Ah, hello every One, and welcome to another Free Lance Friday Edition, My Favourite day for Writing, thank King or Queen Your Royal Highness for being here, Your Presence is the Illuminate Sean of My House. Yes, today We Will be tall King about Highness and Illuminate-Sean, and how the Light House has Sean to Navi-Gate the citizen-ships safely to shore. If People only knew that the Ark of the Covenant is the Citizen Ship, Magically Cast out to Sale the Seas of Commercial Admiralty water until the People find their Way to the Promised Mother land, the ‘I’ land of You, it would make it so much easier to guide the king-ships (kinship) back to the banks dry land.
Yes, I like to Play with Words but as clever as I may be, the Words fit too well to be coincidence if We believed in such things.
And today was an excellent day – even better than yesterday if that is even possible. Once again, I know some may perceive yesterday to be a bit of a disappointment but it really is not. All yesterday succeeded in doing, was proving that seventeen public Trustees have been colluding and conspiring together to trespass upon My Trust Instrument feining ignorance of the Rule of Law!!!
When I say that ignorance is no excuse, I believe it is a maxim most of Us are familiar with. Sometimes I Will have some One as King of Me,
“…but what if they don’t know that the Trust claims jurisdiction? You can’t expect every One to know the Law like You do…” (for example)
“and if I were to kill some One because they infuriated Me and said, ‘oh, I didn’t know that was a crime’, are You thing King the Judge Will let One walk?
“that’s not really the same thing…”
“the Principle is exactly the same, and Principles of Justice never change – ‘do no harm’ is the Maxim, ‘Primum non nocere’.”
This is in fact why Brian Killick Will be receiving the maximum criminal penalty allowable by Law because he is the ‘highest’ authority to hear the Matter so far as vice-chair for the Social Benefits Tribunal it Self. For a co-chair of the Tribunal to believe that it is acceptable to allow for the Public Trustee to continue to perpetrate their crimes against My Trust Instrument in Breach of the Public Trust, is ‘Contra Bonos Mores’, against Good morals because he has first hand knowledge that harm is being done to Beneficiaries with Willful, criminal intent to continue trespassing upon a Trust Instrument, and he aided and abeted their crimes in the Tribunal hearing by suggesting that the harm can continue in favour of the Ontario Works Act, insisting that the Act has the force of Law to cause Me harm, violate and trespass upon My Trust obligate-Sean, and that Ontario Works agents are not subject to Canada’s criminal code for Willful intent to cause harm to Beneficiaries dependent on them for their most basic subsistence.
“In no case shall a People be deprived of his own means of subsistence.”
U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified by Canada (legal obligate-Sean) on April 15th, 1976
So of course, Brian Killick demonstrates as much contempt and criminal negligence as the rest of these clowns because he is the ring leader responsible for this circus. It’s clear that the Tribunal DOES NOT CARE how serious the criminal breach of Trust is, Brian is Willing to turn a complete blind eye to the criminal trespasses and focus exclusively on what the Ontario Works Act has to say, without even addressing whether or not it has any authority or jurisdiction to violate and trespass upon a Trust obligate-Sean in the first place – which of course it does NOT!!!
I don’t even know if they Way they ran the Tribunal is typical, or a ‘Special’ attempt to gaslight Me specifically, but the rights violate-Sean must come first if they are having two separate hearings because the rights violate Sean is what determines if the Act has the force of Law to do anything at all (jurisdiction)!!! That’s precisely why they had to set up a hearing for the rights violation before the hearing date (originally) scheduled for January 17th (or there about, I forget now). This hearing was supposed to be to hear the rights portion of the Claim and to address the Notices served upon the City on September 13th – 15th. It was NOT for that purpose, which is also a BREACH OF TRUST – a hearing set up under false pretenses, clearly stated on the Record.
It was the most ridiculous, embarrassing, dis-Graceful example of negligence I’ve ever seen from a lawyer/liar, and We know I have seen a lot!!! This Man is a complete jack ass and entirely morally and ethically bankrupt!!!
Anyway, this is light House von Dehn, Signing off for this Fabulous Free Lance Friday and ANOTHER Notice of Default, Nihil Dicit, Res Judicata for Brian Killick especially! Enjoy!
Oh, and as anticipated, the hearing has already reached number one on the most popular downloads this month with almost 100 downloads in less than two days!!! That’s still only 20% of the Default Judgement awarded against them, but I anticipate it Will eventually be number one of all time because it is absolutely My best performance on the world stage so far, and the first time I very obviously take jurisdiction of the Court without even having to try! Check it out if You haven’t already, stellar performance, I Promise! Also a very Good Demon-straight, Sean (correcting demons) with respect to why People legitimately fear Me despite how kind I Wish to be, it’s hard to be Good to bad People…
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