Hello every One and welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Royal Highness Honours My House. Today the Motive a Sean for Casting more Magical Spells into Man’s Macrocosm is the continuous harm being done to Beneficiaries by Trustees that have Breached the Public Trust with malicious, criminal intent to cause harm, and the continued negligence of those Trusted to protect the Rule of Law and Hold wrongdoers accountable for their trespasses and Give the Beneficiaries a rest (arrest). This is also the toughest task I’ve encountered as a King so far, and I anticipate it Will be the first of many to come My Way. Let’s re-View the Situate Sean.
On September 15th, 2023, several Trustees of the Public Trust war King out of the Ottawa Ontario Works office, were finally Noted in Default and had Judgment awarded against them for Breach of Public Trust with criminal intent by Way of Summary procedure in an Appeal hearing for rights violations before the Social Benefits Tribunal. You can review the Default Judgment below, and the previous Notices served upon the Trustees in the Summary procedure are attached if One Wishes to review the entire Summary process on a Court of Record.
One would be thing King this is Fabulous – and it is! This is a Matter I have been attempting to resolve with the City of Ottawa for over six years!!! Please take a look at all the Notices that have been served on Trustees of Ontario Works in the City of Ottawa during that time, if only to get a sense of how serious this Matter Truly is.
The problem is, the crimes are so serious, and have been ongoing for so long, these individuals are looking at more potential jail time than I am thing King the average individual Real eyes. Morpheus said that now is the time to Show You what is Real. Here’s what Canada’s Criminal Code has to say about Breach of Public Trust.
Criminal breach of trust
336 Every one who, being a trustee of anything for the use or benefit, whether in whole or in part, of another person, or for a public or charitable purpose, converts, with intent to defraud and in contravention of his trust, that thing or any part of it to a use that is not authorized by the trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
- R.S., c. C-34, s. 296
That’s not the only section of Canada’s Criminal Code that speaks to Breach of Trust of a Public officer, it is also covered by Section 122 as follows.
Breach of trust by public officer
122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of
- (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
- (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
- R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 122
- 2019, c. 25, s. 35
Previous VersionDate modified: 2023-09-15
Is One thing King it is a coincidence the Criminal Code was updated the same day the City of Ottawa was Noted in Default? We don’t believe in those here, just so You know…
It was quite literally (pun intended) a Summary Conviction. Summary proceedure basically means the main Issue is summarized and the process is simplified while maintaining all the basic Principles of due process. Here’s Google’s definition.
A summary procedure is defined as procedures applied to the settlement of a civil case that meet all the conditions prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure in a simpler sequence than the procedure for the settlement of ordinary cases.
First Google result, ‘Le and Tran’
The reason I’m pointing this out, is because the Trust is the only thing that can offer immunity from criminal prosecution to the Public Trustees. The Default Judgment was obtained in a simplified, but Lawful procedure and is Binding because it is all on a Court of Record! These are now Established Facts!
So if I am passing off this inform a Sean (the Default Judgment) to a (criminal) Court, they have no choice but to apply Canada’s Criminal Code to the FACTS that are now Established on the Record, and these are technically indictable offences unless I Wish to proceed ‘summarily’. Because there is criminal intent to cause harm, the Court would not typically proceed summarily in this type of situation, they would be charged with indictable (federal) offences.
The only Way they can get around criminal charges, is to accept the Jurisdiction of the Trust and (for Me, by consent) to extend the Rights, Power and Immunites of the Trust Instrument to the Public Trustees in Breach of Trust and request for the Court to proceed summarily with respect to criminal charges (which is considerably less serious).
This is in fact why I said that I do not Wish to see any One spend time in jail and made some recommendations in lieu of criminal Prosecute-Sean. I am offering summary conviction instead of indictable offences. As far as I’m concerned, no One has to go to jail, but they Will have to be as King for an apology, and I’m going to be as King for the Letter of apology to be twenty-five hundred Words.
But why should I offer those Protect-Sean’s if they are not going to Honour the Judgment and provide the Remedy I have awarded the Beneficiaries? I found a Way to solve a problem they couldn’t fix for over six years – and they are still not providing the Remedy, even though the means to do so has been Spelled out for them to the Letter?! Especially when they are faced with indictable offences, One would be thing King they would Wish to Honour the Judgment against them as quickly as possible. Who knows, maybe they (the Courts) are simply waiting to see just how contemptuous they are before proceeding with criminal charges.
In the meantime, Beneficiaries are being harmed by the negligence, incompetence or Willful contempt for the Rule of Law demonstrated by other Public Trustess by failing to Enforce the Judgment awarded to the Beneficiaries! It’s one breach of Trust spilling over into another!
Unfortunately for Me, that means following up with local law Enforcement until the Beneficiaries receive their Remedy. This is the second Notice to Sergeant Catherine Wood (I finally learned how to Spell the Magic of ‘sergeant’) and I really don’t know what else I can do to provide Motive a Sean.
The Resolution Officer of the Social Benefits Tribunal is Madeline Myubi (I’m very curious to know how many names I have Living rent free in My House right now). I left a message on her voicemail on Friday as King for her to get back to Me as soon as possible, advising this Matter is urgent – NOTHING so far! So I followed up with a Notice to the SBT it Self…
So hopefully one of these Public Trustees Will Honour their Oath to the Crown and get back to Me sometime soon. Breach of Trust is not a Good look for the City of Ottawa and this is not helping to restore their Repute a Sean.
But it wasn’t My only Motive a Sean this Magical Monday, I am also brushing up My Spell Book for the big day and Cast a few Summoning Spells this morning. This is the Final Notice I Will be serving on the Moving Party and their co-conspirators hoping to perpetrate fraud on both Me and the Court on October 23rd. I have to say, I wouldn’t have the guts to try anything like this, I’m almost impressed My siblings are so committed to their Story, though if they don’t apologize soon, committed is all they Will be.
The Default Judgment has already surpassed four hundred downloads which may not sound like a lot but Trust Me when I tell You it is! People don’t generally like to read Court documents. For it to be My most viewed and downloaded content to date in just over a week is phenomenal!
The only Quest-Ion left, is how long Will it take for the Spell to Bind its subjects?
Love and Blessings,
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