Good morning, Canada’s Minister of Justice and Shadow Minister of Justice,
I have advised the world and Canada’s People that the Superior Courts in the province of Ontario have been entirely corrupted by clerks of the Court who are conspiring with liars and the Law Society of Ontario to Keep documents they receive ‘off the public Record’ so that they can engage in a multiplicity of suits and proceed against dead People and unrepresented Estates to cash in on fraudulent insurance claims.
I have reported these crimes to the local, Ottawa Police Service but they instead decide to proceed against Me using exactly the same tactics – getting police information Signed by City of Ottawa employees impersonating Superior Court Judges to intimidate Canada’s People in a PRIVATE COURT there is absolutely no public Record of at 100 Constellation Avenue. They have already subjected Me to one fake trial Your Ministry has no Record of and are planning to do so again on April 27th, 2025.
I don’t seem to be able to report this to any One. The two most ‘Trusted’ representatives responsible for the Ministry of the Attorney General and Department of Justice to ensure the People of Canada have access to Justice, seem entirely uninterested that their Courts have been compromised and are conspiring with criminals against Canada’s People seeking relief and remedy for trespass upon their constitutionally protected rights – the ONLY THING You are Trusted to guarantee to Canada’s People.
You don’t care? This isn’t important enough to respond to? This isn’t a major scandal for You? Okay. Well now You are on Notice for TREASON as well as abdication of Oath and Breach of Trust because Your negligence is harmful to Me because I am a victim of crime without recourse, so I am appealing to the Ministers responsible for the reputation and functionality of Canada’s Crown Courts that are allegedly there to ‘guarantee’ the protection of My rights.
You can’t very well guarantee My rights in the Ontario Superior Court if I can’t make an application or Claim to the Ontario Superior Court because it has been entirely compromised by City of Ottawa employees who do not represent the Crown but the City of Ottawa’s interests which appears to include protecting the criminals working for the Ontario Court who have set up this massive crime syndicate across the province.
I look forward to hearing from You. So far, no One has demonstrated an ounce of Honour or integrity, I hope You can do better.
For the public Record, here are the last two emails to each of Your offices. You have confirmed recieipt, so I know You received them. If You don’t reply, We can only presume You are complicit or sufficiently incompetent that You MUST be removed and tried for gross criminal malfeasance causing harm, breach of Trust and TREASON.
If Your lack of reply is sheer incompetence, it is an unacceptable degree of incompetence that appears to have cost Canada and their People at least one Superior Court of Justice in the province which has become nothing more than a hub for Court fraud, collusion, and extorsion of the People’s wealth, perverting Canada’s Justice System. This is all happening on Your watch and has been going on for at least six years. You are liable by default as the head of this Ministry and the Shadow Minister responsible for making sure the Acting Minister is not abdicating his Oath, taking advantage of his position and compromising Canada’s Courts (which is quite frankly what Arif the Vile Virani appears to be doing).
Maybe they call You the ‘shadow Minister’ of Justice because You run and hide when People write Your office to complain about how Your Courts have been compromised by treasonous traitors to the Crown? That would make sense because it sure doesn’t look as though You are holding Arif Virani accountable, does it?
Is the shadow minister position kind of like the Ontario Superior Court? You know, designed to provide the illusion of Justice rather than actual justice; giving the illusion of accountability rather than ‘actual’ accountability? When was the last time a State Actor was arrested for violating their oath to Canada’s People? That’s a fourteen year charge for breach of Trust. And You are not responding to My emails reporting Ottawa clerks engaged in federal crimes depriving Canada’s People of their access to justice and I’m supposed to believe it is not with INTENT?
You Will need to make some very convincing arguments.
King Sean, House von Dehn,
Hand of Stephen,
The Kingdom of Heaven Found a Sean
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