Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural Son Day Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Pleasure and Honour to have You in My House. Today’s Title is pretty straightforward, though I Will tall King about much more than the new course I am taking at Hillsdale College. Today I Will be tall King about some of the reasons why I Will be doing a course critique, as well as sharing a few of My favourite YouTube videos I watched this week that further suggest this is in fact the Apocalypse, the official unveiling of Mysteries and Secrets, and the last of the darkness before the emergence of a Golden Dawn.
On that Note in this Universal Light House von Dehn Product-Sean, here is My favourite, most revealing, and inspire a Sean all Good News video of the week, courtesy of Russel Brand.
I wouldn’t recommend getting the data from Health Canada because they’re still promoting the #Bioweapon posing as a vaccine. In fact, if You want anything other than the Trudeau treason propaganda, One Will need to seek independent media sources. If People in Canada still watch CBC, Global, CTV or any of the other Canadian propaganda networks, I would suggest One should do pretty much the polar opposite of whatever the government sponsored media outlets tell One they should do. That Way One may be more equally aligned in Truth. This should help Canadian citizen ships fill their Sails with the strong wind of One’s True North as their Moral compass, to more skillfully navigate the hazards of commercial admiralty waters and avoid being CAPSIZED.
One should keep in Mind that the reason Russel Brand is so excited at the beginning of the video, and the purpose for so much emphasis on the subject Matter, is because prior to the date of Russel’s video, YouTube was banning videos for violating YouTube ‘policy’ if any One even suggested the mRNA, Pfizer, Moderna and other ‘big pharma’ jabs were potentially causing adverse effects – the video would be taken down and demonetized, or ‘Demon-E-ties’ (‘E’ always =MC2), Energy).
Too much evidence of the harm done by the mRNA technology and biological experimentation on Canada and the world’s People has been conclusively linked directly to the manufacturer’s products. The ‘perfectly safe and effective’ biological weapon posing as a vaccine does not stop or slow the spread of transmission, and it is certainly not ‘perfectly safe’. Myocarditis, pericarditis, swelling of the brain, nerve damage including paralysis and death, lowered IQ in children born to mother’s who were pregnant or became pregnant after the vaccine and honestly… They were as King to Keep the list of adverse events classified for seventy-five years because there are so many.
But the video below is of just as much importance for different reasons. I Wish to remind People that all the world is a Stage and every One is Playing a Part that was Writ in the Stars since before time it Self even existed – at least for You or Me.
As predicted, Tucker is now ‘the Wolf’ of the west, though One did not need to be psychic to see that coming! He’s now Trump’s treasonous liaison to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, the Wolf of the world, and President of Russia.
Every Good Story needs its anti-Hero for the Hero to defeat, right? There is always a great evil Power that must be destroyed, and it was clear to Me from a very young age that Russia was an enemy (China, too). So I paid mild attention to Russia and China from an early age because I Wished to understand why. I heard lots of stories about how corrupt and evil Russia is, but I don’t ever recall hearing any examples. I don’t ever recall Russia threatening Canada or even the U.S. in My entire Life. And I did have an optimistic, intuitive sense that Vladimir Putin was in fact everything the BBC documentaries were telling Me he was – I just couldn’t understand why any of it was ‘evil’ or threatening to the world in any Way. Especially if One takes into consideration that the United States seems to engage in a war with just about every foreign nation on the planet if it doesn’t like who the People elect. I swear they are just pirates involved in international espionage, exploitation and treason, taking out leaders of countries that either don’t Give them Good trade deals, or have different ideas about how to form their government.
But Jon Stewart is doing in the video below what Trudeau did just recently in the House of Commons – celebrated a Nazi. Justin and every other State Actor in that House of Commoners Will tell You it was a ‘mistake’. It was not a mistake, it was an announcement – Showing People of Canada with a Standing Ovation, what Ideology Canada’s government stands for.
They pull propaganda stunts like this to desensitize People to the Word ‘Nazi’. Canadians brush it off as a mistake but the Word Keeps coming up more and more after the fact, Poland is as King to have him extradited for war crimes. Did Canada send him? Are they entertaining the Extradition Application? These are rhetorical questions for Me, too – I haven’t heard anything since I heard they were as King. Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather was a Nazi. There are Nazis war King for the World Economic Forum. Ukraine and Israel are both fighting to Create the first ‘Sovereign’ Nazi States. And no, I’m not being satirical – deadly serious. Thirty-seven biolabs found in Ukraine, war King on mRNA bioweapon technology to target Russian DNA specifically. None of the People doing this are actually ‘Ukrainians’, they are American’s in Ukraine and Israel, doing all the illegal stuff they can’t do in Canada and the United States, like gain of function research.
I know, I’m not sourcing much today but most of what I’m telling You now is pretty easy to verify for One’s Self if One can turn away from mainstream propaganda for even just an hour every day. I like Jimmy Dore because he’s also a comedian and is great at identifying propaganda. When One sees nurses and doctors dressed up and filming commercials to promote a vaccine while the mainstream media is reporting a health emergency with overflowing health care systems… Well, for future reference, that’s not an emergency, it’s a psychological operation on the masses, creating a condition called mass formation psychosis to terrify One into purchasing a product promising Gifts it Will never Present.
If You do Wish for a reference to some of the information I’m tall King about today, REDACTED is a great YouTube alternative source of information and they cover the Nazi gestapo in Ukraine in particular, and how it’s been reported on for years by western publications like the National Post until Russia began its military operation against Ukraine. Now the west denies they’ve installed a Nazi regime in Ukraine because it’s for grifting money, creating bioweapons, never mind the sex trade industry. It’s a black market the U.S. and Canadian elites do not Wish to Give up – they already lost Epstein Island, remember!
But this video demonstrates just how morally bankrupt capitalism causes People to be. This is all for money. The Man is literally selling his soul because his financial backers are also Nazi’s and if he doesn’t promote their agenda, he’s not going to get anymore funding and Will have to go solo like Tucker Carlson or something.
I decided I should leave a REDACTED video for You because this is an especially Good one for Canadians. Search the videos on their channel if You Wish to learn more about their investigation into the Ukraine Russia conflict. The U.S. are as King if Canada has become a third world country! I’m not even exaggerating anymore when I say Canada’s become a ‘Banana Republic’.
I’m also 25% of the Way through the new course I’m taking with Hillsdale College, and I already have lots to say about it! I’m also very thankful I didn’t ever waste money on University, a Universe City Degree is infinitely better because some of these professors don’t even understand the limits of their own philosophical arguments and understanding – they contradict their Self more times than I can possibly count. The entire course is essentially attempting to prove a false thesis based on presumptions (and even arrogance) rather than Truth of fact.

However, I’m not suggesting One shouldn’t take the course – I can tell You it’s very easy and I doubt very much than any One Will struggle with the material. I’ve taken three modules and scored 70, 90, and 100 percent on the first quiz try for each section without studying at all. I’m pointing this out because if I hadn’t gone over My first quiz to double check My answers before submitting, I would have scored 90,90,100. I did NOT review My answers before submitting the second and third quiz. On the second try, I easily scored 100.
But I do think it’s worth Writing about when I am finished the course because I do believe it’s propaganda more than it is a course to educate. For those of You who know Me and history well enough to pick up what I’m putting down, the course starts by stating that the Declaration of Independence was the first document to recognize that all of Man’s kind are endowed with inherent, natural rights Given by God. It declared that no Man shall have authority over another without the informed consent of the governed. The Constitution (quite a few years later, 1776) was Created to lawfully secure the rights expressed in the Declaration.
Any One guess why I might have a problem with these arguments?
The Declaration of Independence was drafted in 1710, the Constitution in 1776. That’s My cliff hanger and clue for whenever I finish the course and continue My critique and review.
That’s the best of the Good News from My Microcosm this week, though We do also have an incredible Product-Sean taking place over at the Universe City Play House Theatre which has been keeping Me busy when I’m not Writing here, so please check it out, I think You Will enjoy the Show!!!
Love and Blessings,
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