Hello every One and welcome to the Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition of the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen Your Royal, Moral Highness for joining Me, Your Presence is a Gift in My House. I do have a Fabulous Free Lance Friday Edition for every One today – My Sword (‘S’ Word, Sean’s Word, My Sword) is feeling especially sharp today as We reveal the Magic of Spelling and its effect in both My Microcosm and Man’s Macrocosm.
To get One up to speed on today’s Title and provide some continuity to today’s Post, please check out the first Part providing Direct-Sean for State Actor, Vinicious ‘the Odious’ Oliveira.
When some One is guilty of indictable, federal offences in Canada, it is always the Crown that prosecutes. For most Canadians it has always been ‘R. V. Jane/John DOE’, or ‘REGINA Verses Jane/John DOE’. Shortly after Her Majesty passed the torch onto her eldest Son, it changed to ‘Rex Verses whoever’. Rex=King, Regina=Queen.
Now, Vinicius the Odious Oliveira believes he IS the Crown for Canada and is attempting to prosecute Me, King Sean, House von Dehn, in his own right! Believe Me when I tell You, King Charles, House of Windsor is not responsible for these charges against Me and I can say that with one hundred percent certainty. Vinicius ‘the Odious’ Oliveira is impersonating Crown, which is in fact King Charles, House of Windsor with intent to intimidate Me!? How insane must this Man be?! Does Vinicious the Odious Oliveira not understand that King Charles III, House of Windsor is probably the last Man on the planet he should be impersonating with malicious intent to cause harm to Canada’s Sovereign People? It may even constitute actual treason, I’m not entirely sure- I Will have to be as King of the Justice of the Peace about that on September 25th. Only five sleeps now!!! 😀
Yesterday We were tall King about how the clerks in three Ontario Superior Courts have been conspiring against Me for over five years – first to save the City of Ottawa’s ass from very serious criminal breaches of Trust defended by the City of Ottawa’s incompetent, colluding clown of a liar posing as lawyer, Genevieve the Licentious Langlais. There are so many People involved now, I am running out of Creative names to define every One’s Character and I Will have an awful lot of por-traits to paint for the Kingdom of Heaven’s ‘He-Art Exhibit-Sean’.
So the City of Ottawa have had a vested interest (motive) to collude with clerks of the Ottawa Superior Court to ensure that I don’t bring any new claims against the City because they got caught red handed violating the Rules of Civil Procedure and privately petitioning Judge Sally A. Gomery with false, hearsay testimony to have a very serious criminal breach of Trust dismissed as ‘frivolous and vexatious’. Of course, despite the fact that I filed an ex-parte motion to vacate the Order and suspend the Justice because she was falsely influenced in violation of the Rules, when the Court responded to tell Me they Will hear the Motion, instructing Me to serve it on opposing counsel and file it with the Court… Well, the clerks just stopped accepting My materials and not processing them onto the Registry to ensure I can never bring the City of Ottawa to Justice and hold their liar posing as lawyer accountable for her criminal trespasses. First it was ‘covid’, now it’s… Well, Krystal Jones won’t say why they can’t accept the materials now, so Your guess is as Good as mine. This is Krystal Jones’ Just-is system…
Yesterday I also let every One know that because the Genevieve the Licentious Langlais had the previous charges ‘dismissed’ as ‘frivolous and vexatious’ when the City of Ottawa public Trustee had in fact cut off subsidy without Notice to Me with malicious intent to have Me evicted for non payment of rent, it only emboldened the City of Ottawa’s public Trustees even further, allowing them to believe that the Superior Court had Given them permission to trespass upon My rights and Trust obligate-Sean’s with extreme prejudice and impunity, so they have perpetrated the exact same crime every year since, asserting their ‘right’ to do so. In fact, this year they even conspired with Canada Post to produce a fraudulent receipt so that they could pre-emptively anticipate a response to My Claim when I find out they cut Me off without Notice for a third time. Now, I feel Genevieve the Licentious Langlais should accept full civil and criminal liability for all of the City of Ottawa’s trespasses because this is the lawyer that aids and abets their crimes, ensuring there is no accountability for the perpetrators of the crimes! These People are entirely morally bankrupt, and so must be Genevieve the Licentious Langlais by associate-Sean.
I shared My final Notice to the City of Ottawa’s lawyer yesterday, advising every One that publishing these documents here has a Magical effect in My Microcosm. Here is the Final Notice I Posted for Genevieve yesterday.
And would You believe that I ‘Magically’ receive the first reply from the City’s liar posing as lawyer this morning!? What a coincidence in Deed!!! (We don’t believe in coincidences here.)
Here is the reply to the Final Notice of Liability.
This should have been done immediately. But better late than never. Now they just owe Me for the wrongdoing done. But Genevieve the Licentious and morally bankrupt Langlais does not believe Canada’s People subject to harm and abuse at the Hand of Trusted City employees are entitled to compensate-Sean because… Well, I’m not entirely sure, One Will have to be as King of Genevieve the Licentious Langlais that about that directly. I’ll send her a link to this Post to Give her the opportunity to explain to You in her own Words.
One may also Notice that I have Titled the document with the file number of Michael the Tyranical Thiele’s application to the LTB to have Me evicted for non payment of rent so that it is already in the proper format for uploading as evidence for the Tribunal. I have effectively also just won My Matter with Michael the Tyranical Thiele, he now legitimately has zero grounds to proceed with the application – but let’s see how long it takes him to concede defeat. Egomaniacal, sociopathic, fascist liars posing as lawyers Will not be quick to concede to defeat at the Hand of a mere ‘King’ in Law, Commerce, and Spirituality.
Even better?! Just five minutes before the email from the City’s lawyer confirming that the back rent had been paid and that the City of Ottawa Will ‘rely on the information they have on file’ in future, the LTB sends Me an email to let Me know a trial date has been set for the N4 Notice to evict, January 25th, 2025!!!
Now I’m not sure if Michael the Tyranical Thiele Will still Wish to have his day before the Tribunal or if he Will withdraw the N4. If he does not attempt to withdraw the N4, he’s only going to look like more of an idiot than he already does, as all of this was also added to My other LTB claim as evidence of an N4 sent in bad faith and in retaliation for the existing claim for extreme prejudice and discriminate-Sean by the landlord and Multifaith Housing Initiative community.
The previous management company (and the one responsible for the current matter before the LTB) is no longer representing MHI. Lori Simpson has quit, and LSM (Lori Simpson Management) was the management company hired by MHI to manage their properties. The Word on the street is that there were ‘too many lawsuits and headaches’ to deal with. If management companies are not negligent, there are not so many lawsuits to deal with – that is a fact.
I did let Michael the Tyranical Thiele know the rent has now been paid but I Will still be as King for compensate Sean for the N4 served in bad faith and look forward to Our day before the Tribunal.
But that’s not the biggest Good News of the day, People! It is perhaps the most assuring for Me in My Mircrocosm’s now, but the Real Good News is Rex Verses Vinicious the Odious Oliveira and the City of Ottawa because this entire fiasco is just one element of the City of Ottawa’s six year fraud and Willful trespass upon My Trust Instrument. Very soon, I Will have an opportunity to hold all the criminals war King for the Ottawa Superior Court accountable for their Acts of collusion against Me because Vinicious the Odious Oliveira (as CROWN) represents all of them!!! He is the proverbial icing on the cake because in Canada when One or more tortfeasors are conspiring against some One, One may be as King of any of the tortfeasors to compensate-Sean for all!
I also Wish to let every One know about some of the inside inform a Sean I rely on when I am piecing this puzzle together. Yesterday I Notice that the some One was very interested in the Notices I have served upon Noah the Preposterous Potechin of Merovitz Potechin LLP at the beginning of the entire Estate and Court fraud fiasco. Here are the top Posts from yesterday (before Posting yesterday’s Post).
And then,
And then,
If One is not fully comprehending the Significance of the Order of the Posts, it ‘just happens’ to be the chronological Order they were served, prove that the documents were served and that the intended party received the Notice and replied to the Notice, and that the final Word on the Matter, was a Notice of Default Judgment that remains unopposed even today. That is in fact, due process of Law in any Common Law Jurisdiction published on a public (International) Court of Record.
The other Significant detail, is why now?! And whom? Who would be interested in reading those documents outside of the People they were served upon? Some One investigating the criminal liar posing as lawyer? That’s My guess. But I have additional inform a Sean to share with You that leads Me to this conclusion.
I no longer host My domain with WordPress.com, vondehnvisuals.com is now Hosted by DreamHost and has been since late last year. However, WordPress.com secures all of My intellectual property by simply downgrading the hosting plan to ‘free’, which retains the entirety of My Blog as it was (perhaps with a few less photos available due to limited storage) under the domain ‘vondehnvisuals/wordpress.com’, creating a compressed backup file for My entire Blog in the event I Wish to upgrade My hosting plan with them again in future.
I apologize for the boring technical details, the point is that People Will not find My (old, WordPress hosted) Blog by searching for ‘vondehnvisuals.com’ – every One Will be redirected here. The only Way any One Will be able to access that site is by visiting it directly at vondehnvisuals/wordpress.com, OR by direct link that Will redirect People to the archived Post. So basically, I more or less should have stopped receiving views at My old Hosting with WordPress as soon as traffic was redirected to this site. Although that is mostly True, the ‘old’ Blog continues to receive traffic and a surprising number of document dowloads.
I Wish to share the list of most downloaded documents to date so far this year, all downloaded from a site that only People with direct access Will be able to locate. In fact, most document downloads are done without actually visiting any of the pages, they are downloaded directly from the downloads directory at WordPress.com.
The top download is My sister’s application Record for the fraudulent CAET application which directly conflicts with virtually everything the Crown (as an impartial institution with no Will to be corrupt) knows to be True, and is also in direct conflict with the Affidavit she Presented to Agent Smith in the Rule 20 Motion hearing.
But more interesting still, the ‘Final Draft’ is the Reply Factum addressing each of opposing counsel’s entire Statement of Defense in Order without missing a single point. It may be Creatively expressed, but I Give You My Word is it one of the best legal documents I have ever authored and entirely in compliance with the Rules of Civil Procedure. THIS is the document that scared My opposing counsel stupid because they know they cannot respond to it and win – it is literally impossible (puns always intended).
The next two documents are Notice of Liability and Second and Final Notice of Liability for the Rule 20 Motion hearing with Agent Smith, which are also entirely in compliance with the Rules of Civil Procedure and due process in any Common Law Jurisdiction (37.13 allows any Motion to be converted to a motion of default against the moving party in ‘just’ circumstances – fraud and perjury in materials constitutes ‘just’ circumstances).
Today I’m going to include the Reply Factum and the two Notices that were served upon all the conspirators known to Me at the time of the hearing with Agent Smith so that they are conveniently available for Vinicious the Odious Oliveira to review before I am as King to have him charged to the fullest extent of Canadian Law on ‘Lucky’ Wednesday of next week, September 25th, 2024.
Isn’t it amazing how when I Post Good News to Man’s Macrocosm there is a Magical effect of that Spelling in My Microcosm? Absolutely stunning that the first time I let the world know the City of Ottawa is liable to Me for $1,000,000.00 for cutting off subsidy without My consent or Notice to Me, I receive an email to confirm the back rent has been paid?
Remember, there is no such thing as coincidence, only the Illusion of coincidence.
I, like God, do not Play dice and do not believe in coincidence.
V, V for Vendetta
Love and many Blessings,
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