Hello every One and welcome to the Sensei Sean all Saturday Edition, thank King or Queen You for being here. I’ve been busy over the last week war King on some Matters in My Microcosm but because the Microcosm reflects the Macrocosm in all things, I am hoping to return tomorrow for the Super Natural ‘Son’ day Edition to provide some examples of events reaching their climax on the main stage.

You can click on the photo above to take You to My Universe City Play House where I Will be holding all these criminals accountable for their deeds. Jove Ponniah, Operations Supervisor for the Toronto Superior Court doesn’t feel he has any duty or obligation to make sure that the clerks of his Court are not aiding and abetting corporate fraud. He’s been allowing Actions and Applications to proceed against dead People and unrepresented Estates and seems to think that’s perfectly normal.
Because this is so clearly incorrect and unreasonable, I had advised Jove Ponniah a week ago last Friday, the 15th of March, that if he did not press criminal charges against the fraudsters or at the very least conduct a Crown investigation into the Matter, I Will be taking the Matter to the Divisional Court, holding him personally liable for the criminal malfeasance of the Crown. It is My belief that Jove Ponniah has been aiding and abetting these crimes from the beginning, and conspiring with Carey Thomson, supervisor of the Bracebridge Courthouse to Keep all filings related to My father’s Estate off the public Record, effectively denying opposing counsel of their right to respond.
Because (as anticipated) I did not hear from Jove Ponniah before 5:00 on Friday, March 15th, I began war King on My Application to the Divisional Court. Although it is a very rough draft, I am sharing it with You today to demonstrate how the Actions of One Man can alter One’s Lawful strategy completely.
One of the reasons it’s just a rough draft, is because it’s NOT the correct Court form. The only current Court form I could find was not editable – it requires for One to print the document and fill it out manually, which is absolutely ridiculous and impractical. I’m going to share the proper form with You below so that One can see how much of the form requires editing, just to emphasize how pointless it would be if I could not use the form as a template and edit My Self.
The main difference is that the above document is a Word document, not a pdf. The courts Wish to have all digital documents in pdf format which is fine, but it’s not much Good if the templates are in pdf format and not editable.
So I knew I would have to redraft the Claim anyway because the form I’m using is outdated, but My Wish was to get everything out – I can always copy and paste into the correct form when I have it. I also messaged the Court to advise them of the Issue with the Court form and how useless it is if they do not have a version available in Word. The above Word document was provided to My by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General’s Court Services Division.
But there is another reason for today’s Post because I’m always tall King about how there are no coincidences, and I had prepared My rough draft last Saturday and was basically just waiting to hear back from the Court so that I can transfer the information into the correct form and finish preparing My materials.
On Sunday night, almost eleven o’clock in the evening (10:50), Jove Ponniah decides to respond to Me, despite the fact I’d told him 5:00 PM Friday was the deadline. Honestly, if Jove Ponniah is NOT engaged in criminal conduct with malicious intent and worried about getting arrested him Self, then why is he emailing Me on a Sunday night at eleven o’clock? Why would he even be thing King of Me while he’s at home on a Sunday evening, presumably about to head to bed so he can be the bright-eyed, bushy-tailed rat he’s expected to be for the Toronto Superior Court on Monday morning? This is NOT normal or professional conduct, he’s obviously NOT writing Me from the Court!
I was so enraged by Jove’s audacity to email Me on a Sunday evening, that I decided that I am going to redraft the entire claim, removing all the other parties from it with the exception of Jove Ponniah. I don’t need to serve this Application on any One I’ve already brought a civil Claim against because they’ve already had their chance to say what they Wish to say. The only One engaged in criminal conduct right now, is Jove ‘the Jailbird’ Ponniah, and I’m going to be holding him accountable to the fullest extent of Canadian law.
The difference between My application to the Divisional Court and My original Claim against My siblings, is that I was only suspicious that My siblings were colluding against Me and lying to Me about details of the Application, I didn’t have any evidence because they’ve been withholding disclosure from Me from the beginning. Now, I have a plethora of evidence that proves they are all engaged in fraud, which is why they all remain silent – there is nothing they can do to cover their crimes because it’s all been done and I have sufficient evidence to prove the fraud beyond any shadow of doubt.
So My application to the Divisional Court Will be against Jove the Jailbird Ponniah, and I Will only be using the Civil Claim 22-89835 as one piece of evidence to support My Application, along with all of the additional documents Jove has since provided to Me that are not mentioned whatsoever in the Estate Application where My sister is claiming to have been ‘duly appointed’ as the Estate Trustee.
But, because it is the Court Services Division of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General that responded to My email to provide Me with the correct form, it also appears to be exactly the same email address where I have been complaining about the Court not requiring service of documents on the responding parties of Actions and Applications filed with the Toronto Courthouse.
So I responded to the Court Services Division to advise them that I believe it is patently incorrect and unreasonable (the grounds for an Application to the Divisional Court) to suggest that I should be required to do anything more than report the crime to the Court responsible for receiving the documents, lest they are suggesting I am not entitled to the protect-Sean’s of Canada’s criminal code – these are indictable, federal offences!
So here’s My reply to the Court Services Division of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General.
Oh, and just because I do sometimes like to file documents that are Hand Writ, One Will Notice that the instruction clearly indicates that One can fill the form out in hand writing so long as it is legible. Any lawyer suggesting One MUST type a Claim is gaslighting.
What they provided is exactly what I was as King for, and although I didn’t check the links provided in their email, I did visit the official list of Court forms provided by the first Google search which indicated that all forms are now in pdf format, including an instructional video on how to use them.
The point is, this seeming inconvenience was in fact just another Sign from the Universe, a Gift from God because it makes drafting My Claim so much easier now. The Court Services Division has assigned a file number to My inquiry, and I have now reported to the Court Services Division that Jove Ponniah has been denying entitled parties of their right to participate in the proceedings by accepting fraudulent affidavits of service on dead People and invalid addresses, effectively allowing My father to be falsely accused of criminal offenses he didn’t commit so that liars posing as lawyers could cash in on $3 million worth of insurance fraud.
If THEY don’t respond and let Me know what action is being taken to apprehend Jove Ponniah and the rest of the criminal clerks war King for his Court, that’s all that needs to be in My Application to the Divisional Court, as it is patently ‘incorrect and unreasonable’ that they would not do something about the criminal conduct taking place in their courts once it is made known to them.
Alright, that’s all for now, and much longer than I had anticipated. I’m also preparing an Application to the Divisional Court against Ontario Works and there is no statute of limitations because they are administrators of public funds for the Benefit Canada’s People and ‘decision makers’. Any incorrect and unreasonable decision, such as believing they are not subject to Canada’s Criminal Code and the Trustee Act of Ontario, is subject to the Divisional Court for Judicial Review. I Will have both Applications prepared before the end of the week.
Tomorrow, for the Super Natural Son Day Re-View, I Will be tall King about how the Macrocosm reflects the chaos taking place in My Microcosm, and how all of it is moving Us toward an Apocalypse for a Golden Dawn.
Love and Blessings,
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