In short answer, yes! This is why I believe they are now interviewing People like Kevin O’Leary who stated in an interview that Canadians have a ‘moral obligation’ to remove the #TrudeauTreason from power. They are trying desperately to convince the Conservative leader (Poillievre) that they are still relevant and important to Canada’s People. They are not, they are pure #propaganda.
The CBC ‘News’ Network is not news, it’s propaganda for the #Trudeau #Regime. We know this because one of their journalists, Arthur White-Crummey has first hand knowledge of State Actors in the City of Ottawa economically abusing the People they were Trusted to care for and stating on Record that they do this because they are not subject to the Trustee Act of Ontario or Canada’s Criminal Code for breach of public Trust! But is there any coverage of the criminals exploiting Ottawa’s Beneficiaries while they pay their Self $213,320. to do so?!
Worse, they are simultaneously claiming there is insufficient resources available to provide Canada’s People with the wealth necessary for basic human dignity? That IS exploitation and extorsion by definition, and subject to fourteen years in jail. But the CBC remains silent on the story because they do not Wish to jeapordize their funding from the #fascist Trudeau regime, so long as it prevails.
So how and why are they facing bankruptcy? Because the only Way they can survive and get views is by shadow banning REAL news stories, concealing the names of State Actors stealing from Canada’s People so as not to ‘sully’ the reputation of State Actors stealing from Canada’s People. The whole point behind real journalism is to expose the corruption of government, not to aid and abet the government’s determination to bury scandalous stories!!! But don’t tell CBC jounalist Arthur White-Crummey that, he’s hoping to hang onto his job as a proud propagandist.
“Public accountability to the People – what is that?”.
We’re all just trying to survive, right Arthur White-Crummey? Why tell People how corrupt the government is if it might be detrimental to funding CBC may be entitled to? That’s a conflict of interest for Arthur, he might lose his job! Trudeau probably doesn’t Wish for You to know how much he’s paying State Actors to exploit beneficiaries, and Arthur White-Crummey would probably be fired for attempting to bring this breaking story to the public, CBC might lose its funding and become obsolete.
We all know I don’t Trust politicians, but this is one promise I believe Poillievre Will Keep…
Brian Lilley is very concerned here! He’s basically as King Poillievre if he Will still have a job after he become Prime Minister. I’m sure he wasn’t thrilled with the answer, but tries to remain composed. He’s terrified!!!
If this DOES happen, CBC Will be facing bankruptcy. The CBC is an untrustworthy propaganda network paid for by the reigning tyrannical power, Justin the Treasonous Trudeau. Without that funding, the People Will have to PAY to watch CBC because they Will not survive without paid subscriptions or advertising. They Will require SO MUCH adverstising to keep this ship afloat, that their websites Will be so full of pop-ups and other advertisements it Will look like a ‘malicious’ site filled with viruses. No One cares about the CBC or their shills posing as journalists.
I have no respect for sheep like Arthur White-Crummey – and neither do any of Canada’s People. We consider these People traitors to freedom of information and free speech.
Good riddance, CBC, it appears Your days are numbered.
Love and Blessings,
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