Hello every One and thank You for the Gift of Your Presence, this Will be a short Post just to let the world know that I have followed up on My Claim with the City of Ottawa by filing a report to the Auditor General for ‘Suspected Fraud or Waste’. We are not suspecting the City of Ottawa is guilty of fraud, We know absolutely and beyond any shadow of doubt that Ontario Works have been spoliating (losing, destroying, or pleading ignorance of) documents from My case file with impunity, and that they were as King of Me to destroy evidence of a breach of their Trust to another Beneficiary who was never notified of the breach or compensated for it – though I was threatened with ‘police action’ if I failed to destroy the evidence. They were also stupid enough to send the threat to Me in hardcopy, delivered by Way of Registered Mail courier, so I have still have the physical evidence.
What constitutes fraud or waste to be investigated by the Auditor General?
Fraud includes any misuse or attempt to misuse a City asset for personal gain, or unauthorized purposes which are unrelated to City business.
Examples of activities that should be reported include:
- Forgery or alteration of cheques, drafts, promissory notes or securities.
- Any misappropriation, embezzlement or theft of funds, securities, supplies or any other asset.
- Any irregularity in the handling or reporting of money transactions.
- Misappropriation of furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
- Seeking or accepting anything of material value from vendors, consultants or contractors doing business with the City in violation of the City’s Code of Conduct.
- Any computer-related activity involving the alteration, destruction, forgery, or manipulation of data for fraudulent purposes or misappropriation of City-owned software or hardware.
- Any improper claim for reimbursement of expenses.
Whereas Waste means the inefficient use of City resources and refers to any operation, process or activity where City resources may be used without due regard for value for money and/or where opportunities may exist to save money.
Everything I have highlighted in bold italics are crimes that are irrefutably True and have been reported previously to the City of Ottawa and the Social Benefits Tribunal with no consequences for the agents involved whatsoever (other than being ordered to pay back medical benefits that were unlawfully revoked without notice to Me)!
I was seriously harmed by their negligence and had to go without these benefits for almost eight months before the internal review was completed, asserting that Ontario Works has every right to revoke medical benefits whenever they Wish without notice to Me, and in violation of a Trust Instrument on file with their office which acknowledges I have full autonomy over My health care choices and being compelled to visit a doctor is a trespass upon My medical autonomy and right of self determination.
Even though We know the internal review is conducted by the very same People who perpetrated the crime and know they Will always rule in favour of Ontario Works even if there is absolutely no legal basis provided for doing so in the Ontario Works Act it Self – they just don’t care!!!
They know it Will take six months to a year to get an appeal before the Social Benefits Tribunal, and wouldn’t You know, the Social Benefits Tribunal is just going to allow them to continue to believe that Canada’s Criminal Code, the Trustee Act of Ontario, and Canada’s Constitution have no bearing on the Ontario Works Act. We were only there (at the Tribunal) to discuss what is specifically provided for by the Ontario Works Act – which proved to be nothing at all!!!
So they were ordered to pay back what they stole from Me for eight months, and paid back what they felt they should pay back, rather than what they were ordered to pay back by the Tribunal. I had to carbon copy Brian Killick, Vice Chair of the Social Benefits Tribunal before they finally paid Me what they were ordered to pay! No consequences whatsoever for any agents of the public Trust, despite how clear and obvious it was that all of this was done with malicious intent to cause harm and demoralize a Trustee by trespassing upon his Spiritual obligations!!! I believe that constitutes misappropriation of government funds – these People are receiving six figure salaries to exploit beneficiaries!?
Two months later, they do the same thing again, depriving Me of a portion of the medical travel expense without Notice to Me, then tell Me it’s because I don’t Wish to be compelled to use a digital transit pass that tracks where I’m going. The fact is, they are using any excuse possible to continually reduce the Benefits People receive, rather than ensuring they have sufficient wealth to provide for their needs. They are exploiting the People they were Trusted to care for, and I believe that constitutes fraud (and gross criminal negligence and malfeasance by a public Trustee).
So here is the report to the Auditor General, I hope You like it.
Love and Blessings,
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