Good morning every One and welcome to the Tuesday Tell a Vision Edition, and what a Show and Spectacle We have taking place on the world stage right now! Yes, the Ottawa Ontario Superior Court of Justice does not appear to have any agents in any capacity capable of responding to complaints of criminal trespasses perpetrated by agents of their own Court! They are so concerned about covering up their own crimes that they just ignore the individual harmed by the criminal Acts they are currently engaged in and continue with impunity! Yeah, these People are more corrupt than most of the criminals they sentence to jail for LIFE! All morally bankrupt degenerates.

Also, it occurred to Me that although Sally A. Gomery is the trial coordinator and chose not to dismiss the Claim as ‘frivolous and vexatious’, but that could very well have been just to convince Me that I’m before an impartial Court of competent jurisdiction. Maybe it was really Sally A. Gomery the whole time who was instructing clerks of the Court to interfere with My Motion filings to protect the interests of Sally A. Gomery who was about to have a decision she made vacated for violating the Rules and conspiring with the City of Ottawa’s lawyer, Genevieve the Liar Langlaise to dismiss the Claim without filing any paperwork with the Court. They do this ALL THE TIME!!! It is in fact THE FIRST THING the City does with every claim they receive, just to see if they can use their favour with the Court to their advantage.
Make no mistake about it, the Ontario Superior Court is not there to provide You with ‘Justice’. The Ontario Superior Court exists to Give Canada’s People the ‘illusion’ of Justice. They are in fact the primary institution responsible for engaging in unlawful Acts and using the defacto legal fiction to establish precedence in Case Law to make the fraudulent ‘factual’ (in a ‘defacto kind of Way). Now We also know Case Law cannot be relied on as precedence because it is unclear just how much precedence has been established in fraud with so many criminals colluding against Canada’s People in the Superior Court of Justice. Toronto, Bracebridge and Ottawa have been completely compromised and their supervisors CONDONE and support the criminal Acts of their clerks. Not one individual has been fired yet. That speaks volumes, doesn’t it?
The Courts tell Us a lot more about how corrupt they are by their silence and inability to demonstrate an ounce of integrity or professionalism. Just a club of power hungry, narcissistic sociopaths.
Welcome to Canada;s completely compromised Courts which I believe We can thank the Trudeau Treason era for. We don’t know for sure that Gillian the Criminal Kreling is the daughter or any relation to the Judge Herb Kreling, but what are the chances a woman as stupid and corrupt as Gillian the Criminal Kreling became a Superior Court clerk based on her ‘qualifications’? What qualifications? That her daddy’s a Judge who can protect her if she chooses to use her position to exploit Canada’s People appealing to her and her agents for justice? We’ll see how helpful being the daughter of a Judge is when One is caught to be complicit and conspiring with at least three Superior Courts to cheat People out of their right to ‘due process’.
Love and Blessings,
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