Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure to have You in My House and especially for this Free Lance Friday Edition!!! Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, Kings and Queens, Tucker Carlson came to Canada to crash the treasonous Trudeau liberal party yesterday, and it was an absolutely smashing event including Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith. In fact, I haven’t even watched the entire event yet because I am so anxious to share it with You first so that I can properly enjoy the discussion later this evening.
This is the part I’ve seen and I can’t recommend for One to watch it enough. I don’t like all of Tucker’s opinions, but I like pretty much every Word he says here and I’m SO grateful that some One with his influence is telling the Canadian People the uncensored Truth about Trudeau and his fascist dictatorship. He calls Trudeau’s medically assisted suicide program an act of genocide and treason on Canada’s People, claiming more than fifty thousand lives already. Trudeau would rather euthanize People with mental health issues than address the Issue it Self – that’s a loser and a tyrant, not a leader.
Tucker tells the Truth about a lot of things, including the climate hoax which I honestly would never have suspected. I had no Idea he was Red Pilling People on so many important Issues – like trans-gender ideology and trying to Characterize any One as King Questions about it as ‘transphobic, racist, misogynist’… No! That’s propaganda for social conditioning to destroy the family unit and compromise traditional family values with intent to confuse and sterilize as many children as possible by introducing the ideology into Canada’s educational institutions. People really need to understand how dangerous and treasonous the Trudeau government Truly is, and Tucker doesn’t hold back!
Now, I must share the next clip because You have to listen to this Canadian clown of a politician complaining like a tormented tot about Danielle Smith inviting Tucker to Calgary, ‘targeting’ Canadian politicians, using ‘scare tactics to incite violence against politicians’?!
I honestly don’t know what’s funnier, Carlson’s Trudeau roast and Truth bombs, or this cowardly clown of a State Actor. If You listen to the clip above, You Will genuinely believe that Tucker and Smith must have been tall King about taking out Trudeau or something. They do no such thing, not even close, it is complete fabrication and irrational fear. Let Me prove it to You…
Well, not exactly what I had in Mind but You know We don’t believe in coincidences here so I’m sharing the first video that came up which of course is the ‘Trudeau media approved’ version from CTV news.
I also hear that Jordan Peterson was at the event and I have a lot of reservations about Jordan Peterson these days but mostly because although I don’t fully Trust any One, I especially dis-Trust any One who works for the Daily Wire. The Daily Wire is a pro-Zionist, pro Israel propaganda network, regardless what else it may be using as a vehicle of transmission. It’s not owned by Ben Shapiro, but it’s run by whoever it is that backs Ben Shapiro, and Ben Shapiro is the epitome of Zionism posing as Judaism. And a Zionist is basically a Nazi.
Do You see what they are doing there? If they call the Nazis ‘Jews’ no One Will question the genocide in Gaza because no One Wishes to be accused of being antisemitic. That’s the game being Played, People! I have both Palestinian and Jewish Friends, I can tell You first hand this is True. In Palestine, Jews, Muslims and Christians have lived in peace together for centuries. Only the Zionists Wish for Israel for their Self, they are religious zealots, fanatics and believe that every One else on the planet is inferior and not even worthy of being the dirt under their boot.
Regardless what One’s Spiritual or political beliefs and convictions might be, We all know that genocide is a crime against humanity and not something We can tolerate in Good conscience as a ‘civilized’ People of advanced intelligence. I mean, really – do We Wish to continue behaving like barbarians? Who picks up a gun and kills complete strangers because some One else is as King of them to? And somehow You have all rationalized that this is okay? And People wonder why veterans have no ‘rights’. What rights does One have if they are Willing to take the Gift of Life away from another? Soldiers are just hired assassins for a corporation One calls a country, almost always squabbling over resources that are in absolute abundance. There is nothing logical or intelligible about it. The Hague ruled that the Acts of Israel do constitute genocide.
The decision of the Hague is not causing harm to Israel’s reputation, it is Israel’s senseless massacre of tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children in Gaza that causes harm to Israel’s reputation, and if they would stop the genocide and heed the orders of the Hague, their reputation might improve. I’m glad I’m not the only one calling them Nazis. That’s what they are, I Give You My Word – don’t be fooled by the ‘Jew’ nonsense. Jews are Good People, they don’t senselessly murder innocent Palestinian women and children, Israeli Zionists, do though!
Now, please read this knowing I Love My audience and that this (hopefully) doesn’t apply to You. I’m sharing this Post because I have said more than once that I believe democracy is the most fatally flawed form of government in the world. Why? Because the majority Will always decide the nation’s leader, and (unfortunately) the majority of a nation’s People are stupid and easily influenced. Most People are more interested in the results of their favourite sport team’s last game than they are in securing a future for their children, and a legacy for their lineage.
I’m also sharing it because I was tall King about this in Our V for Vendetta film Interpret a Sean, when V says that the People are to blame…
If Trudeau did actually win the last election without any Chinese interference in the elections (which I very highly doubt), it really doesn’t say much about the intelligence of Canada’s People, does it?
Hiring individuals with specific skill sets to produce and distribute resources as cost effectively and efficiently as possible would be far more sensible and productive than electing individuals based on a popularity contest fueled by a propaganda campaign. If People don’t perform well in their position, they are replaced and it’s in every One’s best interest. Pretty soon We’ll have sufficient artificial intelligence to automate virtually every element of a nation’s production chain more efficiently than Man’s kind could ever do now!
The Idea is to minimize the work, maximize efficiency, gradually Giving People more and more time off while continually increasing the standard of living and minimizing government. When People are removed of want and fear, there is very little left to squabble about, and the world Will know peace.
That’s all for today but I Will have lots more to say about this and other events taking place in Man’s Macrocosm as We continue to experience Illuminating events like Carlson’s crashing of Canada’s liberal party. I used to wonder why they call their Self ‘liberals’ when they are the polar opposite, but as it turns out, the term ‘liberal’ in fact refers to the Trudeau government’s very liberal interpretation of the high threshold of the Emergency Measures Act – but I’m sure the Emergency Measures Act just experienced the situation differently.
Oh, and today’s feature photo is just because photos always improve SEO rankings and is otherwise unrelated to this Post, though I did learn today that My lawsuit is apparently still open! I haven’t heard from the Court at all since I responded to the Decision to say that it was unacceptable for fraud, including a screenshot of the claims still waiting to proceed against My ‘unrepresented’ father. I suspected that opposing counsel would still need to bring a motion to settle the order if I don’t accept, and I’ve also requested for a Motion to settle the default against opposing counsel My Self. It does appear as though the Court still needs to settle the Order – so I guess it’s not over yet. 😉
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