Yeah, the clerks at the Ottawa Superior Court of Justice have been entirely compromised and conspire with the Toronto and Bracebridge Courthouse to keep the Estate Matters of the deceased off the Record so that they can engage in a multiplicity of suits before the Superior Court of Justice without any Judicial oversight whatsoever because not only do documents that are not processed onto the Registry fail to alert other Courts in the province of Actions or Applications proceeding against that entity, it also fails to alert the Ministry of the Attorney General Office and their legal director who would typically be the one to review all the documents filed with the Ministry to assign the cases to appropriate Judges and Justices. Typically, this is not something the Ottawa Courthouse takes upon themselves to do ‘privately’ – but don’t tell the Ottawa Superior Court that, they’ve been making their own Rules of Corrupt Procedure for God only knows how long.
Wow, almost forgot today’s letter to the Court! Forgot to add a subject to the email, so I guess it Will be a surprise!
Let Me introduce You to the three court supervisors of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice who have been conspiring together to Keep My father’s Estate Matters ‘off the public Record’. First, Ontario Superior Court clerk supervisor, Gillian the Criminal Kreling (possible relation to Justice Herb ‘the Clown’ Kreling, Superior Court Judge).

If her daddy is a Judge that would make a lot of sense, wouldn’t it? Who would be so bold as to lie about the official Court of Record attempting to convince a Man that a fraudulent Certificate is authentic excepta clerk whose daddy works as a judge. Let Me guess, she probably ‘reported Me’ to daddy for placing her on Notice. I honestly have no idea, I just know there is a Judge in Ottawa by the name of Herb Kreling because I never forget a name when I know the first and last. Both a skill and a curse because I now have well over fifty People living rent free in My head who have vastly overstayed their welcome.
And I have a very Special surprise for You today, let Me introduce to You Carrie ‘the Treasonous’ Thompson, Supervisor for the Bracebride Superior Court engaged in fraud with malicious intent to deprive entitled parties of their right to participate in the judicial process. Carrie the Treasonous Thompson takes it upon her Self to decide who can participate in the Estate Application process and who Will be lied to. She supports and endorses the criminal Acts of Michelle the Misfit Murphy (clerk of the Bracebridge Courthouse) and Kimberly Meredith who arrange private meetings with judges to Sign Court documents to Give the ‘impression’ of ‘due process’. There is no due process, it is just to Give the ‘illusion’ of due process. The documents were convincing enough to fool two Superior Court Judges so far…

There’s a portrait of a narcissistic sociopath for You!!! Look at that smile! As she robs You blind and deprives Me of My right to be informed of Matters concerning My interests. I consider this an Act of treason because this was not an accident. Carrie Thompson is deliberately using her position as court clerk with malicious intent to take advantage of Canada’s People and engage in fraud. That is TREASON by definition.
But let’s not forget the most morally bankrupt of the bunch, Jove the Predator Ponniah. I call Jove the Predator because he is allowing claims to proceed against a dead Man without having an ETDL (Estate Trustee During Litigation) or Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee to represent My father’s interests, not requiring ‘service’ of the Claim on any of the parties to it, all so they can note My deceased, unrepresented father in default for the criminal Acts of a woman by the name of Tiffany the Gold-Digging Grifter, Singh.
Meet Jove the Predator Ponniah, deceiving You with a smile of sincerity.

Those are the mugshots of the three main criminals heading up the Ontario Superior Court’s criminal cabal. I’m sure this network of Supervisors defrauding litigants before the Court extends to many other Courthouses in the province of Ontario, I just haven’t had the pleasure of being grifted by them, so I can’t speak from experience in that regard. But I presume if he networks with Ottawa and Bracebridge to knowingly engage in fraud, he has probably reached out to every other court in the province. I’m quite confident this is a little ‘side business’ for the Superior Courts, their supervisors and judges. I’m sure there must be very Good money in it. I wonder how much Jove was paid to Keep all of this ‘off the Record’ and lie to Me about the status of the Claims?
At any rate, this is now the THIRD email to the ‘trial coordinator’s office’ of the Ontario Superior Court. Technically, I’m probably not even supposed to have that contact info but it was provided by a Supervisor’s auto reply to My non acceptance for fraud, along with the email address for the Ontario Superior Court ‘enforcement’ office. So now We know that there are ‘trial coordinators’ (judges and justices who ‘coordinate’ trials) that are in receipt of My email and ALSO taking no action whatsoever to put the harm being done to Me by their criminal negligence and gross criminal malfeasance, further aggravating the harm done to Me.
I’m sure People can Imagine how aggravating it must be for Me to know I’m on the right side of the law, all any impartial Court of Record knows is that I’m on the right side of the Law, the only thing interfering with My right to Jusitce, is apparently agents of the Superior Court of Justice in every capacity from the administration clerk, to the ‘enforcement’ agency (authorities of the Court), to the Justices and Judges that schedule the hearings and motions, so far, not one individual has Acted with an ounce of Honour or integrity.
I guess the Ontario Superior Court believes it is better to just ‘say nothing’. NIHIL DICIT, RES JUDICATA – GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!
Love and Blessings,
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