Hello every One and welcome to the Super Natural ‘Son’ Day Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen Your Royal, Moral Highness for being here, it is always an Honour to be Gifted with Your Presence. I Wish I could say the same for the degenerate criminals war King at the Rexall location at 900 Greenbank Road in Nepean, Ontario, who are colluding with Canada Post to ‘fake’ delivery of Registered mail on unsuspecting recipients, and Keep the package for themselves. That’s the main Issue I Will be tall King about in this week’s ‘Son’ day re-View, and federal mail fraud is pretty serious, so let’s get into it!
Canada Post has since been placed on Notice for their participation in the fraud and for failing to investigate the agents war King at the Rexall location on Greenbank Road. Rexall is also claiming to be a ‘private’ organization despite the fact they have a federal mail depot in the back of their store, and continue to attempt to ‘trespass’ Me when I try to go to the location as King questions about the fraud, and despite the fact that Canada Post’s ‘customer service’ says they can’t (or do not Wish to) provide Me with any additional information? So they harass Me, verbally assault Me, and trespass upon My right to access the only Canada Post kiosk that Will have first hand knowledge of who is responsible for fraudulently claiming to have delivered a package to Me with My Signature on file, despite the fact the receipt reads ‘D. Cote’ and is claiming to have been delivered on the exact same day the package was accepted on May 23rd? They claim to have done the exact same thing again on June 14th?!
Today for the Son-day Review I am going to be sharing My most read Blog Posts of the week which ‘coincidentally’ tell the full Story of the fraud in chronological Order. Above is how the whole thing started. I presumed that the above waybill delivered to My postal box was in fact a SUMMONS that Kimberly Duggan of the Ottawa Police Service claims to have sent to Me by Way of Canada Post’s Registered Mail service on May 6th. Is Kimberly the Deplorable Duggan lying, or did the criminals posing as professionals at Rexall’s Canada Post kiost just decide to Sign for the package their Self and not even bother sending a Waybill? That’s a rhetorical Quest-Ion because We still don’t know the answer – it is just as likely for either one to be lying because neither are Trust-worthy. We know for sure that the Waybill above was not the SUMMONS Kimberly Duggan claims to have sent Me by Way of Registered Mail because Elizabeth KUNT (last name withheld by agent, criminals receive the dis-Honourable alias as representatives of the House of ‘KUNT’) Showed Me the package she was claiming to have already delivered to Me, clearly addressed to ‘King Sean, House von Dehn’! I’m also pretty sure I saw the City of Ottawa’s address in the top left corner of the 9×13″ envelope they were holding, but the Writing was much smaller and Elizabeth Kunt very quickly hid the package as if she’d already made some kind of tragic mistake by letting Me know who the package was addressed to – remember, the waybill as King of Me to pick up this package had no name on it!!!
Also, at the time I received this, the tracking information was already stating that the package HAD been delivered, and that My Signature was on file?! So obviously I am going to go to the location indicated on the Waybill to see what in God’s Good name is going on with this!
Initially, Elizabeth was very pleasant, though she insisted she required photo identification before she could release the package to Me. Elizabeth isn’t very bright, and she didn’t seem to understand that they can’t be demanding for Me to produce identification to pick up a package related to a waybill with no name on it! Apparently, logic and reason are not Elizabeth’s strong suit, so I advised her that I’m a Spiritual Man and do not use photo identification, I use My thumbprint and can produce several Superior Court documents Showing that I go by King Sean, House von Dehn, and I also have several pieces of mail I have previously received in that name delivered to the same address. In fact, I only learned Elizabeth’s first name because she was Promising to release the package to Me if I returned with those documents. I did. By the time I returned, she was already Acting like a True representative of the House of Kunt, advising Me that she has ‘escalated the matter’ because she believes I’m suspicious?!
Then she tells Me, “I’ve read Your Blog, I’m not Giving You the package,” before I even show her any of the documents I have returned with. I’ve now wasted an hour and a half of My day to bring these documents, and now Elizabeth Kunt is telling Me she’s going to refuse to release the package to Me because she doesn’t accept My Trust in God filed with Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General? What an arrogant Kunt!
This is why children should not be Trusted with adult responsibilities. She doesn’t have enough common sense to know this looks really bad on her as an agent of Canada Post?! I don’t even Wish to have the package, I would be quite happy to return the package to sender but I must receive it before I can do that (again, logic and reason not Elizabeth Kunt’s strong suit)!
So I tell Elizabeth to resend the package or return it to sender. She tells Me she doesn’t know what Will happen because she has ‘escalated’ the Matter and there Will now be an investigation. Great! Apparently, she can’t do anything until the investigation is complete. She (very rudely) asks Me if I’m going to leave or if she Will have to call the police – at this point I have all kinds of documents on her counter proving that I’m ‘King Sean, House von Dehn’, and she’s telling Me she knows I’m King Sean, House von Dehn because she’s read My Blog! Some One this arrogant and stupid should never be Trusted to work in the public sector in any capacity – she’s an impudent child!
This is what the tracking information says today:
Canada Post service has provided ZERO additional information, and continues to tell Me that if I Wish for anymore information related to the package (that THEY are claiming to have delivered to Me with ‘D. Cote’s Signature on file), I Will have to contact the sender? Notice how the above screenshot clearly states that sender information is not available?
‘Service’ at Canada Post was served with a SECOND AND FINAL NOTICE OF CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LIABILITY for their fraud on Lucky Wednesday of last week. Surprisingly, they DID reply to confirm receipt of the Second and Final Notice of Liability, apologizing for their mistake, and citing the ticket number that is the ’cause of action’ for the Notice of Liability in the first place!
This is the most ridiculous, unprofessional, amateurish ‘customer service’ I have ever experienced, especially from a Crown corporation responsible for delivering international mail!? Canada doesn’t even ‘own’ Canada Post, Canada Post is a franchise corporation of Royal Mail and is the rightful property of the Crown (King Charles, House of Windsor), Canada only has usury privileges and is Trusted to deliver the same impeccable service as Royal Mail, which is why Registered Mail is Trusted by Courts as proof of service. Does this look like professional service? This looks like a shit show full of criminal clerks at kangaroo kiosks with an immature attitude, and contempt for the Crown and its representative bodies.
“Thank You for contacting Canada Post Customer Service. We have recorded Your comment in the Service Ticket described below. The ‘Service Ticket’ number of the apology email matches the Notices of Civil and Criminal Liability. They are confirming receipt and acknowledging that they Will be Noted in Default if they do not provide Me with a reasonable explanation, and that I Will be as King for a minimum of $100,000.00 if I am compelled to file the Claim into a Superior Court to have the Default Judgment enforced for wasting so much of My time. I’m going to be as King of Canada Post for an additional $10,000 for every time I am harassed at Rexall when I have business to do with Canada Post, and $100,000.00 if I am not able to conduct My business with Canada Post.”
Canada Post Customer Service
But the Good News is that they did not reply to the first Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability which is why I sent a Second Notice advising they would be Noted in Default if they do not provide an appropriate response within twenty-four hours. That’s not unreasonable because My first complaint ticket was allegedly investigated in less than twenty-four hours and did not accomplish anything – all they did was ask Me to contact the sender (while refusing to Give Me the names of any of the employees responsible for handling this package OR the information of the sender so that I can contact them). How infurating would it be to have some One tell You that You must talk to some One else to get Your answers, but I can’t tell You who that is? But the apology email above was ‘resent’ after sending the Second Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability, along with a second email to confirm receipt of service of the Notice of Liability related to the employee complaint ticket (Elizabeth Kunt).
All Posts related to Canada Post’s Registered Mail fraud are My most read Posts of the week! But before I Sign off, I Wish to let You know what the top Posts are today which sums the rest of the week up nicely. All are worth reading if One hasn’t done so already.
The last Post is Significant because every video I have critiqued of Ben Shapiro’s has Magically disappeared from the internet altogether – just like the radio interview Michael Thiele did with 580 CFRA radio, telling People that landlords can refuse to rent to People based exclusively on their medical information (which is completely false). I’m guessing Michael Thiele didn’t even know they removed his interview, CFRA were probably too concerned about getting sued and removed it voluntarily (or they were already sued for the interview and compelled to do so).
After I was permanently banned from X (formerly Twitter) I also just happened to randomly mention that the only Way I would ever get My account back would be if some One like Elon Must purchased the platform. Six months later, he does?! Again, probably just a coincidence, but a pretty nice example of My Words Magically Manifesting!
The most important Post of the week that’s been receiving an unusual amount of attention, is this one!!!
Yeah, that’s the most important one because it includes not only the Trust Instrument, but the Trust Declare a Sean. One only has to read the Trust Declaration once to know that I know what I am tall King about when it comes to the public Trust and how Sovereign countries administrate the public Trust account.
In case One hasn’t Noticed, I have yet to note Canada Post in Default because I have to decide what I am going to be as King of Canada Post for, and I’m also curious to see how many more times Rexall staff Will attempt to harass and trespass Me for accessing Canada Post and utilizing their services. If they are going to compel Me to use another Canada Post outlet, they are going to pay Me for My trouble and the additional time it takes out of My very limited Life’s time. Time is money, right? Rexall has wasted a lot of My time!