Good job on My own, and the 23 of October is coming soon enough.
Love and Blessings,
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