I also added this website as evidence for Revenue Canada concerning tax fraud related to the Estate of Joachim Heinrich von Dehn and the fraudulent claims being made against his insurance policy by Michael the Villainous von Dehn and INTACT Insurance who are wrongly accusing My late father of the criminal Acts of Tiffany the Gold-Digging Grifter Singh.
I figured this week’s recent emails to the Ottawa Court Supervisor Will be relevant so that Revenue Canada knows that I have in fact reported the fraud to the Court and that they are choosing to take no Action. That seems very suspicious to Me, I am wondering if it Will seem equally suspicious to Revenue Canada.
The Claims proceeding against My late father in the Toronto Superior Court that Court Supervisor, Jove the Predator Ponniah has been keeping ‘off the public Record’ so as not to interfere with the remainder funds from the unlawful power of sale Tanja and Michael are hoping to split with Tiffany Singh, the one responsible for the $3 million in insurance claims.
The address they claim to be serving these documents on is also a complete fabrication. The house was sold privately and off the public Record in the late part of 2021 by Merovitz Potechin LLP who failed to have an ETDL appointed and instead conspired with Tanja Johnson and Michael von Dehn to ‘fake’ an application so that she would have the legal right to make the deals she’s already made with Noah Potechin, which was to let him proceed against My father in default privately and sell the house under power of sale so that they can keep the remainder funds without alerting the creditors as King for three million dollars in damages. Brilliant, right?! Who is ever going to figure any of that out?
Especially if Tanja and Michael are smart enough to not Keep any money hidden in their own name. Instead, they open up a Royal Bank account belonging to an address Michael von Dehn owns but does not reside at (maybe a house he rents?, 83 Winston Cres., Guelph Ontario). Why are My siblings using a fake address for a bank account?
Neither My brother or sister live at that address, so it can’t really be traced back to them, and they name the account ‘the Estate of Joachim von Dehn’, so the account isn’t in either one of their names! Aren’t they clever?! And Tanja hasn’t ‘officially’ been appointed the Certificate, the Courts only Wish for Me to believe they have, so this won’t come back to Tanja Johnson because Revenue Canada has no Record of her appointment! The entire fraud is just so brilliant. I had no idea My siblings were so smart. And yes, I’m being facetious.
I’ll have more to update but the events of this week and My inability to report these crimes to the Court because the clerks I’m reporting these crimes to are entirely corrupt and conspiring with the local police to bring Me into a ‘private Court’ (that looks like a very real Court) at 100 Constellation Avenue for attempting to hold these criminals accountable.
I fear for My safety, I need help and protection from these criminals colluding against Me and using the Courts as a cloak for their fraud. They have successfully infiltrated the Toronto, Ottawa, and Toronto Superior Court of Justice to keep any Matters related to the Estate of Joachim Heinrich von Dehn ‘off the public Record’. This constitutes a multiplicity of suits and fraud on the part of the Court and their clerks.
None of this should be happening as the Superior Courts are to be of ‘inherent, concurrent, and congruent jurisdiction’ – Ministry of the Attorney General and Department of Justice.
But please do take note that these crimes have been reported to the appropriate authorities (supervisors) of all three courts involved, I feel a little foolish for not realizing sooner that the entire reason My complaints are going unheard is because I am the one these supervisors and clerks are conspiring against. They are absolutely complicit in the fraud, especially Michelle Murphy, Carrie Thompson and Kimberly Meredith of the Bracebridge Superior Court, Jove Ponniah of the Toronto Superior Court, and Gillian Kreling of the Ottawa Superior Court.
I hope this evidence and inform a Sean is helpful, My father deserves Justice and Redempt-Sean.
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