Hello every One and welcome to the second Tuesday Edition for this Terrific Two’s Day, once again making the Title True to its name. Thank King or Queen You for being here, it is always an Honour to have You. With today’s Title, One might be thing King I’m tall King about winning a lottery or something. In some Ways I Imagine (I-Mage-in) that is what it might feel like for Me in six days time. Today’s Title Will be the True Value of the original Trust Claim on 23-10-23!!! Four million, nineteen thousand, eight hundred and ninety five dollars. I’m so generous and for Giving that I am going to drop the penny.
My Friend was as King of Me earlier today how much the Claim was worth in total and I had to tell him I had no Idea but figured it Will be somewhere around four million by the time the hearing rolls around. Turns out I was pretty close, but it was My other Friend, Lucky who said to Me,
“That just shows how little You care about the money. Most People with a Claim like that would be keeping track and probably know the exact dollar value every day.”
Lucky, paraphrasing from memory
Yeah, maybe. But she is right, I really don’t care about the money. I wouldn’t even have a dollar Value attached to the Claim if it wasn’t essential for filing, and the only other ‘punitive’ measure that exists in a commercial world in lieu of criminal prosecution (prison). There’s also no other ‘Real’ Way to motivate One’s adversary to negotiate a speedy Resolute-Sean. I figured ten percent monthly compounding interest would be suffient to motivate My adversaries to negotiate with Me quickly. I’m guessing My adversaries have deeper pockets than I had suspected because the Value of the Claim has never even been mentioned!
The Truth is, it Will be much more than four million. I’m also as King for one million from each lawyer conspiring against Me in their personal, private capacity (because I don’t suspect any have even bothered to advise their insurance providers that they have breached their Trust obligations to the Court), as well as an additional one million dollars against each of the firms they represent. In fact, let’s name those firms right now so You know which ones to stay away from if ever in need of legal services!
They are, Merovitz Potechin LLP; Milton Estates Law; Rosen Sack LLP; Miller Thomson LLP; and Fluery, Comery LLP.
That’s five law firms.
And You may as well know their lawyers and paralegals, too, right?
They are, Noah Potechin, Laraine Burton, Hala Tabl, Neil Milton, Jenny Bogod, Susan Sacks, Christopher Crisman-Cox and Greg McConnell.
Plus eight liars/lawyers.
But We’re still not done, there are also two court clerks involved from the Bracebridge Courthouse, Michelle Murphy and Carey Thomson. Carey Thomson’s position with the Bracebridge Courthouse appears to be ‘Accessibility Coordinator’. Ah, the irony of some of these Titles! The ‘Accessibility Coordinator’ was conspiring with Michelle Murphy to deny Me access to the Court!!! She also claimed to be the Court supervisor. Who knows, maybe she is and the ‘Accessibility Coordinator’ is a secondary title or something.
Plus two court clerks.
But what if I told You that We’re still not done?! Well, it would be True because Carmine Pignataro and Miko Dubiansky of the Law Society of Ontario are also complicit; initially for Carmine’s inability to identify the fraud in the first place, and now Miko Dubiansky and Carmine Pignataro seem to believe that even though they now KNOW all these lawyers are engaged in fraud attempting to conceal Estate assets from creditors waiting to proceed against the Estate with three million in addition claims, yet believe they are not liable to Me in any Way for their failed investigation into the Matter or for failing to right their wrongdoing when Given Notice that fraud WAS in fact taking place at the time of the investigation. My belief is that Carmine Pignataro had some influence in the Matter with respect to Carey Thomson and Michelle Murphy lying to Me about the status of the application.
That’s two representatives of the Law Society of Ontario – the organization that licenses these crooks!!! They learn about this and don’t revoke their license immediately and Give them Notice of such?! So yeah, I’m as King them to come to Court on Judgement Day, too.
So that’s two more for a total of seventeen entities attempting to deceive Me in My sister’s fraudulent CAET application! I’m as King for a one million dollar fine against each of these criminals, and all of that money is going to go directly back into the public Trust for Canada’s People, so it has nothing to do with what I am as King for as part of the Claim, but it is relevant to Man’s Macrocosm in a big Way!
I’m going to have all of this ‘extra wealth’ to Give Canada, and I’m going to be teaching People how to properly manage a Public Trust account so that the wealth of the Treasury continues to grow until it is sufficient to pay all of Canada’s debt. If You are thing King I’m kidding, just watch My Words Magically Manifest. 😉
I also received a response to My ‘Notice of Appearance’ to the creditors, advising them that I Will take care of My father’s debts if My sister and Tiffany do not Wish to do so.
I should let You know that although the Notice to Appear is before the correct Court, I’m not so sure I Will hear anything more about it before the hearing. Even if the Notice does get forwarded to the claimants almost immediately, is it really likely that I Will hear from the creditors before the hearing date now that it’s only six days away (I’m already counting five because today is almost over)? My instincts say no, but I really have no Idea.
The only thing I’m sure about, is that the insurance company Will not be pleased and Will absolutely Wish to collect their claim worth three million (and they are now that much more likely to receive every penny because of these criminal clowns)!!!
So that’s why this is a Terrific Two’s Day for Me.
I’m also going to be war King on a new book soon, ‘The Common Law for the Common Man’, and I’m going to have People in My microcosm helping Me as co-editors to ensure the material is easy for the Common Man to comprehend and digest.
Love and Blessings,
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