Hello every One and welcome to the Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me and what a Show I have for You tonight!!! Kick back and relax because City of Ottawa corruption doesn’t really get any bolder than this!
As a disclaimer, please do take note that this is NOT a real Court. I’m not even being facetious and making jabs about the incompetence of some of the Courts I’ve experience, I mean this entire proceeding and hearing is entirely BOGUS!!! The legitimate (official) Crown Attorney’s office for the Province has absolutely no idea this is taking place because nothing is processed onto the Registry!
It’s all just smoke and mirrors to intimidate Me into (presumably) agreeing to remove the Recording from the public Record in exchange for Vinicius dropping all the bogus charges. [I’m totally guessing, I don’t discuss resolution options with fraudsters impersonating the Provincial Crown Attorney’s office, I place them on Notice of Gross Prosecutorial Misconduct with Malicious Intent to Trespass upon a Trustee with a Trust Claim before the Superior Court of Justice.] Just because a Court is located in the province of Ontario does not mean it is subject to that jurisdiction – that would be very limiting for a Superior Court. Courts and tribunals have their own jurisdictional limits set out by legislation and in this particular case, I do know for a fact that the Provincial Courts are NOT allowed to interfere with Matters before a Superior Court of Justice, especially when the proceeding is ‘unresolved’ on the public Record. It would constitute a ‘multiplicity of suits’ which are when two or more lawsuits are dealing with the same subject Matter (even if it’s the same jurisdiction, two cases are not going to deal with the same subject Matter).
Does the Ontario Provincial Court of Justice have authority over its Superior Court of Justice, or is that an obvious fallacy? It’s called a Superior Court for a reason and it certainly has the capacity to manage its own proceedings.
So it was very hard for Me to take any of this seriously, but I DO have to Show up just to set the Record straight or they WILL enter false statements onto the Record in My absence. They have misrepresented the proceedings every time so far and that’s when I’m there to call them out on their nonsense! I also Wished to feel out the Justice of the Peace because I legitimately do believe in Justice and do believe most People enter the profession because they do care about protecting Principles integral to Justice. If I happen to find One, I Will be very happy to tell My Story to a fake Court or a Real one because I believe any Honourable Justice whom Vinicius may have been conspiring with would cease and desist when they realize the Truth of the Matter.
And that’s also a point to consider. These Justices are looking REALLY bad – but it’s not REALLY their fault because I Imagine that Vinicius has told some very convincing story behind the Scenes, and I don’t Imagine any Justice has actually seen the information Vinicius Wishes to proceed against Me with because it exposes his fraud on its face! But when I tell the Judge that nothing has been processed with the Court, I presume they Will start as King Vinicius Quest-Ion’s and be as King to see a copy of the information he is proceeding against Me with.
Once the Justice tells Me ‘I have seen the information and the information is properly presented to the Court’, that’s when the gloves come off because that is the moment I know the Justice is LYING to Me (or abdicating her Oath and supporting the fraud). The very first document in the ‘evidence’ against Me is the Trust Instrument showing it was received by MOJAG Jan. 19th, 2017. So they can’t even claim they don’t KNOW they are violating a Trust Instrument IMMEDIATELY!!! And yes, of course the Trustee Act of Ontario Will be equally binding in Provincial Court of Justice.
Anyway, enjoy the Show and be warned there are a couple of instances of course language – it’s not every day One gets a chance to tell a fraudster posing as a Justice to f-ck off. (I think it’s two).
Thank You for being here.
Love and Blessings,
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