Hello every One, and welcome to an Explosive Thursday Thing King Edition, thank Your Royal Highness for being here, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. It is an explosive Edition today because today should have been the day that all trespasses upon the Trust Instrument ended forever!!! The fact that didn’t happen is what makes this such an Explosive Edit-Sean. Let’s get into it!!!
When I say that the Social Benefits Tribunal is a cloak for fraud, it is no exaggerate-Sean, that is exactly what Brian Killick was Wishing for Me to believe today. Brian was trying to convince this King that the Ontario Works Act is not subject to any other codes, statutes or Acts in Canada, including the Trustee Act of Ontario. Amazing, right!? So if any One is Wishing to rob a bank, just get One’s Self a job as Trustee for the public Trust, and Canada’s Criminal Code Will no longer apply to You, the Ontario Works Act provides immunity from Willfull, crimnal Acts with intent to cause harm and trespass upon Fiduciary obligations of a Trustee in right of His Majesty!!!
Of course, none of this is actually TRUE, but Brian’s hope was to gaslight a little longer because there are two elements to a Social Benefits Tribunal Appeal, and I have mentioned this before. There is one part that deals exclusively with whether or not a public Trustee is violating the Ontario Works Act, and another hearing for rights violate-Sean’s. As You might guess, today was not the hearing for the rights violation, this was exclusively to deal with whether or not the decision to unlawfully revoke My benefits without notice to Me was a contravention of the Ontario Works Act. And wouldn’t You know, turns out that it was! (But of course We knew that already).
Yet they insist that no wrongdoing was done, trespassing upon the Trust is perfectly acceptable, and they are only liable to Me for cutting the Benefits off for the three months prior to when they were scheduled for renewal. They concede that they revoked My benefits unlawfully, but still only Wish to pay Me for half the time they were unlawfully revoked, and Brian Killick can take as much as sixty days to make his decision because he doesn’t have sufficient information on Record, even after reading the Notices and Default Judgement awarded against them on a Court of Record and in accordance with due process in ANY Common Law jurisdiction.
It was just another day of gaslighting. Is it reasonable to suggest that Brian Killick is not familiar with the Trustee Act of Ontario? Is it reasonable to suggest that Brian is not familiar with due process? Is it reasonable to presume that Brian doesn’t know that when Public Trustees are in breach of the public Trust with criminal intent to cause harm that he has a duty and obligation to remove the public Trustee to protect other Beneficiaris from harm and put a stop (arrest) to the harm being done? Well, this is his ‘CV’, how about You tell Me. What are You thing King?
- Social Benefits TribunalSocial Benefits Tribunal2 yrs 7 mos2 yrs 7 mos
- Staff LawyerStaff LawyerCommunity Legal Assistance SarniaCommunity Legal Assistance SarniaJan 2016 – Apr 2021 · 5 yrs 4 mosJan 2016 – Apr 2021 · 5 yrs 4 mos
- Staff LawyerStaff LawyerNeighbourhood Legal Services (London & Middlesex)Neighbourhood Legal Services (London & Middlesex)Jan 2015 – Jan 2016 · 1 yr 1 moJan 2015 – Jan 2016 · 1 yr 1 moLondon, Canada AreaLondon, Canada Area
- College Professor, Paralegal ProgramCollege Professor, Paralegal ProgramSheridanSheridanJan 2009 – Oct 2014 · 5 yrs 10 mosJan 2009 – Oct 2014 · 5 yrs 10 mosToronto, Canada Area (Brampton)Toronto, Canada Area (Brampton)
- Queen’s UniversityQueen’s UniversityBachelor of Arts (B.A.), Political Science and GovernmentBachelor of Arts (B.A.), Political Science and Government 1998 – 2001, 1998 – 2001
- University of Cape Town/University of South AfricaUniversity of Cape Town/University of South AfricaBachelor of Laws (LL.B.), LawBachelor of Laws (LL.B.), Law2005 – 20082005 – 2008
Licenses & certificationsLicenses & certifications
- Barrister and SolicitorBarrister and SolicitorLaw Society of OntarioLaw Society of OntarioIssued Jun 2015Issued Jun 2015Credential ID L1Credential ID L1
- Online Negotiation CourseOnline Negotiation CourseUniversity of WindsorUniversity of WindsorIssued Oct 2014
Now, I meant to mention yesterday that I was not going to Record the proceedings but one of the first things for Brain to mention was that the Tribunal hearings are private. Privacy is not allowed for any hearing in a Common Law Jurisdiction unless it is to protect Beneficiaries of the public Trust. I could request for the hearing to remain private because maybe I don’t Wish for any One to know I’m subject to these clowns under protest and duress for lack of competence and criminal negligence. But NO public Trustee has any right for any of their Actions regarding duties and obligations to Beneficiaries of the public Trust to be private. State Actors are on stage for all the world to see, that’s why they are called State Actors.
So when they specifically Give intruct-Sean not to Record and share the proceedings, I knew immediately We were heading into dangerous territory and advised Brian that considering the criminality and the gross negligence and criminal intent of opposing counsel, it is paramount that all litigants be advised that I Will be Recording the proceedings to maintain a Record of any further criminal breaches of Trust on a Court of Record.
I anticipate this Will soon become a top ten download contender because this is perhaps the most obvious and gross criminal negligence I’ve ever witnessed, and I tell You right now that if I were to Play this Recording before a Judge of the Superior or Divisional Court, these People Will go to jail. I guess they like to test Me and call My bluff – right Samantha?
See how well pleading ignorance of a Trust Instrument and the Trustee Act of Ontario holds up before a real Court and a Real judicial authority. Brian Killick is just a lawyer acting as supervisor (vice chair), so he has a bit of a conflict of interest I’m thing King. My guess, is that he allows for trespasses upon any right if it is a requirement of the Ontario Works Act. Basically, Brian takes the same position as the city of Ottawa – their ‘Trust’ Instrument is the Ontario Works Act, and the supreme law of the land.
Not True, but an interesting attempt to gaslight and commit criminal trespass upon My Trust and allow for criminal Trustees in violation of their oath to Canada’s People to continue to perpetrate their crimes under the Act. I Will absolutely be charging all parties to the fullest extent of the Law.
Now… The Good News here?
Remember how I was tall King about how the Courts are on My side (because I’m on the right side of the Law)? Well, My belief is that this was done with no other intent than to delay the rights portion of the hearing until after My day in Court with My siblings. Once again, today’s events Will Give My sister and brother a false sense of security, allowing them to believe the Trust Instrument is irrelevant. It’s not, Trust Me. 😉
A lawyer doesn’t have any Jurisdiction or authority to ignore the Trust Instrument or the Default Judgement awarded against the City of Ottawa, and pretending he doesn’t have to adhere to it is just further attempt to gaslight because I have the exclusive jurisdiction and authority to enforce the Order, failing to acknowledge that fact is just contempt and violation of a Court Order on a Court of Record.
My belief is that the only reason Ontario Works agents get away with so much criminality without consequence, is because of the incompetence of the Tribunal and thier failure to recognize when the Act violates the Ontario Human Rights Code, even after being Given Notice of such!
Make no mistake about it, this is just further attempt to dealy the inevitable. Brian mentions that the rights violation Will be heard by some One from the province, but he has no Idea who the individual is and was as King of the city of Ottawa to see if they know – they don’t!
It is clear that this is very unusual, and My guess is that this is exactly the same type of trap Hooper set for My siblings. They were Giving the Tribunal an opportunity to resolve the Matter today before the rights hearing for the same Matter (which hasn’t even been scheduled yet)?
None the less, I am quite sure that’s the Plan. Now let’s watch My Words Magically Manifest.
Love and Blessings,
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