Hello every One and thank King or Queen You for being here, it is most Excellent to have Your Excellency here in My House. The Motive a Sean for this Magical Monday is to share this Warlock’s Window into Man’s Macrocosm while I continue to enjoy something of a Vacate Sean from Writing (as much).
It’s been well over a week since My last Post which is somewhat out of Character for Me. One of the reasons I started numbering the weeks of the Good News Journal was to encourage Me to Write at least once a week if only to keep track of the Edition’s number. There were a number of reasons for numbering the weeks but one of the other reasons that may be of interest was something of a Tribute to the Fibonacci sequence of Man’s Macrocosm because as Man’s consciousness continues to expand, more events take place in a shorter period of time, and Man’s kind is forced to process more and more inform a Sean over shorter and shorter periods of time.
Once Man kind’s evolution was measured by the number of years between significant technological developments that advance the species, now it is measured by the number of significant technological discoveries made per year, and there are so many new discoveries made every year that they could easily be measured monthly or even weekly. Magazines like Scientific America are dedicated to the subject of Man’s evolution. Any notion that Man’s kind is not continually evolving at an ever increasing rate of speed is founded purely in ignorance. This is also why Powers of Manifest a Sean Will continue to increase in velocity, Words Will continue to Manifest faster as time moves on. All part of the Quickening for the Golden Dawn of Man’s kind.
This was just going to be a short Post to Give You a glimpse through this Warlock’s Window to Man’s Macrocosm but I also Wish to touch briefly on the Word ‘Excellency’ before We continue.
Excellency is an honorific style given to certain high-level officers of a sovereign state, officials of an international organization, or members of an aristocracy.
Technically, I should be insisting that opposing counsel address Me as ‘His Excellency’ because I am legitimately the Head of My father’s Hold (House) on the von Dehn aristocracy. The (last) name is the Title (en-Title-ment/also meaning who You are is all in Your Mind)! And please don’t hate Me because I ‘just happen’ to be an heir to a legitimate, internationally recognized aristocracy – it’s just a convenient ‘coincidence’ in My Microcosm because I believe We are all Royalty, Sovereign States of being, so of course it would prove to be True for Me. That doesn’t make it any less True for any One else….
Also because one of the themes of this Blog is that there is no such thing as coincidence, only the Illusion of coincidence. Coincidence is the language of God. Like the fact that I’m also ‘O negative’ blood type, the blood of Christ, the ‘Universal’ donor. I can Give to every One but I can only take blood from others like Me. I am essentially an alien to this world, just passing through.
This is also part of the reason I Will not let any One contaminate My blood with some chemical bioweapon posing as a vaccine. What are the effects of the vaccine on ‘O’ negative blood types? Oh, no One tested for that? Yeah, I don’t believe in ‘one size fits all’ medical advice, that’s a dia-Gnosis, (to divide or go through Occulted knowledge). Did a dock cut Your cord and then re-Cord the event with the Issuance of a birthing certificate for Your citizen ship? Did Mum declare the parcel she was delivering into international hospice territory? Not very customary to smuggle a child across a national border. Oh, You didn’t know that hospitals are international territory? That’s why it’s a war crime to attack one.
So the dock (doctor) informs on the Mum for not declaring the parcel and the crime is recorded, evidence of the crime is taken (afterbirth material/shipwreck of baby), and the Master of the ship (captain/baby) is declared missing in action and presumed dead (look at the shipwreck). The dock salvages the ship and re-Cords its birthing at the hospital, Mum gets a receipt (Certificate) for the (Res) property held in Trust (for the Man/baby).
Well, I Writ more than I had intended on this subject, but now You know all the deepest, darkest, most occulted knowledge in the world, and why it is also the Ark of the Covenant. A Covenant is a Trust. The Ark is the citizen-ship We ‘Sale’ on Commercial Admiralty’s Holy See. The Man never enters into Law because the Man never claims the Res property held in Trust, he or she just holds the Certificate for it their entire Life and do nothing with it except ‘id-entify’ with it! Incredible, isn’t it? It’s like holding a deed to land but never claiming the land!
The point to the Warlock’s Window into Man’s Macrocosm, is to Show that even though I haven’t been Writing much, part of the reason for that is because it can sometimes give Me a better Idea about what’s going on in Man’s Macrocosm than when I do Write. If I’m not Writing and publishing new material, then People are obviously downloading documents and visiting Posts relative to what is going on in Man’s Macrocosm right now. I’m watching the effects of Spells already Cast into this Magical Product-Sean!
This next photo isn’t recent anymore but I decided to use it anyway because it was taken sometime last week and the fourth most downloaded document so far this month last week is the Notice of Default Judgment awarded against My siblings in the Estate Matter of My father. I kept the screenshot because 37 is also My Magical number Given Me by God – it is always a Sign directly from God. Four also happens to be ‘Foundation’ in Magic.

Most notable is that Neo Verses Smith is at the top of the charts, and rightfully so! The fraud is so clear and obvious, there really isn’t much the Judge can say and opposing counsel remain silent. So why is nothing happening? Good Quest-Ion.
We get to see in Real time just how corrupt the Courts really are! Remember, as much as the Judge may Wish to railroad Me for whatever biggoted, biased, and bullshit reason he might have, he really can’t get around what the Real world has to say about his decision regarding My sister’s duly appointed certificate to represent My father’s legal interests…

And this is part of the problem, really. Obviously the Judge is going to hate it that I’m correct if he didn’t already know, and if he did already know, then it appears as though he was warning Me about recording the proceedings because he intended to railroad Me and support the fraud, believing I would never be able to prove he had knowledge of the fraud when making his decision!!!
Of course, option two is much worse for the Judge than option one, so he is going to be forced to plead ignorance and come up with some kind of excuse for not taking Me more seriously when I told him about all of this in the motion hearing!
Otherwise, this is very bad for the Court as an ‘impartial’ body. The Court can’t argue with logic and reason, the Court can’t argue with facts, and the Courts cannot allow fraud to remain on a Court of Record. ‘Fraus Omnius Vitiat’ ( Fraud Vitiates Everything) and or ‘Fraus Omnia Corrumpit’ (Fraud Corrupts All). An ounce of fraud vitiates everything it touches!!! This is a mandatory, ever present, never changing, Principle in Law, or Maxim in Law.
So the Order DOES need to be vacated, so the best thing for the Court to do is say nothing (initially). The Court (and therefore the Judge presiding over it) also does not have the luxury of discretion when it comes to subject Matter jurisdiction. The Judge must have the jurisdictional capacity to hear the Claim in Order for the Claim to come before the Judge in the first place.
The Claim was filed as a Trust Claim – a Court of equity is required or the Court it Self is guilty of breach of contract! This is indicated on the Information for Court use form used at the time of filing, it is NOT optional; trial coordinator MUST ensure the correct jurisdiction is assigned to an appropriate judge.
The Judge can’t REFUSE to inherit the jurisdiction the Claimant requires because he doesn’t feel like it! It’s NOT optional! Nor is pretending the Trustee Act of Ontario wasn’t legislated to provide for Trusts (Res) in the province of Ontario.
I also received an email from the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms today that I Wish to share with You. I Wish to share it because these are the kind of lawyers I Wish to celebrate, the lawyers who know that Canada’s constitution is the only obligation of State Actors and any trespass upon Canada’s constitution is (perhaps obviously) unconstitutional, but also if it is done with intent to violate Canada’s constitution, it is a criminal breach of Trust and (in My opinion) constitutes treason against a Sovereing People.
I stress the Word opinion because Canada has long since redefined the definition of treason to suit their treasonous purposes for Canada’s criminal code, so check the definition with a less corrupt, slightly less Nazi leaning fascist as Canada’s current Trudeau treasonous dictator, Just-in (from some Lucky village missing their idiot).
The reason I like the email is because John is tall King very frankly about how corrupt and unconstitutional the Trudeau government Truly is, and this is what I feel every Honourable lawyer should be tall King about. If a lawyer is NOT defending Canada’s constitutional above all else and without except-Sean, they are just liars perverting the Rule of Law and using Courts as a cloak for their fraud, like My siblings counsel right now.
I really do feel it is unfortunate that I can’t share more Inspire a Sean all Good News with You about Canada’s Courts but for the moment, it is what it is. John Carpay is tall King about how We the People have a duty and obligate Sean to hold the Courts to account and expose the corruption when they make the wrong decisions or act in favour of corrupt state actors. Public scrutiny is the People’s greatest weapon and a Public a Sean is powerful, that is also why I am so Thank-Full for all of You, whoever You are, You are expanding Man’s consciousness just by reading these Words.
Oh, I have more for You but the main message today was to let You know that My last claim against the City of Ottawa where I was compelled to motion the Court to vacate Sally A. Gomery’s decision was downloaded thirty-two times in a single day last week! First time that document has been downloaded in over a year!!! Why all of a sudden? Is Agent Smith learning that the Court does choose to hear Me when I motion to Vacate an unlawful order? A lot of People became very suddenly interested in that Claim, and I technically still have a couple of years left to file that Motion if I Wish!
When I say I have a lot of options moving forward, it is not an exaggerate-Sean!!!
I Will not be ‘motioning’ the Court to do anything in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure, only in accordance with due process in any common law juris dick, Sean!
More on that later but I am really enjoying something of a vacate Sean from Writing right now and that tends to make My adversaries a little more nervous, too (because they have no Idea what I’m up to). Sometimes I like to be mysterious.
Love and Blessings,
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