Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition, thank King or Queen Your Royal Highness for being here, it is always an Honour to have You in My House. I have lots of exciting Good News to share with You that I have specifically been saving for the Free Lance Friday Edition so that We can cut through some of the deception and get to the Heart (He-Art) of the Matter. I’ve been away for awhile and the momentum We’ve seen in Man’s Macrocosm moving Us ever closer toward a Golden Dawn is always reflected in My Microcosm. Translate, Sean? We’re reaching the climax of Universal Pictures Greatest Present a Sean!
The last time I Writ a Post it was to let the world know that the Ottawa Policy Service stopped by almost three weeks ago (Saturday, April 27th) as King of Me to accept an UNDERTAKING on behalf of some artificial person, ‘Sean VON DEHN’. Despite telling the officer that I’m not the person named on the UNDERTAKING, I was coerced and intimidated into accepting the UNDERTAKING because Dawn assured Me that it’s much better than being bound in chains, kidnapped, and placed in solitary confinement (a form of torture, cruel and inhumane punishment). Who’s going to argue with two individuals dressed in riot gear, carrying guns, tasers, batons, and cuffs? It was impossible to ignore the logic, or to provide legal or lawful consent because I am clearly acting under duress.
So I complied with Dawn ‘the Delinquent’ Neilly’s unlawful orders and agreed to accept the UNDERTAKING on behalf of this artificial person. A contract is mutual, right? If Dawn is threatening Me with harm for failing to contract with her, she is also consenting to contract with Me. I’m King Sean, of House von Dehn, and Dawn ‘the Delinquent’ Neilly Will be looking devilishly Good as the next State Actor in Universal Pictures Greatest Present a Sean and the ‘He Art in Heaven Exhibit-Sean’. All the world is a stage, every One has a Role to Play, and I’m doing My best to provide a little Direct-Sean.

Dawn Neilly was also placed on Notice of Counter Claim for abdicating her Oath, breach of contract, abuse of power, harassment, intimidation, and if she’s not careful, she may also be found to be complicit with collusion and conspiracy to engage in fraud. The Notice can be found on the International Public Record. That was long before I decided to search the Court database to find… Nothing?

As as disclaimer, the Court case search tool does provide a disclaimer specific to criminal charges, stating that there may be a short, one or two day delay for the charges to show in the database. But there is absolutely no reason that it wouldn’t be showing up after three weeks unless nothing has been filed with the Court! Sound familiar?
This seems to be the ‘go-to’ strategy for every legal opponent in My Microcosm, which are also State Actors that share Our Macrocosm and why the Microcosm and Macrocosm Will eventually merge into One.
But that’s not the only evidence I have to Show that the officer showed up with intent to intimidate Me without any evidence or injured party to support her baseless allegations against this artificial person, even if I were the person named on the inform a Sean – ‘Virtual Crown’ has confirmed that there is no disclosure related to this Matter, ‘no documents have been filed’.
I’ve been following up with them almost daily to find out if there has been any change, and cc’ing Dawn Neilly to see if maybe she Wishes to let Crown know what this is about and or let them know why she hasn’t filed any documents to support her UNDERTAKING. No One seems to be able to tell Me anything about this, and no One from the Crown’s office Wishes to provide Me with a name – once again, every reply was ‘anonymous’ or initials only. No, that’s not suspicious at all!
It’s been going back and forth for a while, but Dawn finally responds trying to convince Me that I don’t require disclosure because I know what this is about? That’s not how the legal process works, People, that’s called a ‘fishing expedition’ – she doesn’t have anything and is hoping I Will make some kind of confession or admission responding to her. However, I’m not entirely sure the process ever really ‘works’, I’m reasonably convinced that the Courts are just a cloak for fraud, though I am still cautiously optimistic that there Will be some Good, honest People war King for them – You know, the odd judge here and there that actually became a judge because they believe in the Rule of Law, not to exploit People who come before them for Justice? There are Good People in the world, let’s hope some of them are judges…
But there really never is a dull moment in My Microcosm. The attacks from the City of Ottawa and their various government branches seem to be on the increase! Part of the reason I took a bit of a hiatus from Writing was because I figured that maybe they would smarten up so that I don’t have to continually chastise State Actors for their incomprehensible demonstrations of moral bankruptcy.
I’m being discriminated against with such extreme prejudice by Multifaith Housing Initiative, that I’m starting to believe they may in fact be more ringleader of the conspiracy against Me rather than just an innocent bystander that got dragged into supporting the criminal negligence and malfeasance of Ottawa’s public Trustees. It’s like the ‘not for profit’ is really just a shell company for aiding and abetting the crimes of Ottawa’s public Trustees, aiding and abetting their determination to use dependency on resources to demoralize and degrade People until they have no Will left. Community ‘volunteers’ are Willing slaves who receive perks that none of the other community members Will even hear about – for the privileged tenants of MHI only.
They use publicly donated funds from Spiritual organizations to create division in the community by offering all of the ‘best’ donated goods to their favourite People, who then call all their friends, family, and favourite People, and once the ‘Good’ volunteers have taken their fill, the rest of the community Will receive an email (if they are lucky enough to be on the list, tenants they don’t like Will be excluded) so they can come and get whatever scraps are left over. If any One complains about the discrimination ‘community event coordinators’ are engaged in and the favouritism they witness in the community, One Will effectively be blacklisted and exiled from the community.
I know, You are probably thing King this is some kind of exaggerate-Sean. I assure You every Word is absolutely True and I have been as patient as I can possibly be Giving MHI the benefit of the doubt, presuming they are only Acting the Way they do because they are contingent on the City of Ottawa for funding, and therefor must always Act as their ally, even if they are abusing People. But no, they appear to enjoy abusing People and using the resources donated to play favourites and reward their favourite tenants – including the Garden Gang’s fearless, toothless lesbian leader, Laura- the ‘hired Hand’ of MHI, and the unofficial ‘bodyguard’ and agent provocateur.
I Writ once that calling some One a ‘goof’ on the street is probably the quickest Way for One to get their Self knocked out. MHI decided to hand out garden plots this year without as King of Me to participate, removing Me from the email list so they can tell Me that I’m not being awarded a garden because I wasn’t as King for one! Exactly the same tactics ‘Home for Good’ uses, claiming to send out renewal packages they simply don’t send, then cut the tenant off without any Notice so they get evicted. Home for Good then tells MHI (without the tenants knowledge or consent) that the tenant didn’t return the forms, so the subsidy had to be revoked because they ‘REFUSE to comply’. Then they say this is why they need to make such strict rules because the People they provide rent to are just too irresponsible to ‘maintain their tenancy’.
I knew they planned to deny Me a garden this year because a Good King always has spies everywhere, and MHI has absolutely no idea how many People in the community support Me because the only input they ever receive is from their ‘Gardening Gestapo’. By their testimony alone, MHI plays judge, jury, and executioner, based exclusively on hearsay of their ‘favourite’ tenants, and without even telling the other party that a complaint has been made against them so they can defend their Honour! They literally either have no idea how to properly manage a building, or they are most maliciously motivated, morally bankrupt slumlords posing as landlords I have ever known in Life! They are WORSE than Ottawa Community Housing, and that is REALLY saying something.
There are ‘vermin’ living in both apartment buildings, birds in the rafters of the apartments that have been living there for over six years, mice living in the walls of all the townhouses (and they won’t call pest control because in order to be effective they would have to do all the townhouses at once and provide accommodation, so it isn’t ‘economically viable’ for a ‘not for profit’). The back stairs are falling apart, and landscaping is extremely limited. People living in basement apartments have all their sunlight shut out because they have a jungle of weeds blocking their view. Great Way to keep People depressed and unmotivated, is to shut out as much sunlight as possible. They’d probably get an eviction notice for removing or trimming them, too!
Some of My Friends were as King Me to come to the Garden Gang’s meeting so that I could be as King in front of the community why I didn’t receive any of the emails or Notice that they were Giving out gardens. Initially, the Garden Gang leader, Mara, was making excuses insisting that I did receive Notice (gaslighting because they know damn well that I didn’t), and when I insisted that I didn’t receive a single email Notice about it and neither did two of My Friends, Laura decided to answer for Mara (despite the fact that I would never address this deplorable excuse for an individual), “because You’re a f-cking goof!”
Now, just about every One at the meeting witnessed this, and heard very clearly what Laura said, she was not being discreet. The intent was for the insult to be heard by every One there, hoping to provoke Me to violence. For the first time, I did respond with what One might call ‘strong’ language, “You think I Give a f-ck what a toothless lesbian has to say?”
And then she brags that she’s recording every Word! Fabulous!!!
It went on for a little bit as I was as King of Mara, (the Gang Leader and main Nazi of the gestapo) to please not touch My garden until I have an opportunity to speak to management of MHI regarding all of this, as no One in the ‘Garden Gang’ has any right or authority to do or say anything about who Will ultimately get the garden if not every One has had fair opportunity to participate – they are not management, no management personnel were even on site at the time.
But the Gardening Gang are in fact ‘hired Hands’ (however cheap) of MHI management, and were instructed to discriminate against Me with extreme prejudice, and to do everything they can to incite Me to violence (starting with calling Me a ‘goof’), including as King of Mara to start by destroying My plot from last year which has an Echinacea and Daisy plant coming up from last year – two plants I added to My garden to benefit every One in the community because they are perennials, have exceptional medicinal uses, and bring tons of beneficial insects into the garden. In fact, it was the most complimented plant in the community gardens last year, and it Will be even more beautiful this year.
Instead of telling Me that she would hold off on destroying the plants in My garden until I speak with management about the situation, she begins with My garden which happens to be the only garden with no weeds and two beautiful plants coming up – the rest are FULL of weeds. The only reason she did it was to provoke Me and hope to incite Me to violence. I tried to stand in front of My plants, as King why she was being so unfair and unreasonable, but she continued to stab at My feet with a pitchfork like something out of ‘Children of the Corn’ a woman totally possessed with madness, yelling and screaming at Me, “these gardens belong to ME!!! Do You Wish to see a copy of My lease?!”
I was actually as King to see it because it would explain a lot, though she only pretended to search her back pocket and produced nothing but bullshit and a stinky hand. I realized that I probably don’t Wish to test the immunity they may have been provided with to provoke Me and decided I didn’t Wish to have My foot pierced by a pitchfork and began to leave the garden. As I’m making My Way out, the toothless lesbian’s lardy lover decided to shoulder check Me on her Way by, whispering to Me, “You’re not getting a f-cking garden, a-hole”.
I advised her as I had advised her bull-dyke-bodyguard-lover that I don’t care what a couple of toothless lesbians have to say about My right to be fairly treated in the community.
Yes, believe Me, I know My Words are shocking and I am only sharing them because it is the first time I have ever used inappropriate language. The difference is, I’m not the aggressor or instigator, and they are using a Word with deliberate intent to provoke Me to violence and I can’t very well hit a woman, can I? Not that I would anyway, but if it were a Man, defending My Honour would have immediately instigated a fight OR they concede to being inferior. You don’t have to tell Me how immature and ridiculous all of this is, I’m just telling You how it is and how it plays out between two Men – either they immediately throw down, or One Man concedes to the other voluntarily.
The Words mean nothing because they are not True, it’s just defamation. But Laura and Manou are in fact, toothless, lesbian lovers, and the belligerent bullies of the neighbourhood.
But the Real Star of the Show today, is Yvonne Ashby. When I complain to MHI about what has happened at the Garden Gang’s meeting, she fails to respond to My complaint at all, initially.
Yesterday, however, she followed up with the following.

If it is possible for a single letter to Trump the stupidity and idiocy of every email I’ve ever received in My entire Life thus far, it is the above featured photo of Yvonne ‘the Arrogant’ Ashby’s letter that was slid under My door sometime on Thursday of this week!
Nothing like a voluntary confession of all One’s crimes in a single letter! Couple it with the complaint letter and My requisition for a receipt of the contract I Signed to provide access to the public Trust account directly with Lori Simpson, and We have a winning law suit Hand delivered to My door!!!
She’s either the stupidest woman on the planet, or she sent the letter in a fit of rage without thing King about the consequences of her Act-Sean’s. Every Act-Sean has an equal and opposing re-Act-Sean.
Keep in Mind, this woman works downtown Ottawa and has absolutely no Idea what took place yesterday. Everything stated in her letter is based exclusively on hearsay testimony I’ve had no opportunity to defend against, and without even responding to My complaint of assault and harassment, or providing the receipt I have been as King for repeatedly! They are not providing the receipt because it Will Show that they have been colluding and conspiring with Home for Good from day one!!!
Of course, Yvonne the Arrogant Ashby is the newest Character in My ‘He Art in Heaven Exhibit Sean’ and I Will have a lot of Fun making a new Starring Role for this narcissistic Nazi on the world stage, so please stay tuned.
MHI are officially the most morally bankrupt criminal slumlords taking the Ottawa scene by storm, and selling the Spirit of Ottawa’s People to Satan’s servants posing as a Spiritual organization? They are absolutely profane. I Will be doing a series exposing the corruption of the not for profit, only for narcissists, Multifaith Housing Initiate, and how these NGO’s are in fact an extension of the #WEF’s plan for a new world order. We’re putting a stop to that so that We can have a Golden Dawn instead.
Love and Blessings,
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