Hello every One and welcome to the Witches, Wizards and Warlocks Lucky Wednesday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, it is always an Honour to have the Gift of Your Presence in My House.

How do We know Gillian the Criminal Kreling is guilty of collusion and contempt at the very least? She is responsible for staff at her Court ‘ghosting’ Me when I am as King for critical information from the Court – like a requisition for a transcript Justice Somji Ordered for Me to receive because the audio wasn’t working properly on Zoom and I missed a major portion of the hearing – the request was entirely ignored. Even after I produce a copy of the Order from Somji, the clerks of the Court refuse to produce it for Me and tell Me I must order a copy from the transcriptionist’s office. When I protest, they just ignore Me so I have no idea what courtroom number to attend for My hearing and have to ask at the kiosk on the day because they won’t return My emails! Such exceptionalism in service professionalism and hospitality!
Gillian the Criminal Kreling believes she has no moral or ethical obligation as a supervisor for the Superior Court of Justice in the City of Ottawa, to even dignify the following email with a reply? I’m accusing her of being responsible for her staff engaging in fraud with malicious intent to interfere with Justice and collude with My opposing counsel to perpetrate fraud on TWO Superior Court Judges!
Keep in Mind that her criminal negligence has resulted in TWO Superior Court Judges making incorrect and unreasonable decisions that are in direct conflict with the official Court of Record. This is why no One can complain about Me publishing all of this because the public Record doesn’t lie! The entire WORLD knows My brother and sister were lying in their affidavit materials, but the Court as an ‘impartial body’ responsible for issuing the Certificate is pleading ignorance?! No, that’s constructive fraud with malicious intent to cause harm on the part of Gillian the Criminal Kreling and her colluding clerks!
They are not taking My non acceptance for fraud to the trial coordinator or Justice Marc E. Smith because they do not Wish to be arrested for their collusion in the conspiracy against Me. None of this would have been possible if the Toronto, Bracebridge and Ottawa Courthouses were not colluding ‘concurrently and congruently’ to deceive Me by deliberately not processing documents onto the Registry so that I can’t look anything up on the public Record. When I began to close in on their crimes, they stopped filing the materials related to My claim as well… They don’t Wish for there to be a ‘Record’ of their collusion and the mock hearing they set up for Me, so there is no ‘public Record’ of the hearing at all.
I was also as King simple questions like which Court room the hearing Will be held in – NOTHING! I had to show up at the Court early to find out and was still late because even though I was early because clueless clerk, Derrick Bert, didn’t wander over to the kiosk until almost five minutes after 9:00. This is the same Derrick Bert who confirmed that the Registry shows no documents have been processed in the Estate Application since April of 2022 and the Matter still shows as ‘unresolved’ while My sister, brother and her lawyer just produced a fraudulent Certificate swearing that the Matter is resolved and the Certificate is legitimate! He says that doesn’t prove they are engaged in fraud, they may not have updated the Registry yet? So clerks are not required to Keep the Master Record up to date and I’m supposed to believe this is normal? And I’m not being treated with a gross amount of discrimination and prejudice? They won’t even reply to an email to tell Me what Courtroom number My hearing Will be in? Realistically, I should have known they were all complicit from the start but I prefer to presume ignorance and incompetence over malicious intent.
However, it is clear now that Gillian is Acting with malicious intent to aggravate the harm done to Me by not putting the harm to a stop when she is in a trusted position of office with the authority, capacity, and legal and lawful obligation to do so. Make no mistake about it, this woman is as morally bankrupt and criminal as they come!
I’ve been exposing a lot of the City of Ottawa’s criminal cabal lately and showing You how supervisors like Jove the Pathetic Ponniah, Carrie the Colluding Thompson, and Gillian the Criminal Kreling like to defraud litigants before the Superior Court of Justice by ‘coveting’ documents they don’t Wish to process onto the Registry so that they can proceed against People without any oversight from the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice.
I discovered today that at least one of the reasons I can’t get any Justice is because every single clerk at the Ontario Superior Court is conspiring against Me under the instruction and direction of Gillian the Criminal Kreling, who chooses to simply ignore My emails. On the surface it sounds very hard to believe but when One considers that she has been the main culprit complicit in conspiring and colluding with the supervisors of the Toronto and Bracebridge Courthouses to keep this ‘off the Record’, and haven’t updated the Registry in My Trust Claim since June 12th, 2023 (showing no Record of any hearing with Justice Marc E. Smith, the two hearings with Justice Somji, or any of the decisions obtained in fraud (except Jester of a Justice, Jaye ‘the Hopeless’ Hooper)).
Keep in Mind that all ANY Court clerk had to do at any time during the proceedings of the Claim is check the official Court of Record to see if any One has officially been appointed. From the moment I filed the Claim, the Ontario Superior Court (as an impartial judicial body) already knew I was telling the Truth because the Court of Record Shows My father is ‘UNREPRESENTED’ with no ‘Record’ of My sister’s appointment. They’ve essentially been ‘gaslighting’ the entire time, pleading ignorance of the Court of Record under the guise ‘We must remain impartial’ (when what they really mean is ‘we are complicit’). That became clear and obvious when they tried to arrest Me for Recording the fraudulent testimony made in the hearing but take no action at all when they have first hand evidence of three million dollars in insurance fraud and claims proceeding against My father in DEFAULT?
The REAL criminals responsible for all of the harm done to Me, are the CLERKS of the Ottawa Superior Court violating the Rules of Civil Procedure and conspiring with the City of Ottawa, local police and other Courthouses to threaten and intimidate Claimants who complain of their criminal corruption and contempt for the Rule of Law by proceeding against them in a private venue they orchestrate for themselves with taxpayer money at 100 Constellation Avenue, where MOJAG Will be completely ignorant because they are not ‘filing’ or ‘processing’ any documents onto the Registry!
They set up fake email addresses to trick People into thing King they are communicating with the official Court of Justice when they are really just communicating with criminals impersonating clerks of the Court! I tell You, Gillian the Criminal Kreling has set up quite the little criminal operation at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice! Unsuspecting litigants Will never even know the difference!
The clerks of the Ottawa Courthouse are not forwarding My non acceptance for fraud to the trial coordinator because it Will expose their own involvement in the fraud and their little grift Will be over. How Will Gillian be able to set up any more private hearings if she is required to respond to emails her office receives complaining of criminal harm and trespass? Gillian the Criminal Kreling has confirmed for Me today that she Will not report the crimes to the appropriate authorities because she is responsible for attempting to weaponize the Courts against Me and have Me arrested for reporting the crimes of her criminal counterparts conspiring against Me and My father.
Gillian the Criminal Kreling doesn’t really think it’s a big deal if Case Law precedence is polluted with determinations obtained in fraud – obviously that’s only going to make it easier for Gillian to get away with her crimes against Canada’s People in the future – it establishes precedence! I’m sure Gillian the Criminal Kreling considers it her moral duty and obligation to support any fraud and collusion the City of Ottawa might choose to engage in, and it’s definitely in her best interest to collude with other criminals in the Toronto and Bracebridge Courthouses to ensure all three Courts can deceive Me ‘concurrently and congruently’.
I couldn’t understand why a Supervisor of the Ottawa Courthouse wouldn’t immediately report Carrie Thomspon and Michelle Murphy of the Bracebridge Courthouses when their fraud and deceit was so clear and obvious – how could the Court not know that they weren’t processing documents? Because it was the Ottawa Courthouse they were trying to avoid alerting by not processing the documents onto the Registry, so of course they had to support the fraud and tell Me there is nothing at all unusual about the alleged appointment not showing up in the system! It was all to deceive Me in the first place!!!
So I’m making an application to the Court that is the main criminal organization conspiring against Me! Fabulous. Welcome to Canada’s Superior Courts of Justice and the unmatched service excellence of criminals colluding against Canada’s People like Gillian, the Criminal Kreling!
Love and Blessings,
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