Hello every One. Well, it’s beginning to appear as though the Ontario Superior Court is no longer even feigning legitimacy. I can only presume they Wish for Me to let You know that the Ontario Superior Court is really just there to aid and abet the theft of dead People’s property, aiding and abetting criminal lawyers who Wish to proceed against dead People in default ‘off the official Court of Record’!
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this a common practice particularly at the Toronto Superior Court where Court Supervisor, Jove Ponniah Will allow Claims to proceed against dead People without so much as requiring proof of service on any of the parties to the Claim. The Ontario Superior Courts of each province Act ‘concurrently and congruently’ to deceive Canada’s People by networking with other Superior Courts in the province that may have other claims against the Estate and encouraging those clerks and Court Supervisors to keep their documents ‘off the Record’ too so that it doesn’t spoil their treasonous party!
The Bracebridge and Toronto Courthouses have been colluding and conspiring together to ‘fake’ an Application for a CAET for the Estate of Joachim von Dehn in the Bracebridge Court while pleading ignorance of the three million dollars in Claims that are being received by Michael von Dehn who is proceeding against My father ‘off the Record’ in default (and without any One appointed to represent his legal and lawful interests) in the Toronto Superior Court of ‘just is’ (whatever they Wish to file onto the Registry that day)!
I Wished to Give them the benefit of the doubt, but they both know! In fact, Jove Ponniah has known about this for at least three years and did absolutely nothing when I told him that the address is a fraud, and that My sister is simultaneously claiming to be the Trustee, why is she not taking care of these matters? Crickets.
They have both asserted to Me that this is perfectly normal and it has all been Presented to the Court including the claims proceeding against My father in default in Toronto, showing they are being received ‘in care of’ Michael von Dehn, and upon a fake (non existent) address, all while My brother swears in his affidavit that he only has a beneficial interest in the Estate and has never had any ‘administrative’ duties as a Trustee. He doesn’t feel that being ‘Trusted’ to speak to three million dollars in claims is an administrative ‘Trust’ obligation? He didn’t feel these claims were relevant to Tanja’s application?
They are both fraudsters, and Jove Ponniah, Supervisor for the Superior Court in Toronto, Carrie Thompson, Supervisor for the Ontario Superior Court in Bracebridge, and Gillian the Criminal Kreling, Supervisor for the Ottawa Superior Court have all been lying to Me ‘concurrently and congruently’, attempting to convince Me that My sister’s CAET is legitimate, My siblings are not engaged in any fraud, and have certainly not done anything to breach My Trust or My father’s.
Carrie Thompson, Jove Ponniah and Gillain Kreling believe it is okay to keep documents off the official record and process them onto the Registry whenever it is most favourable to the party in question. If (for example) the Bracebridge Courthouse Wishes to tell Me one thing about the Estate and My sister and brother something else… Well, of course they have the absolute freedom to do that because they are a private Court and not required to post their filings onto the Registry so that they can act concurrently and congruently with other Superior Courts in the province or that would screw up their entire grift!
We’ve reported this to all three Court supervisors, told them that We are publishing all of this for the world to see, and they appear be perfectly okay with the publicity they are receiving. And I don’t Mind telling You that the last few Blog Posts related to this Matter are getting an awful lot of attention!
The individuals war King in Canada’s Courts do not even appear to be concerned about their reputation. I can tell You for sure that these individuals DO NOT represent His Majesty. The King would NEVER allow some One to complain to his court of criminal trespass and allow the Court to IGNORE that individual’s pleadings. This entire charade and the incompetence these clerks and judges are demonstrating, is positively shameful.
Here’s the latest URGENT email. Will the Word ‘URGENT’ make a difference?
How does One motivate an individual who has no moral or ethical integrity, and no concern for the reputation of the institution they allegedly represent?
Love and Blessings,
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