Hello every One and welcome to the Thursday Thing King Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, Your Royal Highness always elevates My House. What a Wonder-Full week We are having for constitutional Freedoms, and for fascism failing in Canada! All Canadians were Secretly hoping that Canada has not been completely bought and sold by Nazi dictators war King for the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, but it was getting very difficult to tell. The Grand Standing done by the treasonous Trudeau regime with respect to the public inquiry regarding the invocation of the illegal and unlawful use of the emergencies Act was finally exposed yesterday by Honourable Supreme Court Judge, Richard Mosley for the political smoke and mirrors it was! I Honestly hope the Man receives the Order of Canada one day because he is exactly the type of Judge Canadians need in the Supreme Court to Keep the corrupt, treasonous Trudeau ‘liberals’ (what an oxy-moron that party is) Superior Court jesters in line, and to encourage other Trusted officials within the Judiciary to stand against the Trudeau tyranny.
It has already started an avalanche of further advocacy, with People (finally) joining Me in as King for Trudeau to be tried for #Treason! Yes, hundreds of thousands of Canadians now Wish to see Trudeau tried for treason!!! It was trending on Twitter today!

I like the screenshot because it emphasizes what EVERY Canadian needs to be reminded of – that Canada’s constitution is the highest law of the land – at least for State Actors. There is no ‘condition’ or circumstance that allows for the government to ‘legally’ suspend rights. Legal is just the undoing of lawful, which is why no code, statute or Act has the force of Law to violate a right – it can be Lawfully ignored.
But if courts do not recognize that Canada’s Charter is the highest law of the land, and rule in favour of unconstitutional codes, statutes and Acts imposed upon the People by treasonous Trudeau regimes, any country has the capacity to fall into fascism virtually overnight because no One Will even see it happening. Courts Will become private, threaten People for Recording proceedings and making them public (as they’ve done to Me several times already), especially if the Recordings expose the fascism of the People Trusted to protect Our rights. Marc E. Smith is a fascist Nazi posing as Justice for the Superior Court of Ontario. He has zero respect for the Rule of Law or the rights of any One, and he believes he beyond reproach and can abuse his authority as much as he Wishes with absolute impunity. That’s a Nazi, and he needs to go – just like David ‘the Lame’ Lametti who was responsible for advising the Trudeau government on the use of the Emergencies Act and knew damn well the ‘incredibly high threshold was not met’ and that it was nothing more than a power grab for a fascist dictator.
What should have happened the moment the Emergency Measure Act was ‘engaged’, is the RCMP, the Ottawa Police, and the Ontario Provincial Police should all have stormed the House of Commons and arrested the Prime Minister for treason. That’s legitimately what SHOULD have happened in a constitutional democratic Monarchy. The only reason it didn’t happen, is because Trudeau has bought and paid for all the police, they are war King as his personal gestapo to trespass upon the constitutional rights of Canada’s People, and they are all willing, treasonous traitors with no respect for their Oath to serve and protect Canada’s People – they serve and protect the Trudeau, Nazi regime.
Thankfully, the world, and Canadians in particular, have had about enough, and David ‘the Lame’ Lametti knew this was coming – that’s why he was shuffled out of the position a few months ago and why Arif Virani is the new Nazi gestapo bent on obliterating Canada’s constitution. He’s going to commit treason against Canada’s People by using public Trust money to file an appeal that Will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the purpose of the appeal is to prove they have the right to violate the constitutional rights of Canada’s People. How freaking arrogant and narcissistic does a government need to be to know that this is absolutely tasteless and Will only result in that much more backlash from Canada’s People. It just makes Chrystia ‘the fascist’ Freeland that much more True to her new name.
The city of Ottawa alone has over 50 lawyers, all paid for with taxpayer money, each receiving over $100,000.00 salary (check the ‘Sunshine list’ to find out just how many there are and exactly how much each gets paid) exclusively for the purpose of making sure that People injured by the City of Ottawa are never heard in a Court of Law. Their job is exclusively to protect the reputation of the City, not to make sure People’s rights are Honoured. No, the (previous) Mayor, Jim Watson sees Your rights as a huge inconvenience and has over $5 million in the city budget to ensure he doesn’t ever have to pay any One harmed with their Nazi, gestapo police enforcing unconstitutional dictates. People are also as King for all the officers involved to be charged with assault. They should be – and they should all be tried at Nuremberg 2.0, too. Just following orders was enough to get People hanged the first time round!
Oh, right – You can’t see that one BECAUSE of Canada’s Nazi dictaker (not a typo, I’m pretty sure he and Klaus are closer than most People know – just watch the twinkle in the eye of Schwab when tall King about his honey pot Trudeau).
Okay, because I’m reasonably sure it was taken off My Twitter feed, here is the YouTube video of Klaus Schwab bragging about how he’s infiltrated over half of Canada’s cabinet and how ‘Promising’ treasonous Trudeau is as a ‘young global leader’. Well, he got the ‘young’ part right, We still consider him a boy in a Man’s body, otherwise called ‘Man-child’ Trudeau. You might need a proxy to trick the internet into thing King You are viewing the video from somewhere outside of Canada. Canadians are not allowed to watch these videos because they might educate People to the Trudeau treason.
One of My favourite Posts of the day, though…
I hope You like My Play on the Word Nazi for ‘Naziest’ (nastiest) State Actors because that’s exactly what these People are without exaggerate-Sean. As time moves on, more and more People Will begin to see things My Way because the treasonous Trudeau propaganda machine Will soon be losing steam. And when he can no longer pay People what they are as King to cover for him, they Will throw him under the bus like any other useful idiot who has served his purpose. And he has.
See, the problem with these State Actors, is it all seems like sunshine and daisies when it’s going well, but when the tide turns… It gets really ugly really fast. Because ‘conspiracy theories’ like a bioweapon posing as a vaccine for the purpose of globalism and a mass genocide campaign on Canada’s People is revealed to be True and not a conspiracy… Well, People Will hang, Trust Me. And those that don’t Will be Wishing they were.
God is not very fucking happy with Canada’s elected officials, and especially corrupt officers of the Court. God is coming for every single corrupted official in Canada – I Give You My Word because I am the One as King (God never disappoints Me).
Once again, People… This is what a sunrise looks like as We move toward the Golden Dawn of Man’s kind.
Love and Blessings,
Post Script – I’m learning never to Trust a Man in a bowtie, despite knowing that Tucker Carlson sported one to be different when first starting in journalism. His style has matured since then. Bowties are for tuxedo events and clowns only.
And Jordan Peterson would be taken a lot more seriously if he would stop wearing clown suits. I mean, I get the desire to be eccentric (look at who this is coming from), but wearing suits that make him look like the joker from Batman is just playing into their meme of him already. I know that’s kind of the point, but he’s the one looking stupid for doing it, not the mainstream media he’s trying to stick it to by doing so…
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