Hello every One and welcome to another Epic Edition of the Good News Journal and more colossal conspiracies between criminal slumlord MHI (Multifaith Housing Initiative, hereby Mafia Housing Incentive) and the Ottawa Police Service against Me.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, despite the determination to speak only of Good, positive events taking place in Man’s Macrocosm, the criminal conduct of Ottawa’s finest law enforcement and their determination to fabricate evidence against Me is almost unbelievable… If We didn’t already know. Keep in Mind, this is the same police department that is serving Me with ‘fake’ police information and attempting to bring Me into a ‘fake’ Court to defend against ‘fake’ charges that the Provincial Courts have no ‘Record’ of? I’ll be calling the provincial court later this week to find out how many days the Court has scheduled to hear My thirty witnesses. I Will also be filing a police complaint of My own against all of the People I’m allegedly ‘harassing’ in My community.
Yes, some idiot posing as a police officer knocked on My door telling Me he and his partner had an outstanding warrant for My arrest. They were empty handed, so I requested to see the warrant. They told Me the warrant was in the car they ‘forgot’ to bring it up with them. I told them to go get it and if it’s a real warrant I Will be happy to respond to it. Of course, they tell Me they Will be right back with the warrant. Before they leave to get the warrant, I ask them if they know what the warrant is for. One responds to Me, ‘Shoplifting’, while the other begins arguing with him telling him its not for shoplifting, it’s for assault? I tell them they sound very confused to be at My door with an alleged warrant and don’t know what the warrant is for? They tell Me they Will go to get the warrant from their car
First of all, when do police EVER come to pick some One up on a warrant without a copy of the warrant in their possession? If You don’t know, I’ll Give You a clue – NEVER! The warrant is the whole reason they are able to harass Me in the first place! Without one, their house call is just targeted discrimination and harassment. Now, it might not be targeted discrimination and harassment if it were not the Ottawa Police Service and I had not requested for the Ottawa Police Service to protect Me from the criminal Acts of My landlord and public servant on several occasions over the last six years. They ‘choose’ to do nothing for Me when I have overwhelming, prima facie (on its face) evidence of federal crimes, theft of public money and targeted abuse toward a Beneficiary of the public Trust, but they have plenty of time to harass and arrest tenants that may expose Sahata Alolo’s criminal collusion in the City of Ottawa.
So of course they don’t come back right away, they come back about twenty minutes later – just long enough to Write something up in their car that they can print off and bring to My door. They instead served Me with an UNDERTAKING (just like Dawn the Delinquent Neilly) for alleged ‘repeated harassment’ of four individuals in the community that I haven’t even spoken to since at least the early part of last year. There are four individuals they have made a ‘condition’ for Me to ‘not come in contact with – or any One known to them’, which include Yvonne the Arrogant Ashby who I’ve never had any communication with outside of placing her on Notice of Civil and Criminal Liability in an LTB claim for stealing money from tenants and not providing those tenants with receipts. The problem is, it is entirely impossible for Me to Honour the conditions of the UNDERTAKING because Yvonne Ashby is besties with all her co-conspirators and knows every single tenant in the community.
I don’t have any disclosure, these are just allegations based on hearsay testimony made by Multifaith Housing Initiative’s community volunteers and the main gardening gestapo. The three People listed are organizers and volunteers for Multifaith Housing Initiative. Yvonne Ashby is the accounts manager who was stealing an additional $60 in rent from Me every month and refuses to provide receipts of her accounting to Me upon request. Sarah Lorenz, the new accounts and building manager replacing Yvonne Ashby said she paid the stolen money back to the City of Ottawa but doesn’t Wish to provide a receipt?! I’m just supposed to believe her based on her ‘Word’? After she’s been stealing from Me and attempting to weaponize the community against Me? Well, now the police have Given Me the information necessary to PROVE the discrimination in the community because it is now impossible for Me to even invite My best Friend over for coffee without violating the terms of the UNDERTAKING.
We are going to further demonstrate the extreme discrimination and prejudice of the Ottawa Police by reporting these crimes to them and as King of them to arrest the public Trustee for theft of public money and breach of Trust (far more serious crimes and perpetrated by state actors and prestigious, not for profit grifters posing as benevolent landlords to exploit Canada’s most vulnerable)?
How do the police get away with such ludicrous crimes? Well, Sahata Alolo is on the Board of Directors for Multifaith Housing Initiative and is also on the board of directors for the Ottawa Police Service?! Not a conflict of interest at all!!! A criminal landlord stealing from the public trust and colluding with the Ottawa Police service to use them as their personal bodyguards! So if MHI bribing chairpersons of the LTB to turn a blind eye to their crimes isn’t sufficient intimidation to shut Me up, they can weaponize the police against Me as well based exclusively on hearsay testimony. I know for a fact there can’t be any REAL evidence because I don’t speak to any of these People and avoid them like a plague of lepers. These individuals are the most narcissistic, sociopathic, morally bankrupt People You could ever have the misfortune of meeting.
This is the gardening gang’s main leader, Manon the Bulldog Bastien. Isn’t she beautiful?

She’s the worst kind of bully because she’s a complete coward – the type that likes to instigate so she can feel important and tough, stick her fat nose in every One else’s business and when some One tells her to shut up and mind her own business, this bull-dike bitch Will sic her toothless lesbian lover on You. Nothing more horrifying than staring into the pit of a yelling, gaping void of toothless teeth spitting in My face as she ‘dares’ Me to start something with her. If she were a Man, she’d have been knocked out before she even got that close. I don’t let aggressive men who mean to do Me harm get within inches of My face screaming at Me. Her bull dike lesbian lover, wanna be gangster girlfriend was trying VERY HARD to instigate violence with Me. Ironically, the toothless lesbian love is not listed as one of the People I am allegedly harassing, and I’ve had more Word with her than her fat, criminal counterpart. The ‘skinny’ one believes she’s a ‘real G’ – I wonder what all of her ganster Friend Will be thing King of her acting as an informant for the police, otherwise known on the streets as a RAT!!! This Will really increase her ‘G’ rating in the community. This is the same skinny, lesbian loser who likes to walk by My place with her phone pointed at My balcony RECORDING Me – and tells Me proudly. Should I tell her that is called ‘stalking’? That’s exactly what they are charging Me with, and I’m the One on the receiving end of the harassment. Like I said, admission through projection. One Will always resort to accusing their victim of that which they themselves are guilty of.
I’ve got nothing against lesbians by the Way, only toothless redneck lesbians who harass and antagonize Me unprovoked. There are a number of People in the community that would love to have a garden but Will not put up with the dictates of MHI’s ‘gardening gestapo’. They are just bullies licensed to harass any One they Wish by MHI’s ‘Community Events Coordinator’ – an entirely unnecessary position that probably pays entirely too much, especially considering that MHI always complains that the REASON they are becoming Ottawa’s new slumlord claiming the throne from Ottawa Community Housing is because they simply ‘don’t have the funds’ as a not for profit organization to adequately maintain the property to City of Ottawa standards. Maybe they should get rid of uneccary expenses like incompetent building managers and irrelevant ‘Community Events Coordinator’.
It is a serious conflict of interest for Sahada Alolo to be stealing money from the public Trust and colluding with the Ottawa Police and the Landlord Tenant Board to cover up her crimes. But don’t worry, this Post Will be added to My defense as evidence and I Will be sure to take this One all the Way to trial so that I can interrogate each of My witnesses. I’m sure Manon the Bulldog Bastien Will be very anxious to have Me depose her before the hearing. They don’t Wish to ever have to explain their Self to Me and now they Will be compelled to stand as a witness at My trial and tell Me in their own Words what I have ever done to ‘harass’ these narcissistic sociopaths.
But the MOST cowardly and lowly criminal of the lot is Leila Sieg. Leila Will surely be thankful that I was unable to locate a decent mug shot of her for this Post. Leila Sieg is a community volunteer who helps to ‘host’ community coffee at MHI every Tuesday. When I first moved in, Leila went out of her Way to ‘bond’ with Me, tall King about her German roots and how familiar she is with the prestige associated with the family name ‘von Dehn’ in Germany. It was Leila that would email Me to encourage Me to come out to community coffee because I generally prefer to keep to My Self.
Then Leila started complaining to Me about things MHI were doing that she didn’t like, as King of Me to speak out about it. One of those things was Ottawa Community Health infiltrating MHI’s community coffee, encouraging People to get vaccinated to protect their Self and the community from SARS-CoV2. Leila told Me that she doesn’t support mandatory vaccination and masking and that I need to speak out about it. Every single time that MHI was filing a complaint against Me, it was without My knowledge and immediately after one of these visits by Ottawa Public Health.
The first time it was two young girls, neither one had any medical experience or degree whatsoever. They openly confessed that the do not know anything about the vaccines, they are ‘just following Ottawa’s public health directive’.
“So You don’t know how effective or harmful these vaccines are?”
“We’ve been instructed not to engage with ‘People like You’.”
“People like Me? You mean People who question the main narrative? You mean People who question the safety and efficacy of the vaccines?”
And of course, after that last question, I was asked to leave (and I did, stating that they are violating their own policies which state that all People are to be respected for their opinions and concerns, and to be fully informed of all risks associated with any medical product MHI is promoting in the community).
After the event and after apparently creating some kind of ‘incident’ report about Me (and without My knowledge) for ‘inappropriate behaviour’, Leila the Sinister Sieg tells Me how THANKFUL she is that I put Ottawa Public Health on the spot and exposed how incompetent they are! She tells Me they are planning to come again and that they desperately need ‘some One like Me’ in the community to educate People about their rights related to the vaccines.
At some point before Ottawa Public Health’s next community intervention, Adrienne Benjamin (a previous community events coordinator) assualted Me at community coffee by calling Me on to fight him while he screams in My face in front of every One. He was eventually let go after a few boxes of donated Christmas gifts and roughly $1000.00 in $25.00 grocery cards ‘mysteriously’ disappeared from the back of his prestine, undamaged car because he was foolish enough to leave all of those valuable goods in the back of his car UNLOCKED the night before he was supposed to drop them off! Would You believe some One stole them!? Of course some One would steal them! It was Adrienne Benjamin.
But once again, Sahada Alolo has power and influence with the Ottawa Police, so they had the Ottawa Police claim to have apprehended the criminal in less than twenty-four hours and on more than fifty charges for fraud and theft?! FIFTY charges? All nonsense, MHI just covering up that fact that they hired a community events coordinator who stole all the gifts intended for shelter residents. They Will protect all the criminals war King for their organization because they are the organized mafia of Ottawa stealing the People’s land under the guise of public service.
So I stopped going to community coffee to avoid conflict with Adrienne the Bonehead Benjamin but Leila Sieg wasn’t satisfied. When Ottawa Public Health came to give out ‘free vaccinations’ at community coffee, the community simply protested by not showing up! Only one or two People showed up and Adrienne Benjamin wasn’t satisfied with that, so he told Ottawa Public Health to start going door to door in the community to offer their vaccines. I didn’t bother Ottawa’s Public Health in the other building, but I absolutely kicked them out of mine! I told them that MHI does not allow door to door solicitation for anything, much less vaccines – please read the Sign at the front entrance, You are violating My tenancy agreement and harassing the tenants. They left immediately. Adrienne Benjamin created another ‘incident report’ (also not known to Me until much later). Apprently, it is ‘inappropriate conduct’ to request for vendors to Honour My tenancy agreement.
And the last time was City council member, Wilson the Lowest Lo who appeared at Ottawa Community Coffee entirely unannounced. I was introduced and immediately started as King of Wilson Lo why Ottawa Public Health was continuing to push a vaccine that has since proven to be unsafe and ineffective in preventing the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV2. He says he doesn’t know, the City of Ottawa isn’t responsible for Ottawa Public Health? The province determined what the City should do (according to Wilson Lo), the City was ‘just following orders’. So Ottawa Public Health doesn’t have any scientific evidence to support their belief that these jabs are ‘safe and efffective’? There have been a lot of side effects, do You consider that safe? Of course, Wilson Lo refused to answer.
So Wilson Lo believes it is ‘okay’ to watch his fellow public servant perpetrate an attempted genocide against Canada’s People because he doesn’t have any moral or ethical obligation to make sure that the promises the City of Ottawa makes to its People are TRUE?! He’s a useless, fascist Nazi who was upset that I made him look like an idiot in front of the whole community, so asked MHI to have Me evicted! They are dependent on the City for funding, so Wilson’s Wish is a Mafia landlord’s command! They cut off My rent and served Me with an N4 for non payment of rent, not realizing that the tenancy agreement (lease) says the landlord has the obligation to pay any amount of rent not covered by a city of Ottawa subsidy.
The LTB is fully aware that MHI is stealing from tenants, refusing to produce receipts (that’s technically fraud by Way of omission of evidence necessary to substantiate allegations), targeting individuals in the community who are as King of MHI to comply with the Residential Tenancies Act, and MHI conspires with People like James William Campbell, chairperson for the LTB to collude with them to help them cover over their crimes without consequence.
So those are the three examples of ‘inappropriate conduct’ I have been Secretly accused of by MHI who also attempted to evict Me for same. Like I said, this is not a landlord, this is a Mafia slumlord exploiting Ottawa’s most marginalized People and they are BANKING on all their tenants being incapable of having a forensic audit of MHI’s accounting ordered by a Court. We’ll see. \
What do I have to say to all of MHI’s morally bankrupt tenants and management?
Bring it on, BITCHES!!
To every One else,
Love and Blessings,
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