Responses From Service Ontario
The following message was sent to Service Ontario’s ‘Contact Us’ page.
Sent: April 6, 2021 10:11 PM
I require a reply to this email. I Wish to have the registration of My birth by My parents revoked, and for the commercial value of My Life to be restored to Me. I have made this very clear in Public Notices to Canada’s government. Failing to Honour this request and threatening My Life with economic duress for failing to register My Life with the state is a criminal offence. Suggesting that ONLY the government of Canada can use My name and Life for their economic benefit at My economic expense is extortion, bondage and a very serious trespass upon My right of Self determination and to freely dispose of My natural wealth without prejudice to foreign obligations. – Canada’s international legal obligations,
I am King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God and Will remain as such to clearly distinguish between the fictitious commercial entity created by the state in My name (Sean Stephen von Dehn) and the Living Man Writing this message, the consciousness who’s Life You feel You have supreme right to exploit for Your own nefarious purposes.
I expect to hear from You shortly and from someone with a reasonable level of competence in resolving such serious issues.
Thank You
My comments on these correspondences are in black type, My correspondences are in purple, response to My correspondences are in blue.
I mentioned on a Blog Post that the reply I received was appropriate and professional. It reads as follows:
Apr 19, 2021, 1:45 PM
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for contacting ServiceOntario.
You have reached the ServiceOntario Contact Centre with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services of the Ontario Government.
Please be advised that our office is not the one that receives those registrations or applications. We provide referrals to Ontario Government services and programs.
Your message has been forwarded to the Thunder Bay Production and Verification Services Branch (TBPVSB), formerly the Office of the Registrar General, as they record the registration of name changes, births, deaths, marriages and those who can perform marriages in Ontario.
You may also contact them directly at:
Thunder Bay Production and Verification Services Branch
189 Red River Road, PO Box 4600
Thunder Bay ON P7B 6L8
416-325-8305 Local Toronto calls and out of North America calls
1-800-461-2156 toll-free in North America
807-343-7459 Fax
Staff are available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time
Please note: due to security and privacy reasons, any personal information has been deleted from this email.
Customer Care Representative | ServiceOntario
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Visit us at:
Note: Please contact me if you require this communication in another format.
My response was to confirm that I received the above email and to thank Sophia for forwarding My concerns to the verification services branch in Thunder Bay. I also Wished to let Sophia know that I am aware their office does not process applications and My intent was to inform them I have notified the government of Canada concerning this Issue and My request has not yet been Honoured by the offices responsible for fulfilling this obligation.
Apr 19, 2021, 1:59 PM
Hi Sophia,
Thank You for Your response and for forwarding My complaint to the Production and Verification Services Branch. I Will follow up with them directly and have also sent a Letter to Francois-Philippe Champagne regarding this Matter who is acting as Canada’s Registrar General and Member of Parliament.
I appreciate Your attention to this Matter, sincerely,
King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God.
What I find interesting here is that no response is required (aside from perhaps ‘You’re welcome’ or something to that effect as a courtesy). However, I did receive a reply from another representative of Service Ontario which I found very peculiar. It reads as follows:
April 21, 2021, 11:30 AM
Good morning,
ServiceOntario – Office of the Registrar General is responsible for registering all birth, death and marriage events that occur in Ontario and for issuing proof of registration for these life events and maintaining vital statistics for the province of Ontario.
A birth certificate is proof of a birth registration. A birth certificate is an abstract of a birth registration, and may be used as a foundation document for identification purposes for people born in Ontario. The contents of the birth certificate are governed by the Vital Statistics Act, however, the legal rights in a birth certificate are not owned.
A birth certificate cannot be endorsed or deposited. It has no inherent financial value. Unfortunately, some people seem to have mistaken beliefs about the birth registration process. One such mistaken belief that seems to have circulated is that the purpose of the birth registration process is to create some type of financial security. This is simply not the case and there is no basis in Canadian law for this belief.
Customer Care Representative | ServiceOntario
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Visit us at:
Note: Please contact me if you require this communication in another format.
Well, it amazes Me just how little the People of Canada comprehend how Canada’s financial system works. To suggest the the Birth Certificate has no inherent value is ridiculous on the face of it, as I have just recently been told by Ontario Works that without one I am not entitled to any benefits provided by Ontario Works. If it has no inherent Value, then why would I be required to have one in order to receive benefits such as social protection and health care? The alternative suggests that if I do not comply and provide proof that My birth was registered in Ontario, I am not entitled to any financial resources necessary to sustain My life. It is also presumed that I am not able to work for My Self unless I have registered My birth with the state and show proof of a SIN card to ‘prove’ I am eligible to be war King in Canada and contributing to Canada’s social programs by Way of taxation upon My income. Logic and reason dictate otherwise, and these are ‘self evident’ Truths.
What is more compelling for Me is that there was no need for this follow up email which suggests to Me that Francios-Philippe Champagne has received My Letter and that the intent of this email was to suggest that the registration of My birth by My parents is not used by Canada’s government to secure loans from private banks when I know for a fact that it is. The Birth Certificate may have no inherent Value, but the REGISTRATION of My birth certainly does. It allows for Canada to show creditors what its financial obligations are to Canada’s People and how many of Canada’s People have placed their Trust in Canada’s government for social protection services. The very Word ‘Registrar’ is from the root Word ‘Regis’ meaning
“Regis, Latin for “of the king”, occurs in numerous English place names. The name usually recalls the historical ownership of lands or manors by the Crown. … The “Regis” form was often used in the past as an alternative form to “King’s”, for instance at King’s Bromley and King’s Lynn.”
It is an accounting of the King’s property. The ‘King’ in this case is the state or ‘Crown’ corporation of Canada. Persons are considered ‘chattel property’ and contribute to Canada’s overall ‘natural resources’. It is necessary to have collateral in Order to borrow from a private lender (private banks printing money for Canada at interest and with an attached ‘service’ fee which never enters Canada’s economy, effectively enslaving Canada’s People).
This is My reply to Carly’s email.
April 21, 2021, 12:01 PM
Hi Carly,
I sincerely believe You are incorrect. Although I do understand that the registration of the birth is allegedly only to record the event of a birth, registration is for the purposes of maintaining records of assets. The birth certificate is printed on bond paper, it IS a commercial instrument and is used to Create a ‘person’. A person is an artificial legal entity. It is used to determine ‘natural resources’ and life annuities (
The website I have included specifically shows the Value of that life for both Men and Women, so there very much is a foundation for it in Canadian law.
I would like to know what You believe the economic system being used in Canada is founded upon. There is no ‘wealth’ backing Canada’s currency except the ‘promise’ that Canadian citizens Will pay back whatever money is borrowed. Who else do You think is ‘promising to pay’ the debt being borrowed by Canada’s government?
I have explicitly been as King of the government of Canada to rescind the registration of My birth because I do not endorse this ‘Idea’ of Canada as a nation – it is nothing but a mental construct. I am a man of the world, not a Canadian citizen unless the government of Canada is suggesting I have no right of self determination as afforded by the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Freedoms ratified by Canada in 1976.
Do You recognize that all service providers in Canada must go to a hardship to accommodate a demand under the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Freedoms when it is received?
Regardless Your ‘opinion’ of what the birth registration represents, it represents the number of People who are presumed to have ‘pledged’ the Value of their Life and placed it in ‘Trust’ with Canada’s government in exchange for social protection. It provides the foundation for all other commercial contracts created in My name and without My consent, like the SIN for the Social Insurance Account, which then paves the Way for other insurance programs (social services) like health care. I have the right to freely dispose of My natural wealth without prejudice to foreign obligations, and I also have the right to revoke My consent to be governed by Canada’s incompetent Ministries. Failure to Honour this request is to engage in crimes against humanity, compelling Me into servitude and bondage to the state. My name expressed in all capital letters is a BASTARDIZATION of My Calling under God and I have revoked My consent for Canada to bastardize My name for commercial purposes.
Registration is proof of OWNERSHIP. It is for Canada’s ‘Vital Records’ to show how much ‘chattel property’ Canada has in the Way of ‘human resources’.
The bottom line is this. If the registration of My birth has nothing to do with any commercial activity, then there should be no Issue with providing Me proof that My registration has been revoked and Canada acknowledges My right to freely dispose of My natural wealth without prejudice to foreign (Canadian) obligations in the interest of mutual benefit and international cooperation. I DO NOT WISH TO HAVE MY BIRTH REGISTERED WITH CANADA. Do You understand that? If it means ‘nothing’ (as You claim in Your email), then there should be no Issue with My revoking it and My consent to dissolve the Trust I was presumed to have placed in Canada’s government.
If the registration of My birth means nothing, then why does it change the laws by which I am allegedly subject? God’s Laws never change and I am not subject to the whims of Man’s Writ on paper.
I look forward to Your reply.
Thank You,
King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God.
12:04 PM
Apologies, I meant to include Canada’s legal obligations under the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Freedoms.
Have a Blessed day,
King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God.
After re-reading My reply, I figured it might be Good to advise Carly that I am Acting as a representative of Her Majesty in My Sovereign capacity, “On Her Majesty’s Service”.
April 21, 2021, 12:22 PM
Please also be advised, as a representative of Her Majesty on Canada’s Superior Court of Record, all correspondences Will be published on the International Public Record at (these emails Will be added shortly).
King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God.
And that’s the full update with respect to Service Ontario, I Will Keep You Posted. I did send a follow up email to Honourable Francois-Philippe Champagne to remind him I require confirmation of delivery of the Letter I have sent to him and Will forward a link to the contents of that package if he has not yet received it. I also advised him that it is a time sensitive issue. I anxiously await his reply and Will Keep You Posted on that in a separate thread.
As an afterthought, I figured I should send a link to this Page specifically.
April 21, 2021, 2:25 PM
Our correspondences are now Published on the International Court of Record for Your viewing pleasure.
Have a wonderful day, I look forward to hearing from You. I would also appreciate it if You would address Me appropriately in future emails. Thank You in advance.
King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God
Wow, was that really on the 21st of April? It does not seem like that long ago. I just received a final reply to My last emails this afternoon, this time from the Office of the Deputy Registrar General’s senior advisor. The reply came in the same email thread, Carly forwarded My questions to the senior advisor who provides her response in a Letter as an attachment included with the following email:
May 6th, 2021, 3:43 PM
Good afternoon King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God.,
Please see the attached response.
Customer Care Representative
Central Region Contact Centre Services | ServiceOntario
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
Response Letter
The Registrar’s Office confirms that the registration is only a record of an event and clearly states that it does not “register People (‘or have authority of’)”.
This Will be interesting because this email comes one day after mailing My Last Letter to the acting Registrar General, Francois Philippe Champagne. The Registrar’s office is very diplomatically confirming that the birth registration has nothing to do with any ‘claim’ upon any part of My Life. They are also not claiming to have any authority or ownership over any of the ‘information’ Presented on the Birth Certificate (just scroll up for previous correspondences in this thread).
These are relevant details because I am in communication now with the Acting Registrar for Canada and We now know the office’s official position on the Matter. If the Canadian government does not lay claim to any of the information contained on the Birth Certificate, then I must Hold the Supreme Claim of right upon it by default.
What I’m getting at here and what I haven’t clearly expressed in this particular correspondence is that the real Issue is the name, right? My name isn’t the same as the name on the Birth Certificate but it is close enough that People confuse the two. Most People (including My family) Commonly believe that the Record of Live Birth represents when an individual enters the world. The Common individual or citizen believes the Birth Certificate is proof of their existence – now We know, directly from the Registrar General’s office, not a conspiracy theory, that is not True. The Registrar General does not register People.
So if the event is not proof of an individual (a People of Canada), then why would One be required to provide proof of registration of the event at all? Again, another example of reading what is not said. What’s not said is why there is an obligation to register a birth (because there isn’t one). What’s not mentioned is the contract One is presumed to have agreed to by Way of birth registration, or Holding a Birth Certificate presumed to provide proof of an event registration (because there isn’t one). What’s not mentioned is the obligation for a People to use a Birth Certificate to identify their legal Character in a lawful society (because there isn’t one).
What has been clearly established by Canada’s government as a collective, is that they are not claiming the registration of the Live Birth Record has anything to do with My conception as a Living Man, or any legal ‘proof’ of My Life or existence (which is fabulous). They are in fact clearly stating that the artificial person and a People are two completely separate entities.
They are also properly addressing Me in a legal letter as King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God. This alone speaks volumes because it is very subtly telling Canada’s elected officials Holding other positions of office that My position of Office is recognized and Honoured by Canada’s Registrar (which of course is the office responsible for receiving any of My official legal filings at the courthouse) in a proper, legal Letter they know is going to be published here (they were also Given Notice of such in this email thread). This is quite literally an official, international statement from the government of Canada on this Matter.
“The ORG does not register or hold authority of People.”
Christine Debruyne, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Registrar General