Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Edition, a Play on Words that started with the Intent-Sean of Honouring both My Father in Heaven and My bio-logical father on Earth. Today is an especially auspicious Tribute to that determine a Sean to Honour My father on earth as in Heaven, another kismet coincidence if We believed in such things, as today is also the four year anniversary of My father’s pass age into Heaven. Four years ago today, My father passed on and the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Edition was Created as a Tribute to Honour My Promises to him. As We speak, Superior Court Justice, the Honourable Marc E. Smith Will be Writing Sentences regarding My siblings and their lairs/lawyers in response to My Present a Sean to the Court on Monday’s Judgement Day, 23-10-23! As always, thank King or Queen You for being here, Your Presence is a Gift in My House.
For those of You who have been reading this Blog for some time, You Will also know that four represents Found a Sean in Magic. When I say ‘Magic’, what I really mean is that the number four and any symbol that respresents that Idea does represent Foundation in this physical reality subconsciously. It is part of the operating system for Man’s Matrix. It makes no difference whatsoever if One understands why or not, it doesn’t change what Our subconscious Mind understands about the Universe. However, if One does know what these things represent in Man’s subconscious Mind, then One can become more conscious of their subconsious Mind, the ‘Super-Natural’ Mind of Man. That’s what Real Magic is all about, learing the language of the Universe.
Today is four years to the day since My father passed, and it is also exactly six days after Judgement Day for My siblings. It is said that both Heaven and hell are before Us now for those with eyes to see. Everything is relative to Percept-Sean. Right now, My siblings Will be feeling like they are somewhere in between, they are in Limbo while Judge Smith makes his ruling, and I anticipate he Will already have Writ at least a few Sentences for My siblings.
For the first time in a very long time, I am feeling somewhat relaxed about the whole situate Sean. If not for the other party in My Social Benefits Tribunal Matter, I would be completely relaxed. I know I won My Claim on Monday, I could feel it almost immediately.
When I was closing up My portfolio before heading back to My seat, I could only see opposing counsel enough from My peripheral view to know they had started moving to take My place in response,
“I don’t need to hear anymore, I’ve heard enough.”
Judge Marc E. Smith (paraphrasing from memory)
‘What?! Did he just say he’s heard enough!’, I’m thing King to My Self, still fumbling with My portfolio but now anxious to get back to My chair to find out what’s going on. Surely he just means We’re breaking for lunch or something? Surely it’s not already over, is it?
Even when the Judge was as King of Me if I had submitted My costs I was honestly feeling a little disoriented. I was NOT expecting for them to not even get a chance to reply!!! I legitimately believed We were adjourning for a break or something. I’m even confident the Judge knows I was surprised because I was as King if he was coming back! He’d just finished saying something about this Matter being concluded – but I was THAT much in disbelief, I had to be as King of the Judge one last time before he disappeared just to be absolutely sure!
Honestly, that is death to a lawyer! If I had been standing up, I am thing King I would have been dizzy. Packing up My stuff seemed like an out of body experience, trying so hard to maintain My poker face and not react to what just happened that I didn’t even really begin to come to My senses until I had met My Friend Lucky and started tall King with her to distract My Self from this euphoria I was experiencing.
I was so blown away by what happened that I don’t even remember looking at opposing counsel before I left the Courtroom and to the best of My knowledge, didn’t. I was as King of My Friend Lucky where they went when they left the Courthouse and she was the one to tell Me that I was the first One out! She turns around to point at the door and sure enough, the other three are walking out as she points… Which means I must have walked by every One and don’t even remember!
The symbolism here is that today is six days past Judgement Day, four years since My father’s death, and six in Magic represents Peace, Home, Family, Community, et cetera. I don’t believe the Judge Will take too long to make his decision because I believe it was already made before he left the Courtroom, all he needs to do is decide what to do about the Situate-Sean. There are six law firms involved in the fraud now, eight lawyers/liars, an investigator from the law society and his supervisor, and two court clerks from the Bracebridge Courthouse! Even for some One who knows the Law as well as a Superior Court Judge, there are some serious details to consider, these are serious criminal charges. Sibling Sentencing and that of liars posing as lawyers Will be difficult in Deed. Having said that, I am confident We Will hear something this week, perhaps even tomorrow.
Also because today is the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Re-View, I Wish to pay something of a Tribute to My father because the Truth is, I’m the One most like My father – eccentric, artistic, entrepreneurial Spirited, and any One Will tell You he had a Magical Way with animals and plants. I am all of those things, too. Today’s feature photo is a just a few of My houseplants, but each in this photo were either started from seed (the Bonsai pot, ‘Elephant Foot’) or from a single leaf cutting less than two years ago!

Most of them are succulents, too! The only one that isn’t a succulent, is the Pilea on the far left. But every other plant in this photo was started from a single leaf less than two years ago, grown in this window sill. The Pilea and the Pepperomia Variagata (top left corner of the higher table) were started this spring!!! But yeah, virtually all My plants look so perfect sometimes People think they are fake!
I’m also very Good with animals, especially cats. In fact, one of the things that My Friends in My Microcosm marvel about, is not that My plants themselves are so beautiful, but that My cats don’t ever touch them. People are always as King Me what I do to keep the cats from knocking over or playing with My plants. I tell them they’re not allowed. My cats understand ‘no!’, and especially with two of them, they are always competing for My affection, so they are always trying to ‘out behave’ each other!
They are also not allowed on any surface that I wouldn’t sit on My Self. And when People are as King of Me how I train them to do this, I honestly don’t know what to tell You other than I very sternly tell them they are not allowed to do something and they don’t. That simple. It takes consistency, it doesn’t automatically happen forever immediately, but they listen immediately and if they try again later it’s the same result and eventually they just stop as King…
So one of the things My Friends find fascinating, is that if I cook, one of My cats, Kingston likes to sit on a bar stool opposite from where I’m preparing the food just to watch Me. He sits there like an obedient student learning how to cook, even though he knows I Will never let him try. He also knows he gets a piece of cheese anytime I’m cooking with it, so that might be part of the fascination, though he Will return to the chair even after he’s had his cheese treat.
I spent a full week with My father and in retrospect now, it is incredible what he told Me and how things have worked out. My father believed that Tanja and Michael were going to try to cheat Me out of My inheritance, I was the One trying to convince him he was paranoid!!! I told him Tanja and Michael probably have no interest in the Estate whatsoever (and We’re tall King about the actual land, not the commercial value), that they would Wish to sell the house. My father thought that sounded sad, a waste of precious land he Truly had purchased with the intent of developing into a sustainable homestead for a family of five. He felt no One cared or appreciated what My father intended to leave behind for his children.
Now, he did have some rather old fashioned ‘Swiss family Robinson’ Ideas. My father believed there was sufficient land for three homes, one for each of his children and their family. He explained that it was the same Idea he’d had for the land I grew up on in Aberfoyle, and that he did eventually sell the land to a developer who did build three additional homes on the property, just because he Wished to see what it might look like if My parents had never split.
But I completely agree with his philosophy. The Idea wasn’t necessarily that the children would live there forever, but it was his Idea that his children should have their own land on which to build a home so that they don’t start life in debt! Of course I’m going to resonate with My father on these ideas!!!
And My father was not stupid, he was brilliant, just not in a book smart kind of Way. He was brilliant with mechanics. If a thing had an engine, My father could fix it. I mentioned a number of medicinal plants I Wished to grow and he started walking Me around the property showing Me where he was already growing them! He told Me how many chickens I need to have depending on how many eggs I Wish to eat everyday for breakfast. Six is a Good number to start.
My father was even as King of Me if I know how to take care of Tanja and Michael’s interest in the property without selling the house. I explained to Michael how that could be done at the very beginning, he tells Me I have no Idea what I’m tall King about. And to explain very simply, My brother and sister have equitable commercial interest in the property and receive a Certificate of shares at the time of administrate Sean. They can hold their shares until the property value increases, or redeem them at any time to receive their (equitable) commercial value at the time of Redempt-Sean, thereby also increasing My shares and total Value of the Estate accordingly.
This is also the Real reason they’ve been so determined to cheat Me out of the Court process. It’s not because I don’t know what I’m tall King about, it’s because I do.
This week Will be a week of Limbo for My dear siblings as they wait to find out if their world Will resemble Heaven or hell in this Universal Pictures Present a Sean.
We also had the Full Hunter’s Moon on Friday night, and the Magical effects of a full Moon’s Marvel is felt for three days before and after, so Magical Monday Will be the last of the Full Moon’s most powerful influence in Man’s Macrocosm, which is why Monday’s Motive a Sean may be the Judge’s Determine a Sean!
For a final Good Omen, I drew a Tarot Card from the Thoth deck, as King for it to Give some insight into the upcoming decision. The Card I drew? The Ten of Disks!
Oh, that is a very Good Omen in Deed!!!
Love and Blessings,
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