Hello every One and welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean Edition, thank King or Queen You for being here, it is always a Pleasure and Honour to have You in My House. I tell You there are no coincidences, I tell You that the Matrix films are a coded message for Me specifically (the One), and My most anticipated day finds Me in Court to Honour My Father (Morpheus who was in the Hands of Agent Smith in Matrix I, Neo had to save him) before a Judge (Agent) Smith?! I know My Story often sounds like fiction, but sometimes Truth is stranger than fict-Sean. 😉
But it was an except-Sean-all day!!! The only downside to the day, is that the Judge would not let Me Record the proceedings, even though I advised the Judge that doing so was a Trust obligation to Honour My father.
The Judge insisted it is a violation of the Courts of Justice Act and recited the applicable criminal code for interfering with Justice and advised I may be arrested for Recording the proceedings. As much as People Will Notice that I am not shy to assert My Self, I anticipated that the Judge would stand on this Issue simply because it is the entire purpose for the Motion being heard in person – at least as far as opposing counsel is expected to believe. My belief is that the Court would not Wish to Give any indicate Sean that they had been required to appear in person as a result of their conduct because they Will not Present their fraud so confidently. The Court Wished for My opposing counsel to believe that I’m the One in the proverbial dog house.
The only other detail that really disappointed Me, is that My dear little brother was not Present! Justice Somji said she would provide a transcript of the Adjournment hearing for today and I’m going to have to be as King for that because last I heard, My brother’s attendance was not optional!!! So I’m curious to know how he manged to get out of having to be there. My guess is that there was another ex-parte motion. Frankly, I suspect they are making all kinds of ex-parte motions because they believe My as King of the Court Quest-Ions regarding the Estate appointment (and Recording proceedings) is a violate-Sean of the Rules (which technically allows opposing counsel to break the Rules, too – at the Court’s discretion).
The other surprising detail today was that Neil Milton was not Present either! And as One may have guessed, neither were any of their other co-conspirators! Now, opposing counsel is probably thing King that’s a Good thing, but that’s only because they believe the Courts are helping them to gaslight Me – and My belief is that’s precisely what the Courts Wish for them to believe! Criminals only get bolder when they believe they are getting away with things. Neil had some other dude there in a black robe with one of those little white bibs, Christopher was dressed in a similar costume. Trying to perform some black Magic on the Court and pervert the Rule of Law.
The reason the day was so fabulous is because it did not go at all like I was expecting, which is exactly what I have come to expect. I was even telling My Friend, Lucky just last night that all My mental prepare a Sean for the day is pointless and I know it’s pointless because it never Plays out like One is thing King it Will. Doesn’t stop One from thing King about it and wondering how the day Will Play out, Imagining scenarios and converse a Sean’s that Will never happen.
I guess in that respect, there was a lot of surprises. I was going to comment on how it didn’t really seem fair that opposing counsel were getting half an hour each to Present, and fifteen minutes each to Reply, when I have exactly the same amount of time and Will be responding to twice as much material, meaning I’m only getting a quarter of the time relative to the material I’m responding to. I was pretty sure that was clearly articulated in the Somji Endorsement as well, but Honourable Justice Smith decided that wasn’t the case!
Opposing counsel had a TOTAL of half an hour to Present and only fifteen minutes to reply to Me, or seven and a half minutes each! I immediately felt like that was ‘balancing the scales of Justice’ a little. I no longer felt so panicked about not having sufficient time to Present because I knew half an hour would not be enough no Matter how well I prepared – it’s barely enough time to read back the materials I have served them with! So I had made a very clear list of the most important Issues that can’t be ignored and just Wished to make sure I had the opportunity to Present them on the Court of Record.
But here’s why it was such an excellent day!!!
Neil’s ‘stand in’ went first for opposing counsel. I just turned slightly in My chair so I could look at him while he’s Presenting to the Judge, and he wasn’t just nervous, he was holding a water bottle almost the entire time and could not stop shaking. I have to admit that his voice was very Good, One can tell he’s well practices at controlling his voice when he’s nervous, but he hasn’t perfected the Art enough to master his nerves yet. Never stopped shaking the entire time he Presented.
Christopher Crisman-Cox?.. Well, he was even worse! He didn’t visibly shake, but he has far less practice controlling his vocal chords. It was clear he was scared shitless! It honestly looked like both of them were standing in front of a lion, hoping it wasn’t going to just randomly decide to eat them. No exaggeration. My Friend Lucky was there for support and told Me that she was very impressed with My performance and believes the Court was, too.
But it gets even better! We had just finished establishing for the Record how long each party Will Present and how long each party Will have to reply. I managed to get almost everything I Wished to say in My alotted time, and felt the Judge was very… I don’t know, receptive. First time I stopped tall King, thing King I was probably running out of time, the Judge said I’d only used sixteen minutes! From that moment on, I felt awesome because I felt that I was more than half Way done, despite the fact I could have probably used another hour or more if I addressed every Issue – I had to focus on the most serious points. Finally, the Judge advised Me I have two minutes left and should wrap up, I say that I Will just jump to My Order and what I am as King of the Court to do with My inform a Sean.
When I finish, Honourable Justice Smith says,
“Thank You.”
Then, to opposing counsel, “I don’t need to hear anything more, that concludes this proceeding.”
I am stunned, but try to Keep My cool and not let it Show too much…
Then, back to Me, “Sir, You said You are as King for three times the costs of opposing counsel?”
“Yes, Your Honour.”
To opposing counsel, “Have You submitted all Your costs?”
Then there was something about how the Judge Will take some time to make a decision and let Us know as soon as possible!
Obviously, I can’t say anything too much but this is very, very Good! I made a lot of strong arguments in My Present a Sean and I could see opposing counsel making all their notes of things they Wished to rebut or speak to in some Way, and they were denied their opportunity to respond and did not protest at all!!!
My guess is they were feeling very Lucky to not be getting arrested on the spot, knew that ‘I’ve heard enough’ is NOT Good News for opposing counsel, and wanted to get the hell out of there before they do get arrested!
I feel fabulous because even if it doesn’t go My Way today, if it doesn’t, an appeal Will be so easy because all the arugments I made today are presumed to Stand on the Record if they are not rebut. My belief is that this was the Court’s Way of balancing the scales of Justice by not responding to any of My arguments in their materials – now they don’t get to respond to them at all!
I Wish I could share the Recording but I am going to have to be as King for it. For now, those are the Significant details, and even My Friend Lucky said as soon as We left the Courthouse, “I thought they were supposed to respond to Your arguments after You were done?”
“Yeah, Judge decided he didn’t need to hear anymore.” And My Friend Gives Me that wide eyed look of surprise.
“Really?! That can’t be Good.”
Yeah, generally that’s not Good. So I am very confident things went very well today but I didn’t get to crush Christopher quite the Way I had been anticipating. I would Love for any opportunity where these individuals are compelled to answer My every Quest-Ion directly – because I know they can’t.
But I did make a lot of very strong arguments they had no opportunity to respond to, and that’s generally a very Good thing because every unrebutted statement I make is presumed to be fact on a Court of Record, especially when One has the last Word.
I also don’t believe in coincidence and I had to be as King of the Court clerk which Courtroom the hearing was in. It was Derrick Bert on the kiosk, and he seemed as Friendly as usual, so that was Good. I criticized him rather harshly once regarding the application not showing up in his system, and as King how it’s not fraud if his system is still showing no documents have been filed since March 24th, 2022? At the very least, it shows he doesn’t know anything more than I do. But there was something about the Way he came back with a little post-it sticky note, telling Me it was in Courtroom 30, Judge Smith Will be hearing the Matter.
As in ‘Agent Smith’? Only in My Story are such coincidences so common, they are anticipated. The Quest-Ion is, how Will I fare against Agent Smith? I am very optimistic.
Love and Blessings,
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