Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen Your Royal, Moral Highness for being here, it is always a Pleasure and Honour to have You in My House. The Super Natural Son Day Edition is a re-View of all of the most momentous happenings in My Microcosm that Will have a ‘Butterfly Effect’ of transform a Sean all affect on Man’s Macrocosm – and there is a plethora of Good Stories for Me to share with You today!
Today’s top Story concerns Ottawa’s ‘Policy’ Service. I call it the Policy Service rather than the ‘police’ service because most of the Common Man Will believe that a police-Man (of either sex/kind) is there to serve and protect the (Sovereign) People of Canada. They have Sworn or Affirmed an Oath to Canada’s Constitution first, and are to be Trusted to never Act upon a corporate, legislated policy that trespasses upon the Common Law rights of Canada’s People as defined by their constitution. That is IN FACT the premise of a ‘Constitutional Democratic Monarchy’ – the People are the authority of government, and State Actors are Trusted to legislate policies that protect the inherent, constitutional rights of Canada’s People. If a code, statute or Act of legislation violates a constitutional right provided for by Canada’s constitution or Internationally binding Treaty obligations, it can be lawfully ignored. And in fact, it is the duty and responsibility of all People in a constitutional democratic Monarchy to do just that, because every Canadian citizen is presumed to have Sworn or Affirmed the exact same Oath, whether they are a naturalized citizen, or whether they are a landed immigrant seeking citizenship. I know this well because My mother was as King of Me to quiz her on the day she was scheduled to Swear her Oath as the last Act necessary to receive her citizenship. This is one of those situations where People Will be expecting Me to provide evidence to support My thesis, so here You have it straight from Canada’s Department of Justice and Ministry of the Attorney General.
“The Charter contains three provisions that govern the granting of remedies where there is a finding of unconstitutionality. Section 24(1) provides remedies against unconstitutional government action; section 24(2) provides for the exclusion of evidence obtained in violation of the Charter; and section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 provides that a law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.”
Government of Canada, Department of Justice, Provisions of the Court
Now, some People (primarily State Actors in the City of Ottawa) try to tell Me that the United Nations Covenants have no force or effect in Canada. Any Covenant is a lawfully binding contract, and any ratified Covenant has the force of Law in Canada. Once again, People Will Wish for Me to support My thesis with facts, so…
“Similar or related provisions are found in the following international instruments binding on Canada: article 2(3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; article 2(c) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women; and articles 2(1) and 14 of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.”
Department of Justice, Canada
Sadly, most People have no Idea about any of this because most People are Acting as corporate, for profit entities. Profiting is unlawful, it is a form of extorsion. Profiting means to sell a thing for more than it is worth. The moment such a policy is made legal, there can be no consequence but exponential debt because One is losing Value on every trans-Action. Food in particular should never be sold for profit because it is an essential, basic resource. Because demand increases the amount a thing can be sold for in a world where One can charge ‘whatever the market Will bear’, food prices Will be the first thing to go up in times of inflation, exploiting the People’s need to feed their Self and their family so that the Loblaws CEO can continue to enjoy a $6 million annual salary at the expense of Canada’s People. Furthermore, most corporate profits are re-invested in other exploitive markets or off-shore bank accounts, so the CEO making $6 million a year doesn’t even return those profits to Canada’s economy. Seeing as the only Way that deficit can be replaced is to borrow more money from central banks at interest and a service fee for printing the money, inflation Will continue to increase indefinitely, bankrupting the People until Canada becomes a third world country.
And because there are no coincidences in My Microcosm, a Friend sent Me a link telling Me that Loblaws and Sobeys are now under investigation by the ‘Competition Bureau’ for failing to create competition (effectively creating a monopoly on Canada’s food). You can read the detailed article here.
The CAPITALIST ideology was Sold to the People on the Foundation that allowing for profits would encourage competition, keeping prices low and inflation to a minimum (because People Will always Wish to get the most for their money, corporations Will be forced to keep prices down to remain competitive). Instead, CAPITALISM rewards greed and exploitation, so Loblaws creates ‘parent’ companies so that they effectively own all the food chains and can regulate all the prices, effectively exploiting the People equally. The same sort of thing is going on with telecom industries where Rogers effectively owns half of Canada, Telus owns the rest – all the ‘little’ telecom companies (like Fido, for example) have no choice but to ‘lease’ from Rogers or Telus. All the ‘little guys’ use either the Telus or Rogers network, which is effectively a monopoly on the telecom industry, exactly what CAPITALISM promised to protect People from.
Police have been abdicating their Oath for as long as I’ve been Living and certainly much longer than that, though the degree of corruption has escalated over recent years considerably. There was a time when they would at least ‘feign’ allegiance to their Oath, now they Will blatantly violate the constitutional rights of Canada’s People in favour of corporate policies, which is why there are so many People in jail (that shouldn’t be). Instead of releasing any One who was arrested for corporate offense and victimless crime, they instead release the most dangerous criminals, like murderers and People charged with sexual offenses? They are literally trying to increase the rate of crime, which is why the Toronto police recently advised People to put the FOB for their car on the front porch to help the criminals steal their vehicle without incident – it’s better than losing Your life, they say! Aren’t THEY the ones who are supposed to be apprehending these criminals and making sure they don’t break into houses to steal cars?
In Ottawa, the police are potentially even more corrupt. Kimberly the Deplorable Duggan has Presented Me with a FRAUDULENT Affidavit of Service, Swearing under Oath that she served Me with a SUMMONS by Way of Registered Mail on May 6th – to this day she has not mailed a single thing!
Even worse, it appears this SUMMONS was to cover up a FRAUDULENT UNDERTAKING served upon My by Dawn the Delinquent Neilly on April 26th that was never filed with the Court/Crown!!!
More incredible still, the Crown Law Office (which is the office one must serve with any Claims against the Crown sixty days before filing with the Court) is bearing silent witness to all of this! I have a RECORD of every single correspondence with these clowns, who are entirely engaged in FRAUD. The Ontario Court of Justice does not have any authority or jurisdiction to interfere with a Matter before the Superior Court, and the Claim is still open.
They are lying about serving Me with documents by committing perjury in affidavits of service, and trying to Create ‘joinder’ between Me and some artificial person Created by the Canadian government that I have clearly expressed that I do not Wish to be associated with in any Way. It IS defined by Canada’s terminology and linguistics databank as a reduction of status in Law. In fact, it is only legal because this information is publicly available, otherwise it would be deceit and fraud, exposing the ‘citizen ship’ as a contract of bondage and slavery. Because the information is publicly available, the Rule of Law presumes that any Man charged with an offense is going to Question the Style and Spelling of their name on the document and be as King Questions. No One I know Spells their name in ALL CAPS, so why would the police do it? To reduce Your legal and lawful status to that of a corporation which doesn’t have inherent rights, it only has the rights governing corporate (dead) entities. One is choosing to use their name as a ‘for profit’ commercial business. In fact, One is considered to have a Master’s Degree in Law by the time they are eighteen years in Canada, which is why One is addressed as Mr. or Master, Mrs. or Mistress. One is taking control as the captain of a ship that does not belong to You, but is Crown property One has usury privileges (so long as You don’t violate the corporate policies).
So police treat People like corporations, ignoring their inherent, constitutional rights in favour of corporate policies that violate their inherent rights, and it isn’t considered a violation because they presume You Wish to Act as a corporation and have waived Your Sovereing, Sui Juris status to engage in licentious (for profit) behaviour. The moment One consents to this, One must obtain ‘licenses’ to engage in otherwise Lawful Actions because One is now doing it ‘for profit’ which is unlawful, but perfectly ‘legal’.
I’m actually pretty excited about My first appearance because the Crown is bearing witness to every argument I have provided to the police, and the Crown knows how insistent I have been about obtaining disclosure so I can prepare My defense. The Crown already knows the police are engaged in fraud, or Dawn the Delinquent Neilly would have proceeded with her original UNDERTAKING. They also would have tried to obtain a warrant for My arrest for not appearing for the ‘identification of criminals Act’, but they can’t do that if they haven’t filed the original UNDERTAKING with the Crown.
The reason they are now trying to ‘downgrade’ the jurisdiction of the Court and try Me in an Ontario Court of Justice rather than an Ontario Superior Court of Justice is because the Ontario Court of Justice is limited to the jurisdiction of Ontario and does not have the capacity to ‘inherit’ the jurisdiction necessary to hear Charter violations (because that would require a federal/Superior Court). They are also not of congruent and concurrent jurisdiction, meaning that the Court can (temporarily) plead ignorance of the fact that this relates to a Matter before the Superior Court because it Will not Show up on the provincial Registry. The moment I advise the Court that I believe this pertains to a Matter before the Superior Court, We Will have what is called a ‘multiplicity of suits’, which is a conflict of interest and the charges Will be quashed.
The officers probably don’t realize how learned I am in the Rule of Law, and believed I would crumble at their feet under the pressure and threat of jail time, unlawful assault, additional broken ribs, and cruel and inhumane punishment (solitary confinement/holding cell). Again, if there is no injured party, there is no crime in a Common Law Jurisdiction and even the provincial Courts recognize that the Common Law is the Supreme Law, trumped only by the Laws of Equity, or Trust Law.
So even if the Court Justice is completely corrupt and determined to railroad Me, they are not going to sentence Me to jail for a first offense, and I Will always have the option to appeal to a higher Court! A higher Court (like a Divisional Court, Superior Court, or Court of Appeal) would immediately reverse the decision and the damages I Will be entitled to considering the number of People and organizations involved in the fraud Will all constitute ‘aggravated circumstances’ which MUST take into consideration the position of those engaging in the fraud and how relevant their position is to perpetrating the fraud and intimidating the Trustee.
Crazy but True, the package that was waiting for Me at the Post Office also happened to be addressed to ‘King Sean, House von Dehn’, and it was sent by Way of Registered Mail by the City of Ottawa. Going to be very hard for the police to prove that I am ‘Sean VON DEHN’ and not King Sean, House von Dehn because that is the name that is on file with the City of Ottawa’s Registry.
Wow, what a week! I’ve only touched on the corruption of Ottawa finest criminals posing as policy officers, I haven’t even mentioned the negligence, contempt, incompetence and belligerence of Yvonne Ashby, Housing Manager for MHI, the next not for profit corporation building housing projects today for gangland ghettos of tomorrow. They are every bit as corrupt as the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the Bill and Melinda Gates (to hell) Foundation.
Unfortunately, this Post is already long, so I Will dedicate a full Post to the corruption of Sahada the Appalling Alolo, Lori the Simpleton Simpson, and Yvonny the Arrogant Ashby another day. For now, please enjoy the latest correspondences served upon the Ottawa Police Service, including a Notice of Lie-ability for their two most recent Acts of FRAUD. These officers might just lose their job before I’m done here…
Oh, it may also be worth noting that the requisition for disclosure concerning ‘provincial’ offences is the very same ‘Crown’ that I was instructed to contact regarding ‘criminal’ (federal) offences. What does that mean? The Courts already know the police are engaged in fraud, and are bearing silent witness to the fact. All of these emails Will become part of the disclosure because that is a Common Law Principle of Justice that Will be Universally recognized by the Courts.
I can hardly wait until Friday because I have learnt that I can attend the provincial Court virtually, and I Will provide a link for every One before the day arrives, it is a public hearing!
And finally (yes, the final finally), Yvonne Ashby is now also guilty of breach of contract because she promised Me in Writing (type/email) that she would provide Me with the receipt I am as King for on Friday of this week. She did not. And she did not respond to My reminder on Friday morning. I’m SO generous (and also SO sure she is complicit in the City of Ottawa’s fraud and colluding with them) that I decided to Give her until midnight today to provide Me with the receipt I am as King for. If she does not provide it, she Will be Noted in Default, and Judgment Will be awarded against her in her personal, private capacity.
Let Me include a mug shot because she Will also be the next Star in My ‘He Art in Heaven Exhibit-Sean’.

I hate painting ugly People, but this one Will be worth it!
Love and Blessings,
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