Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have the Gift of Your Presence in My House. We have lots of exciting things to be tall King about today, ‘A Crown Hat Trick of Corrupt-Sean’ being only the first on the list! We also have a second Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability issued to provincial ‘Crown’ prosecutor, Vinicius the Odious Oliveira for gross criminal malfeasance and prosecutorial misconduct for colluding with criminal clerks war King against Canada’s People in the Superior Courts of Justice with malicious intent to deprive entitled parties of their right to be informed of Matters concerning their interests, and to participate in the legal process. But that’s still not all! We also have an update from Kelly the Colluding Kritsch, who is engaged in Canada Post mail fraud by having the receiver for the City of Ottawa Sign for packages claiming I have received them before they are even sent to the depot for sorting! I guess if City of Ottawa employees also work for Canada Post, they can manipulate virtually every step of the legal process, from service of documents by Way of Registered mail, to colluding with clerks of the Superior Court to deprive entitled parties of their right to due process by not processing the documents they receive onto the Registry. It’s amazing how the City of Ottawa seems to corrupt everything it touches.
To start things off, let’s start with our feature photo for today.

One may click on the image to visit the Universe City Play House Theatre where I list all the conspirators to the fraud in (more or less) chronological order. My dear, baby brother (pictured above) appears to be the main conspirator of the fraud, I figure My sister was promised a share of the bounty for supporting the fraud and conspiring against Me, ‘distracting’ Me with a fraudulent Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee application. Meanwhile, My baby brother, Michael the Villainous von Dehn was allowing My father to be wrongly accused of the criminal acts of a gold-digging grifter named Tiffany Singh who was responsible for a hit and run accident injuring four other People (allegedly). She was also driving without a license, insurance, driving dangerously, and intoxicated (allegedly). My father has since tacitly conceded to all of these charges as they allowed the liars posing as lawyers to proceed against My deceased father in default so they could cash in on his business insurance policy. What a sweet, baby brother, no?
So how does this relate to the Title of today’s Post? Well, the entire Trust claim was filed with intent to put a stop to the criminal Acts of My siblings in as ‘Civil’ a Way as the Law Will provide. However, none of the fraud perpetrated by My siblings and their liars posing as lawyers would have been possible without clerks of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice conspiring with them by agreeing to ‘keep all Matters related to My father’s Estate off the Record‘ (receive documents, but don’t process the documents onto the Registry so that they can’t be returned to the Court for failing to comply with the Rules of Civil procedure and obtaining My consent). If documents are not processed at the time they are received, the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice can’t very well review those documents, much less direct those documents to the appropriate, competent representatives – they don’t have any knowledge of them whatsoever! It also means that there is no chronological record of when documents were received, which would allow for parties to remove documents, switch documents, and all kinds of other nefarious business.
The supervisors of the Bracebridge, Toronto, and Ottawa Superior Courts of Justice (Carrie Thompson, Jove Ponniah and Krystal Jones respectively) don’t seem to have any problems or issues with their staff colluding with liars posing as lawyers conspiring to deprive entitled parties of their right to participate in the judicial process and be informed of Matters concerning their interests. According to Krystal Jones of the Ottawa Superior Court, this is just another day at the office as usual, nothing at all out of the ordinary. Ontario Superior Court clerks may routinely ‘covet’ documents at their discretion so they can determine for their Self whether or not documents should ever be added to the official record (Registry), and when they Will be added.
I (to be quite frank) find this unacceptable and consider this conduct to be gross criminal malfeasance at best, and malicious, criminal intent to abuse positions as officers of the Superior Court Trusted to receive (and file onto the Court Registry) any documents they accept at worst – but also, most probably unless all clerks of the Court are hoping to collectively plead ignorance of the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rule of Law governing service of documents (which doesn’t seem very reasonable considering this is what they are Trusted to do).
So We placed Krystal Jones on Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability for colluding with Jove Ponniah and Carrie Thompson of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to deprive both Me and My late father of Our opportunity to participate in the judicial process and to be informed of Matters concerning Our interests.
Krystal and her staff also appear to be colluding with the Toronto Superior Court by alerting ‘Court security’ of the Toronto Superior Court to a Recording I had published of the hearing where I report to Justice Smith that My siblings and their liars posing as lawyers are engaged in fraud, showing him the public Court of Record which indicates there are three million dollars in claims proceeding against My ‘unrepresented’, deceased father in Toronto.
Katie Shaw, a court security officer for the Toronto Superior Court then contacted Dawn Neilly of the Ottawa Police Service, as King of Dawn to charge Me under Canada’s criminal code for recording the proceedings. But allegedly, Krystal lifting a finger to do anything to put the three million dollars worth of insurance and estate fraud to a stop is beyond the services the Superior Court clerks are able to provide… Interesting perspective Krystal has on the judicial process. Kystal can weaponize the Courts against Me for recording the proceedings, but she cannot alert Court security to the fact that My sister and brother have been engaged in three million dollars worth of estate and insurance fraud for the last four and a half years? That doesn’t seem very ‘impartial’ or ‘unbiased’, does it? Doesn’t sound very much like ‘justice’ either, does it? Sounds more like ‘just is’ is whatever Krystal Jones Wishes for it to be.
And then, when the Superior Court of Justice refused to endorse the information filed by Dawn Neilly, the City of Ottawa appealed to the only prosecutor they know who is on the City of Ottawa payroll, as King of Vinicius the Odious Oliveira to conspire with their fraud and proceed against Me without an endorsement from Crown, probably convincing him I’d be too stupid to know the difference between a legitimate police information and the fraud he is attempting to proceed against Me with.
So I figured it is only fair that if Vinicius Oliveira should be served with a Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability for engaging in the fraud and colluding with these criminals rather than holding them accountable to Justice. Justice is apparently whatever Vinicious the Odious Oliveira determines ‘just’, is (just-is).
And finally, for the Hat Trick of Crown Corrupt-Sean, We also have the City of Ottawa Kelly the Colluding Kritsch engaged in Canada Post mail fraud so that they can claim to have served Me with documents they had no intention of Me receiving – they only Wish to make it look like I’m receiving documents so they don’t appear to be guilty of gross, criminal negligence causing harm for cutting off subsidy without Notice to Me and interfering with the contract I Signed directly with the landlord. I advised Kelly that if she is not going to answer any of My questions and continue to gaslight in her replies, she can kindly disappear because I Will not tolerate any more of her arrogant, narcissistic abuse. She at least was able to comply with the last part of My request.
Perfect narcissist. She can Honour My Wishes when it suits her. Can’t answer any of My questions, though? That’s like a five year old child. When one says nothing, it is presumed it is because they have nothing (meaningful) to say, ‘Nihil Dicit’. She says nothing, she is guilty as charged…
Well, that’s My Crown Hat Trick of Corrupt-Sean today, though they haven’t managed to corrupt Me yet! These State Actors sure like making an ass of their Self on the world stage, though, don’t they?
Love and Blessings,
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