Good Magical, Monday morning every One and welcome to the Good News Journal, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour and Pleasure to have You in My House!
It has been a very busy and exciting (if not somewhat stressful) week. We had a couple of idiots posing as police officers stop by My apartment last week telling Me they had a warrant for My arrest, though neither One of them seemed to know what the warrant was for and they conveniently ‘forgot’ the warrant in the car? When I asked to see the warrant, they disappeared for over twenty minutes and returned to serve Me with an UNDERTAKING, just like Dawn the Delinquent Neilly. They served Me with an UNDERTAKING because the officers were engaged in fraud and did not actually have a warrant – they were lying to Me. Once again, Crown Attorney’s office has no ‘information’ related to the charges (or if they do, no One Wishes to provide Me with any).
So My guess is that they are waiting to see how the first ‘fake trial’ they are attempting to set up for Me tomorrow goes, and if they can successfully pull off their grift tomorrow, I Imagine the next thing I Will hear is that they are not proceeding against Me in a criminal court, they are going to proceed against Me in a provincial Court at 100 Constellation Avenue so that City of Ottawa employees can secure their interests and make sure that the Attorney General’s office doesn’t find out how corrupt they are.
It seems that all Court clerks working for the Ontario Provincial Court or the Ontario Superior Court are also City of Ottawa employees who are engaged in a lot criminal activity, oppressing and economically exploiting Beneficiary’s they were Trusted to care for.
The City of Ottawa has successfully infiltrated the Ontario Court of Justice, the Superior Court of Justice, the Landlord Tenant Board, and Social Benefits Tribunal. All of these organizations are either staffed with City of Ottawa employees who Act as ‘gatekeepers’, arranging private meetings with judges and justices to have claims harmful to the City’s reputation dismissed as ‘frivolous and vexatious’. They never have to ‘prove’ any of their claims, they just file affidavits and have the ‘presumption’ of Honour, cheating countless entitled litigants of their right to a fair and impartial hearing.
Every single individual working at 100 Constellation Drive is a City of Ottawa employee Acting as a double agent for the Ontario Court of Justice – how convenient would that be if You were stealing from every One but had the ability to control which claims succeed or fail? Of course they are immune from prosecution because they have countless spies (moles) working for the Courts who Will ensure claims against the City never succeed (or at least the majority – they have to let a couple slip through now and then to avoid suspicion).
They also coordinate with the local police to intimidate individuals who attempt to report their crimes. I’ve reported the crimes of the Trustee for Ontario Works to Sergeant Catherine Wood on several occasions, providing evidence of their contempt for the Rule of Law, and the police do not even RESPOND if the criminals are City of Ottawa employees.
Canada has officially become a Banana Republic under Trudeau’s Treason. Just to give You an example, the following email thread is sent to the ‘official’ Ontario Court of Justice email address for disclosure requests in the City of Ottawa. For over a week I have been calling and emailing this office attempting to obtain disclosure related to the most recent charges served upon Me by crooks posing as cops, no One even has the professional courtesy to respond!
The information was filed against Me sometime last year and We know that much based exclusively on the file number 24-122310 indicates the time the charges were filed by the first two digits (24). Obviously, they didn’t get a warrant or they would have served it upon Me the moment the warrant issued. They were UNABLE to obtain a warrant for My arrest and are instead hoping that they can get Me to consent to an unlawful UNDERTAKING so that they can once again proceed against Me secretly in a private court without the Minstry of the Attorney General and Department of Justice being any wiser for it because they are not PROCESSING documents onto the Registry. There is no official ‘Record’ of any charges related to Me whatsoever!
The police are just hired thugs for the City of Ottawa’s most notorious criminals colluding with clerks of the Court. Notice that there is not a single individual working for the Ontario Court of Justice that has any interest in protecting principles integral to Justice, they all just IGNORE the emails and allow the fraud to continue…
No reply whatsoever! Yup, this is the degree of professionalism One can expect in Canada’s Courts. Every agent at ‘’ has been compromised and is not acting as a representative for the Ontario Court of Justice, but as a mole for the City of Ottawa, intercepting claims that are harmful to their repute a Sean…
If You think that’s bad, take a look at this next one! I am writing the official Court address for disclosure related to provincial matters and as King how much time has been scheduled for the hearing I’m invited to attend on Tuesday, March 11th. No One can even REPLY? This is the kind of professionalism People in Canada are to expect from their Court staff? Canada may be even more corrupt than Ukraine, and that is saying a lot!!! But Vinicius the Odious Oliveira still has the audacity to continue with his fraud…
The email address I’m sending this to is the ‘official’ email address to obtain disclosure packages related to any Matter before the Ontario Court of Justice in the City of Ottawa. The City of Ottawa controls all emails received by the Ontario Provincial Court, so it’s very easy for them to collude with Vinicius. They just silently witness all of his crimes as an ‘impartial observer’ and take no Action to apprehend him because he is their representative. They can’t openly ADMIT in the email that they are conspiring with Vinicius, so they just say nothing, tacitly conceding that they don’t have any information related to a hearing for this Matter allegedly scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Previously, I would serve an email to ‘’ as King for disclosure and they would reply from an address that appeared to be exactly the same because they had changed the ‘name’ of the email address so that it looks the same in My inbox, ‘VirtualCrownOttawa’ – except this time, the email address the name was associated with was ‘’! (If You didn’t notice, they added a ‘dot’ between the Word Virtual and Crown to create an entirely new email address.
They set up this new email address to continue perpetrating their fraud ‘OFF THE RECORD’. This is why the official email address can’t reply to Me because they don’t have any information and if they concede that is True then they have to explain why they are not arresting their criminal prosecutor. Right now, the Ontario Court of Justice is trying to ‘pretend’ it doesn’t know that Vinicius is attempting to proceed against Me in his personal, private capacity.
One of the considerations I have is to forward this email thread to every official Ontario Provincial Court address in the province so that every other Court in the province of Ontario can see how corrupt and criminal the Ottawa and Toronto offices are. The supervisor of the Toronto Superior Court, Jove the Pathetic Ponniah, has been allowing lawyers to file documents against an unrepresented dead man without having an Estate Trustee for Litigation appointed, and without requiring proof of service of any of the documents on any of the parties to the Claim! I’ve even pointed this out to him and advised him that the house they are serving documents on was sold in 2021, though a ‘Notice of Discontinuance’ was served and filed on December 4th, 2023, the very next day after I send Notice of Appearance to the Court placing Jove the Pathetic Ponniah on Notice for not responding to the Notice of Appearance I provided to the Court to protect My father’s interests.
The fraud perpetrated by My siblings against Me was even worse than I thought at the time I reported their crimes to Marc E. Smith in the motion hearing. When I mentioned these claims to Agent Smith and showed him a copy of the claims proceeding against the Estate ‘in care of’ Michael von Dehn, I had said that there were three million dollars in claims waiting to proceed against the Estate. When I finally obtained a copy of the actual claims, I find out they HAVE been proceeding against My father exactly the same Way they’ve been deceiving Me – by not ‘processing’ the documents onto the system to avoid oversight by the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice.
These People should go away for a very long time. The fake hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, 9:00 Avant Midi, Eastern Standard time in Courtroom 101. There is no official public record related to this Matter so You Will not find it in any Court database in the province. I have these three pieces of evidence I intend to present tomorrow and Revenue Canada was also as King for additional information related to the Estate fraud, so I am going to Post that evidence here so that every One Will know what Vinicius Will be tasked with attempting to explain.
Here are the three claims proceeding against My dead father in default, received by Michael von Dehn, and discontinued (allegedly) on Jan. 4th, 2024, one day after I Give Notice of Appearance as Trustee and Executor for the Estate. Probably just a coincidence.
I’m also going to follow up with VirtualCrownOttawa and advise them that I Wish to add the website ‘’ as evidence necessary for My defense by providing them with a link to this post to see if they Wish to engage in any damage control and arrest their criminal prosecutor before he further aggravates the harm he’s already done to Me by his fraud and collusion with criminal clerks of the Court.
But what’s NOT a coincidence, is that Vinicius has chosen to add the transcript of My hearing with agent Smith where I report the crimes of My siblings to him and ask him about the three million dollars in claims proceeding against My father directly. Vinicius provided Me with EVIDENCE of My testimony to the Court which the (impartial and unbiased) Court of Record has now confirmed to be TRUE. Vinicius has allowed Me to ‘substantiate’ (prove) My non acceptance for fraud is valid reason for protesting the decision which must now be VACATED to ensure the CASE LAW database is not further corrupted by decisions obtained in fraud.
Sadly, Justice Smith Will be able to walk away from this unscathed because he Will ‘plead ignorance’. He Will simply state that he was relying on the affidavit testimony of esteemed lawyers and did not anticipate they would DARE to engage in such criminal conduct. One thing the Court CANNOT do, is argue with the impartial Court of Record. It’s clear and obvious that Tanja Johnson was not ‘duly appointed’ a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, or if she was, she has been engaged in fraud with intent to hide assets from three million dollars in insurance claims her brother was receiving in her father’s stead…
These are undisputed facts, and Truth always prevails in the end. My sister is hiding estate assets in a fake Royal Bank account located at 83 Winston Crescent under the name ‘the Estate of Joachim von Dehn’. I have no idea who lives at 83 Winston Crescent, I only know that neither of My siblings do.
I hope to see all of You there tomorrow, though I Promise to Record the proceedings as a Trust obligation to Hold state Actors accountable for their trespasses. The City of Ottawa has completely corrupted all of Ottawa’s Courts and Tribunals to the point where Patrick Emard believes that Ontario Courts of Justice are not required to process documents onto the Registry if they are proceeding against People privately at 100 Constellation Avenue – for those Matters One must speak to Vinicius directly because the Court has no public Record related to the charges.
If One takes the time to read the email threads, they Will Notice that the only One to respond to Me is Vinicius the Odious Oliveira, insisting he has read My ‘numerous emails to various court offices and My ‘baseless’ allegations against him’. Please take Notice that although he insists My allegations are ‘baseless’ he has not offered any legal or lawful opposition to My legal and lawful arguments – that’s not so unusual, that is a typical ‘gaslighting’ technique that liars posing as lawyers engage in to antagonize their opponents in law, hoping they can illicit a response they can then characterize as ‘inappropriate conduct’ or contempt of Court. Again, a typical strategy is to blame One’s accuser of that which they are guilty of. My brother and sister tell the Courts that I can’t be Trusted with the Certificate because I would steal the entirety of the Estate to My Self – while they are colluding to do exactly that to Me and trying to have Me criminally charged for their fraud and collusion…
I advise Vinicius that the official Court office has not responded to Me to tell Me that My accusations are baseless, and they continue to bear witness to his crimes and contempt.
However, the critical point I Wish for every One to take Notice of is that the REAL email address for VirtualCrownOttawa is the One I am Writing now. I have a previous email from VirtualCrownOttawa that clearly states they have run the name ‘Sean von Dehn’, ‘SEAN VON DEHN’ and ‘Sean VONDEHN’, as well as the file numbers provided to them and can assure Me there is nothing in the system for Me ‘in that name’! They also said that they Will not respond to any further inquiries related to that Matter and appear to be Honouring their Word.
I actually forwarded that email to Vinicius once before as King of him what he thinks he’s doing, and that was when I started receiving ‘disclosure’ from a fake email address Vinicius was kind enough to set up to cover his fraud, The Ministry of the Attorney General and Department of Justice told Me to block the email as SPAM and to only Trust emails from ‘’. Since then, I have received NOTHING from the official Crown’s office. They can’t even confirm the trial for tomorrow!
Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a shit show, I recommend every One comes out to enjoy the Show!!!
Rex Verses Vinicius the Odious Oliveira and Henry de Sinister Almeido Sampiao Suzuki – 9:00 AM EST, Courtroom 101, at The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean, Planet Earth.
If You Wish for even more details related to Tiffany, Tanja, Michael and the Magnificent Estate Fraud Cons Piracy, You can check out the website I Created for the International Public Record at ‘the King’s Bench‘. The law society of Ontario licenses liars and calls them lawyers. It sounds better than liar or ‘devilling’ (which is what lawyering used to be called because that is what they do – they ‘devil’ in the details).
That’s enough corruption to expose for One day, welcome to Canada’s capital, criminal Cabal, the City of Ottawa!

Love and Blessings,
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