Hello every One and welcome to the Sensei Sean al Saturday Edition, thank King or Queen You for joining Me, the Gift of Your Presence is welcome in My House. I’m hoping to return later today with a Special Post to thank all of You more intimately for being here. vondehnvisuals.com celebrated its sixteenth anniversary this year! That seems incredible to Me. Over a million Words published, two thousand, forty-three Posts to date, not including this one! My Friends believe this website is the most Valuable asset available to Me – the only True and Authentic, International, Court of Record. A public Record that maintains a permanent digital date and time stamp Signature, is a legal and lawful Court of Record. It’s also the only place You’ll find the Truth about the Estate of Joachim Heinrich von Dehn.
Today We’re trying to determine if the Ontario Superior Court as an institution is conspiring against Me, or if it’s just a few corrupt clerks of their Court conspiring with criminal liars posing as lawyers and the City of Ottawa’s local police. The City of Ottawa just hosted a fake hearing for Me at 100 Constellation Drive in Ottawa, Ontario for Recording the proceedings which I only did under duress because I was afraid the Judge would ignore My pleading and believe the fraudulent testimony of My siblings over the official Court of Record. In fact, I didn’t even let any One know I had Recorded the proceedings until Justice Marc E. Smith made the incorrect and unreasonable decision which is in direct conflict with the official Court of Record to this day!!!
And yet clerks of the Court have been ignoring My non acceptance for fraud and threatening Me in a private Court at 100 Constellation Avenue for Recording the proceedings under duress (because they’ve already deceived one justice and intend to use the determination obtained in fraud as ‘case law’ precedence in their affidavit for this motion – which is exactly what they did!) and for maintaining a Record of My siblings fraudulent testimony to the Court. Does it seem reasonable that a Court would threaten and intimidate Me for maintaining an audio recording that was entirely unobtrusive, did not interrupt the proceeding in any Way, did not cause harm to any individual, and did not misrepresent any of the events that took place in My Court? Yes, My Court. This is a Trust Claim and subject Matter Jurisdiction CANNOT be waived by any Judge!
So, were the Judges engaged in fraud, or were they just setting a trap for My opposing counsel AND the clerks of the Court? The Trial Coordinator obviously knows that the clerks of the Court have been gaslighting Me if they have not told Me straight out that My sister’s Certificate is a fraud. This is not a detail any Superior Court can plead ‘ignorance’ of. My sister is in possession of a Certicate the Court has no Record of and representatives of the Superior Court are trying to convince Me that is not fraud? Of course the trial coordinator knows they are complicit!
The trial coordinator also probably knows that the clerks DID NOT forward My non acceptance for fraud to either of the Judges OR the trial coordinator BECAUSE they are going to continue to attempt to cover over their fraud. The trial coordinator MUST know the decisions are in direct conflict with the Court of Record, so is it reasonable that the trial coordinator (Sally A. Gomery) hasn’t known the entire time that My siblings are engaged in serious fraud? Of course she does! This is why I don’t believe any ‘non acceptance for fraud’ has been forwarded to the trial coordinator, they are refusing to do so as a last resort and hoping they can ‘ghost’ Me indefinitely as ‘gatekeepers’ for the Superior Court, making sure My complaints of serious federal crimes are never reported to the appropriate authorities of the Court.
So today We are emailing the trial coordinator’s office for the Ottawa Ontario Superior Court of Justice with Special Attention to the Trial Coordinator, Sally A. Gomery.
Realistically speaking, the only reasonable and logical explanation for all of this if the Judges are NOT entirely compromised and attempting to gaslight a Trustee in a Trust Claim (also depriving the Claimant Trustee of the Jurisdiction he was as King for), is that they also know and have known what the Court of Record has to say ‘ab initio’, or ‘from the beginning’. Both Judges have just been allowing My opposing counsel to expose the depth of their fraud and whom they’ve been conspiring with in the Courts to make all of this possible.
Again, We MUST Give the Judges the benefit of the doubt, at least UNTIL I receive confirm a Sean that the non acceptance for fraud of both decisions has been forwarded to the trial coordinator. If the trial coordinator takes no Action, I can appeal the decisions in a Divisional Court and it Will be very easy with the evidence I now have to support My Application.
Today’s feature Image was Created by AI. Magical Words used to Create the Image?

The Scales of Justice are like a Snake…
Love and Blessings,
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