Hello every One, and welcome to the Thoroughly Thrilling Thing King Edition, I am always so Honoured to have You. It’s True, I start almost every Post that Way, but it never becomes less True, I only ever become more and more Great-Full You are here. I don’t know how many years I was Writing this Blog before People even really started reading it, I really don’t. I just remember how nervous I was about Writing My first few Posts, some kind of internal fear or something about exposing My Self to the whole world. What Will People think? What if they hate My Writing? Never really considered the possibility that no One would read it at all!
But that’s what it was like in the beginning – all this (totally irrational) anxiety worrying about what People might think, only to discover I was Publishing into a void. In fact, One thing I do remember (and I still have a screenshot somewhere) was a statistics report after My first year on WordPress, stating that 1,300 (approximately) People had read My Blog the first year. They try to Keep it inspirational, so the ‘WordPress Stats Monkey’ compared it to filling a 747 passenger jet for four trips. I don’t know, does that sound right? Anyway, if it wasn’t 1300, the full 747 four times I remember for sure, so whatever is more accurate.
Anyway, the point is, I remember thing King that on average, that would also be about four visits a day. But I swear to God, it was hidden from Me. I would wait sometimes weeks before I would get My first visit to a new Post! I would get random hits here and there, but it wasn’t until five years ago that I legitimately started having at least one visit a day.
I still don’t get that much traffic, really – especially considering how long I’ve been Authoring this Blog (fourteen years now, I think). But now it’s rare if I don’t get at least twenty hits a day, and People are reading Posts from all over My Blog, from all different time periods… And My Writing has evolved so much. Even I enjoy going back and reading some of My old stuff.
But that’s why I thank, ‘King You’ for being here every day. Finding out what People are reading from My stats is what causes Me to go back in time, too. It’s hard to explain how… Intimate a relationship One can develop with a Craft and the People its Created for. You are literally the only reason for being here, and it makes absolutely no difference who You are, Friend or foe, if You are here – it was God’s Plan that You should be.
Now there are times when I’ve taken weeks away from Writing and My stats go down a little but I still get at least twenty hits a day on average – which is still laughable to a lot of People, probably. But to Me… That’s a lot of People’s consciousness and I’m not really sure if People Truly under stand just how Magical My Words really are. The more People My Words reach, the faster My Words Magically Manifest. So share this Blog!
When I say I’m the Virus in Man’s Matrix, it’s not in an Andrew Tate kind of Way. I literally infect the Mind of Man and know how to change the operating system (puns always intended). Best part is, People don’t even know they’re infected. I open Gate-Ways in Man’s Mind. That’s what the unusual use of capital Letters is all about. The more You read My Writing, the more You Will under stand it. 😉
For My adversaries in Court, though, I can certainly be a Supreme Juris Dick, Sean. Are You thing King it’s a coincidence God Gifted Me with such a Good Name? It works very well with Magic and this whole Universal Pictures Present a Sean. I should have considered naming My Art Exhibit-Sean that. But let’s face it, ‘He-Art Exhibit-Sean’ is still better (the actual name of My Art exhibition).
Speaking of Art (which is another Form of Magic), it’s sort of hilarious what’s going on in My Microcosm which really is beginning to merge more and more with Man’s Macrocosm.
In the ‘Macrocosm’, I’m legitimately up against a total of five law firms now! That’s not including two other Matters before Ontario Tribunals, that’s just how many lawyers My brother and sister trying to steal My share of Estate assets have accumulated defending against Me. It’s pretty crazy, really. Bank fraud gets pretty serious, and We know how deep the pockets of banks are.
To summarize really quick – a bank (National Bank) sold My father’s home under power of sale without appointing an Estate Trustee During Litigation so that they wouldn’t have to compete with other creditors. If the bank appoints a Trustee, they have to line up with every other creditor and claimant on the Registry, which includes $3 million in insurance claims.
They faked the Certificate instead and gave the remainder funds to My sister, Tanja Johnson. Do they really think they Will get away with it? How many of My readers are thing King that the insurance company Will just ‘pass’ on $3 million because no One made an Application for a Certificate?
How many of My readers are thing King that the insurance companies are doing exactly what I’m doing – checking the Court of Record from time to time, waiting for one of the Beneficiaries to make an Application? Eventually, they’ll start to wonder what is going on and why some One hasn’t been appointed yet. Then they might learn the house has sold, or maybe they won’t.
But at some point, they Will have some One appointed to Act as an Estate Trustee for the purpose of litigation to bring the Claim – they won’t just let three million go, and they have the resources to find out what happened. Basically, the Certificate My sister has is like a ‘hot potato’ game – Tanja Johnson is now stuck holding a hot potato.
They might (strong maybe) get away with it if Tiffany didn’t exist and there was no One else named on the Claim. But My father is only the co-defendant in the Claim, the primary party is Tiffany. So even if they gave up on My father because no One was appointed, they Will still come after Tiffany. When they do, they Will wonder why no One was appointed, and have some One appointed at that time – even if only to access whatever My father has left in public Trust accounts that might be available.
The bank Will just play dumb (gaslighting is the goto) and say they had no Idea the Certificate was a fake. Then guess who’s door they’ll be knocking on?
And when they do finally appoint an ETDL, who is every One thing King it Will be? I’m sure My brother and sister Will be quite happy to let Me accept My duties as the eldest sibling that day, won’t they?
Ah, so mabye it’s easier to see why I’m looking so forward to My day in Court, no? This is also why I’m a bit of a juris-dick, Sean – I don’t sugar coat the Truth and it doesn’t even Matter if I win!!! Because Winning is inevitable! And ‘Juris’ means to speak, basically. ‘Language’, more accurately and generally. Juris determines the language of the Court’s dictate – the Rules governing the Court.
And My adversaries in Law in My Microcosm are suffering the same sort of fate. I’m not exaggerating or speaking figuratively, there is a conspiracy against Me in the community. Apparently (I have spies everywhere) ‘they’ (whomever they are) are trying to collect as many complaints about Me as they can – from every One in the community that doesn’t like Me. It’s hilarious, pathetic, and suicidal – all at the same time as far trying to gain the upper hand in My Landlord Tenant dispute is concerned.
First of all, there are not that many People in the community that don’t like Me, and considerably more who do. More and more People are as King of Me to do things for them in the community, and I’m pretty much the ‘go-to’ guy in the garden for everyone but the gardening committee (they secretly hate Me). Although it sounds more flattering than it is, ‘they’ refer to Me as a ‘ladies Man’, but not the kind of ladies Man most would be thing King about – it’s the mothers, grand-mothers, and most of the People in the Muslim community. Ironically, although I’ve been called ‘white-privilege’ (not at all sure how that even applies to Me, but whatever), it’s all the white People who don’t like Me! And I can say that cause I’m ‘white’ (although war King on a pretty awesome tan and prefer a golden-amber hue if the Sun permits).
Don’t worry, I’m immune to skin cancer – I’m actually immune to cancers of all kinds unless of course You consider My sister. Oooh, that was harsh, even for Me. I’m just Playin’ sister! You’re in enough trouble, I don’t Wish to kick a girl when she’s down (okay, I don’t ever kick girls, up or down, I’m just being silly – and a bit of a Juris-dick, Sean).
But the big announcement from My Microcosm is that I’m being commissioned to teach People to paint!!! Little scary, gotta confess. I legit don’t think I’m skilled enough to be teaching, I struggle like mad at painting. In fact, I think one of the reasons I like it so much is because I find it so challenging. It’s one of those things where I can now recognize how much better I’ve become, but I’ll never be Good enough in My own Mind. Although People enjoy what I produce, basically every piece is a failure as far as I’m concerned, thing King, ‘I’ll get it right next time’. The Creator only sees the imperfect, Sean.
Alright, that seems a Good place to leave off today, but I’m very excited about teaching People to paint. Oh, and chess may be on the Way in the near future, too. Got My rating back up to 1300 on chess.com, which is respectable (for Me). Any One ever Wishes to Play, send ‘vondehnvisuals’ a game request!
Love and Blessings,
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