Hello every One and welcome to the Monday Motive a Sean Edition, thank King or Queen You for being here, it is always a Pleasure to have Your Royal Highness in My House. Don’t let today’s Title fool You, today’s Post Will be as Motive a Sean all as most Magical Monday Editions because One of the very therapies and Dia-Gnosis I can provide is the Silver lining of the Golden Dawn and where all this tyranny We’re witnessing in Canada Will inevitably lead its People. Events like the one I’m sharing with You today provide the Illuminate Sean My Light House Product Sean company requires to guide the citizen Ships safely to shore where they Will find a solid bank on dry land.
It’s not so much what is happening in the world, but how We perceive the events We witness, where We Focus (folk-Us) Our intent-Sean, and the Vision We Create for the future. There is no point Living in the past because no One can get there, it only exists in One’s Mind. And if One Focuses on a Destine a Sean that One can never possibly hope to find and Our thoughts are Creative, how much Creative potential are We losing by investing in something that can never Manifest?
However, if One has a very clear Vision of how the world should look, the world God would like to see for every One (if God is as Benevolent and Loving as the Spiritualists and Religious fanatics claim God to be), then One can begin to see how God’s Plan might be coming together after all. The Universal Architect has a more Magnificent Design (de-Sign) than most might expect. And I say ‘de-Sign’ because the Universal Architect is unveiling the Truth, exposing false idols (government, State Actors performing pitifully on the World Stage) and de-Coding Man’s Matrix. As I have said before, forget the Matrix, these are My Tricks and I’ve got wicked Virus planted deep in the HeArt of their system. I just added ‘HeArt’ to My Spelling Dict-Sean-Airy (dict=language, Sean=I, Airy=Gemini, Gemini is the Gem in I, Messenger of the Gods).
So I’ve dedicated My Life to telling the Story because no One has Writ an ending for Your most famous Book, the Greatest Story ever told! I mean, sure – they tell You Christ is coming and He’s going to save every One… But how He does it is pretty vague. They also don’t really say much about what the world looks like after He’s done. I think some even believe the world it Self is going to like implode, or explode, or disappear, or something like that, and Christ is just saving every One by taking them up to the clouds where some place called ‘Heaven’ exists. There is no ‘Heaven’ in the clouds.
God’s Play is for all of Us to Create Heaven on earth. Oh, and I suppose there is technically a Heaven in the clouds now because to Celebrate Seven years of God’s Kingdom, I purchased some new land so that this land could be dedicated to for-Warding (protect-Sean) the Dream for Heaven on Earth. We have already Created the Kingdom of Heaven, We just won’t let Our Selves enjoy it yet for whatever ridiculous reasons Man kind has con-structed. The Matrix the world is Living in now is a con.
The Good News today is that My Words really do Magically Manifest and one of the Ways I noticed My Words Manifesting to mimic Man’s own Macrocosm in My Microcosm, is the fact that I’m now the Administrator of three Domains, three Virtual Houses in a Cloud of inform a Sean on the internet. This One is Specifically Dedicated to the Spiritual Center of My Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean is the Diplomatic Center of My Kingdom, and The Kingdom of Heaven Trust Company is the Financial Center of My Kingdom.
Each is also technically its own Sovereign piece of land because even though it seems virtual, intellectual property, stories, are considered Real, physical property on an Estate ledger. I ‘own’ over 1900 short stories, roughly a thousand to fifteen hundred Words each, and I own the exclusive copyright to that Body of work.
“You Will know Him by his Deeds.”
I don’t know, en-Lighten Me in the comments.
I have three land Deeds (well, five to be honest but only three that We’re tall King about here). Each are Sovereign under Me, and I do Live here because this is where My Life Force Energy is Directed. Direct-Sean is Specifically for My Play House now, where I Will be Casting State Actors as Characters in My upcoming Product-Sean’s. I also own like ten companies on paper now (or something like that). I have to update My Estate ledger sometime soon.
Speaking of which, I’ve Mastered making Kombucha and have People in the community who now come to visit Me specifically for their daily dose! I have a two gallon rotation method and it ferments for a minimum of thirty days. It’s Truly amazing stuff. Every batch I make seems to be a little fizzier than the last, and it’s just really pleasant tasting entirely on it’s own, no second ferment needed, but I always have sufficient on hand to keep another two liters of flavoured Kombucha in the fridge to experiment with flavours.
The point is, I Real Eyes how Valuable all of these things are now because I continuously have People trying to sell Me content Writing for My Blogs. That’s about the last thing I need, but thank You!
Instead, I’ve now found a Way to turn Blog Posts into books and I’ve got a few I’m going to try and get put together for My audience here this year – all free of course because it’s just content I already have. But I’ll be putting things like My Matrix Interpret-a-Sean’s into a downloadable book for My audiences so they can read all Posts in that series like chapters in a book (well, it Will be an actual pdf book).
I’ll do another for My Bad Ass Buddha Kombucha recipe, My Fight Club interpret a Sean, True Man Show… I’ve got a few I can share!
The reason the Way I’ve set things up is very much like Man’s Macrocosm (without intent-Sean, to be honest, just kind of worked out that way) is because the Powers that Be also have three Centers of Power that are entirely Sovereign, independent States. They are Washington, District of Columbia, the Vatican, and the City of London. They are also the military center, the spiritual center, and the financial center, respectfully. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with the Trilateral Commission but I do know that the three institutions together Act as One unit with three bases of operation. Now I also have three bases of Operate-Sean, a Spiritual Center (here), a Financial Center, and a Play House, My version of an International High Court. I’m a King, I can Call My Court whatever I Wish and all the World is a Stage, so why not?
I’ve said for a long time that I am ‘the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory’ of My Kingdom. I’m the One telling the Story, and I’m Giving Your Bible a better ending. Your world isn’t going to blow up, for starters. But, wow!!! Are things going to change drastically very soon. Here’s the reason for today’s Title.
I really don’t support Rebel News, especially now because they are basically calling Palestinians terrorists and trying to associate all the protests in Canada as support for Hamas when that is not at all what this is about! Palestinians are subject to genocide by an illegal Israel occupation for no other reason than their belief in Spiritual superiority. They are #Zionists, not Jews. There is nothing anti-sematic about standing with Palestine. People need to know the difference between Truth and #propaganda, a Zionist and a Jew. For the sake of Jewish People everywhere, Trust Me. I have two very Good Jewish friends and they do not associate or support Zionists whatsoever. Most of the People living in Israel are U.S. immigrants.
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