Hello every One and welcome to a very Special Fab-Yule-Us Friday Free Lance Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always a Great Honour to have Your Highness in My House. Today’s feature photo is of another Magi-Call-Man named Moses who is just One of the Characters I Will be tall King about from ‘His Story’ in upcoming Tell a Vision Tuesday Editions, where I Will be Presenting a thesis to the world most People Will not like – primarily that the ‘prophets’ were all serving Satan, the LORD God, not God. The Egyptians did not vanish or go extinct, they are the ‘Powers that Be’ of today! So stay tuned for that one! Today I Will be tall King about another most Magical and kismet ‘coincidence’ (if We believed in such things), the Ides of March, a most Magical day for the God of Justice!
So, what IS the ‘Ides of March’?
Ides of March, day in the ancient Roman calendar that falls on March 15 and is associated with misfortune and doom. It became renowned as the date on which Roman dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE and was further immortalized in the tragedy Julius Caesar by English dramatist William Shakespeare. In the play, a soothsayer warns Caesar to “beware the Ides of March.”
What is so Magical about the Ides of March that it affects both My Microcosm and Man’s Macrocosm with equal proportion? Well, it just so happens that (although I’ve not been Writing about it here as much) I provided a final Dead Line for the City of Ottawa, the Ottawa Superior Court, and My landlord to respond to Notices of civil and or criminal liability served upon each on Magically Monday of this week, Promising that if they do not reply before five o’clock Post Midi, March 15th, 2024, I Will be as King for a Judicial Review of both Marc E. Smith’s decision in My Estate Claim, and of the SBT decision and recent emails of harassment received by the City of Ottawa.
More importantly still, when One is Living Life as a Mystic and knows there are no coincidences, everything is a Sign from God. I had no Idea about the Ides of March, I had never heard of it before. I just happened to tell My Friend that I’d finally had enough, and if the People I served don’t take some Action by the end of the week, I Will be preparing an Application to the Divisional Court for Judicial Review, five o’clock Friday is the absolute Dead Line!!!
It was My Friend who was as King Me if I had chosen the Dead Line for its Magical relevance, and I had to concede I had no Idea what he was tall King about, I had just had enough! He laughed and thought that in and of it Self was a Good Sign because the Word also means to Divide! He thought I’d chosen to appeal to a Divisional Court with a Dead Line on the Ides of March because of the obvious Word Play!
“The term Ides derives from the Latin word iduare (Latin: “to divide”), with the full moon serving as the division point in the middle of each month.”
This is what I Call a Good Omen, an elevate-Sean of new Highness for the Word Amen. ‘Amen is one part of One of three Egyptian Gods; Isis, Amen-Ra, and El. Look up what each of those Gods represent in Egyptian mythology, then take the last two letters of each of their names and what does One come up with? IsRaEl. Interesting. Looks a lot like the Word Israel. doesn’t it? Is One still believing in coincidences, or is everything a Sign from the One (True) God? What is the name of the One True God? I am...
Another very Good Omen of late, is that I am Acting as Trusted counsel for a Friend and My artificial persona in a Landlord Tenant Board hearing, and a case conference has officially been scheduled (finally, it’s only been almost a year since the date of filing). The Virtual Courtroom number for both cases is 137!!! If One doesn’t know that 37 is God’s most glaring and obvious Sign for Me, One knows it now.
Even better, the Notice of the Case Conference Hearing allows Me to invite My Friends to join the Conference Call!!! So that Will be excellent because I have two Friends for sure who Wish to see Me Acting for My artificial person, and I can freely share the link here!
It shouldn’t even be remarkable that I am able to do so, I have mentioned and shared with My audience here public invitations to view Supreme Court appeals that are shared with hundreds of thousands of People on ‘X’. If the highest Court in Canada allows One to invite whoever they Wish to view the proceedings, why should One not be expected to do the same in any lower court? Because the Courts of Justice Act of Ontario has unlawful regulations that trespass upon One’s right to uninhibited public access, which can lawfully be ignored because it violates federal Law, it is only applicable in the Jurisdiction of Ontario (and that’s how they get You, by presuming One consents to a lesser, inferior jurisdiction when the Courts do in fact have an obligation to inherit the jurisdiction necessary to accommodate the Claimant and provide remedy (to provide is a Provision of the Superior Courts provided for by the Department of Justice and Ministry of the Attorney General, under Remedies, 24.1 in Canada).
I also mentioned that I have read… I don’t know, probably about a quarter to half of the Bible in total, and am war King My Way through the entire Book in the Order it is Presented in the King James Red Letter Version (Verse-Ion). But I am discovering that I know the Bible much better than I thought I did, to the point where a Friend and I were able to find a very clear discrepancy between the Verse-Ion of the Story of Abraham told in the Quran, and the one told by the Christian Bible.
For those who might be thing King that this should come as no shock to either of Us, the Truth is, the Quran acknowledges all the same stories told in the Bible, acknowledges all the same prophets of the Bible, they simply do not believe that Jesus is God, they believe He is a prophet like Mohammed (Blessed Peace be upon them both). All of the most important details of Biblical Stories should be identical to the Quran because the Quran relies on the Truth of (the same) prophets. If a Significant detail in a Story is not the same, it causes scrutiny and division because One is obviously not True, and they are both said to be a Truthful account of His Story. Well, today My knowledge of the Bible allowed Us to determine that some One is not telling the Truth.
God was very clear with Abraham about which son he was to sacrifice to Satan if he Wished for his power in the world to grow and continue, though he was as King for quite the Sacrifice to secure the deal, his ‘first born’. His first born was Ismael, and only because his wife, Sarai, gave her slave girl, Hagar to Abraham as a wife so that he could produce an heir for his lineage.
When Abraham expressed to Satan that he was unhappy with how this had made his wife feel, Satan was as King of Abraham why he didn’t just have a son with his wife in the first place, rather than her slave girl (because she was ninety and the slave girl was young). Satan Promises Abraham that nothing is too great to be as King for, so long as One is Willing to Sacrifice. So Abraham, at the tender young age of a hundred, beds his wife of ninety, and conceives a child, Isaac.
When Satan is as King of Abraham later to Honour his Promise and Sacrifice his first born, Moses is as King if he means Ismael. (In the Bible) Satan tells Abraham to sacrifice his True first born, the son Called Isaac, not the One he had with the slave girl, his True blood-line. Well, the Quran tells a different Story and Abraham is told to sacrifice Ismael! They both use the name specifically. My Friend was so convinced that I must be wrong and that the Bible would not ‘make an error’ on such a serious point, We had to Google it to find We are both correct, there is in Deed a discrepancy. It is serious enough that My Friend is a little stressed about it, wondering which Book is wrong.
I can’t tell You because My perspective is entirely different, if You hadn’t Noticed, My thesis is that Moses was tall King with Satan and making covenants with Satan. God never Shows him Self in the Bible, God always sends Messengers, Angels that interfere with Satan’s Plan when Satan is Crossing the line. Satan is the LORD God of the underworld, the Magical, Cast out heir to God’s Kingdom in Heaven, destined to rule the underworld and confuse Man’s kind with artificial personas, Roles to Play on the world Stage while the Universal Architect Directs the Product-Sean.
I’ve also completed two courses with Hillsdale College now, and the second was on the story of Genesis from the Bible (first was U.S. Constitution 101), and the course is taught by a professor I have tremendous respect for and is an exceptional English teacher for any One interested. Justin Jackson has intimate knowledge of the True meaning of the original Hebrew Words used, and provides fresh insight to any perspective, I can virtually guarantee that every One Will Love his perspective without having to feel threatened or offended in their original Faith or belief. He’s an excellent storyteller and teacher, he makes learning the True meaning of the stories virtually effortless.
I’m also proud to say I scored 100% on the final quiz for the course on Genesis, and I Will be finishing the Exodus course also taught by Justin Jackson later this evening. I seriously enjoy learning from him more than I’m interested in watching YouTube, playing Xbox, or even playing chess! I’ve been playing a lot of chess lately, too (and getting My ass kicked again for taking too much time off, down about a hundred points over My usual average). I’m ‘vondehnvisuals’ on Chess.com if any One ever Wishes to look Me up and challenge Me to a game, I Will Play any One.
I seriously recommend checking out Hillsdale College courses if One simply enjoys learning for the sake of learning. I’m going to be taking a whole ton of courses because I’m genuinely interested in learning a little about everything. They have one on mathematical theory and another on basic chemistry and the periodic table of elements, a course on C.S. Lewis who was an author I Loved as a child, a course on Dante, philosophy, it’s Truly incredible how many courses they have, and most of them sound interesting to Me, the hard part is deciding which course to do first!
But I also recommend checking out My upcoming Tuesday Tell a Vision Editions, because I have plenty of Ideas now so I am hoping to schedule regular Posts to the series on days I don’t have anything else Pressing I Wish to Write about. I am absolutely going to be doing a series that provides My interpret a Sean of the Biblical stories, and how it is in fact teaching Man’s kind to war ship Satan, and I Will be providing several pieces of evidence to prove My point based on the original Words used and what they were Truly communicating.
As a preview, here is today’s feature photo once again. I chose this photo because I noticed in the course I was taking that Moses was often depicted not only with a Magical Staff (like a Wizard of Magic), but with antenna-like bunny ears painted over his head! This reminds Me so much of when People make a ‘V’ with their fingers behind some One’s head in a photo. It is said to represent a horned goat, Baphomet, or Satan. I just Wish to remind People of those ‘Myths’ We’ve all heard related to this sort of symbology before Presenting the photo again and as King what You see depicted here?

And where did this allegedly take place? Mount ‘Sinai’. What does the Word Sinai mean when translated to Hebrew in its original meaning?
“According to Rabbinic tradition, the name “Sinai” derives from sin-ah (שִׂנְאָה), meaning hatred, in reference to the other nations hating the Jews out of jealousy, due to the Jews being the ones to receive the word of God.”
Google God
So the Commandments were Given to Moses on Mount Hatred, then? And Jews wonder why there is so much hate for them in the world? If they understand any of their own teaching at all, this is precisely why Jews are ‘hated’ by so many People in the world, and that is in no Way, shape or form intended to suggest that I hold any disdain for Jewish People whatsoever, this is simply an example of ‘God’s Word’ in ‘Action’, a testament to the Self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, I was just tall King about Justin Jackson and I’m pretty sure he’s Jewish – if he’s not, he’s well versed in Hebrew, if not fluent.
How can One not be hated by every One if One is as King to be hated by every One and making it the Foundation of One’s legacy from the top of an erupting volcano? Seriously. Worse still, the Jewish People legitimately understand Magic better than any One, that’s why You have to be Jewish before One can learn any Secrets. And no One who ever told the Story to Me previously ever mentioned it was an erupting volcano!!! That makes Writing Words in stone a little bit easier if One has access to advanced technology that can cut stone with razor like precision (like, I don’t know, say the Egyptians and those massive stones they cut perfectly to fit into place for the pyramids?).
My theory that the Egyptians never died out, they just went underground and became the powers that be today is sounding a lot less untenable now, isn’t it?
Love and Blessings,
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