Epic Fails of Ontario Works; Starring Kristine Haines-Chiarello and Christopher Tuck
I mentioned I am DONE repeating My Self in emails to People like Kristine Haines-Chiarello and Christopher Tuck who seem to think it is perfectly reasonable to just glaze over their legal obligations to Me I am providing references to for their convenience and pretend as though those legal obligations do not exist or are in some Way not applicable to Me.
After addressing Me as ‘King Sean, House of von Dehn’ for Our phone conversation, Kristine goes right back to addressing Me as ‘Mr.’ von Dehn in one of her emails to Me. Is she insane or just stupid? DO NOT do anything to antagonize One’s legal opponent.
Needless to say, I was absolutely fed up and furious at the time I Writ this email because I had sent roughly four previous emails to Kristine quoting her legal obligations to Me and providing a reference to those legal obligations online. Kristine ignores all mention of her legal obligations to Me which is considered incompetent at best and Willfully belligerent at worst. This is what an email from Me sounds like when I am not pleased.
Good day Ms. Chris Tuck and Mr. Kristine Haines-Chiarello,
I hope You do not Mind how I have chosen to address You today. I know that Kristine identifies with ‘Ms. or Mrs.’, and that Christopher likely identifies with ‘Mr.’. Gauging by Your emails to Me, Your opinion of who You are has no bearing on how I should address You. I have told You that I am King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God, You refuse to address Me by My legal and lawful title. I can see no other reason for this than to Willfully defame and demoralize My Character.
Now, if I were to state that I have addressed You as Mr. or Mrs. because that’s My opinion of who You are, I Trust You would be able to prove the statement is not true in a court of law. I also believe that the justice would likely tell Me that My ‘opinion’ of who You are does not give Me the ‘right’ to address You however I Wish. The Common ‘courteous’ address for a Man of the male sex is Sir or Mr., for a Man of the female gender, it would be Ms., Mrs., or Madam (Ma’am).
So, while I appreciate that it may not be Your ‘opinion’ that I am King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God, I have informed You of My identity and have I provided You with legal proof of this identity at the time I filed My ‘application’ (entitlement) to Ontario Works at Your office. I also informed You of the negligence of Your superior offices and said that I was only in receipt of Ontario Works under duress for fear of harm and threat of violence for exercising My right to freely dispose of My natural wealth. I have made several requests to various members of Your office that they follow up with the superior offices and ministries of Canada’s government to resolve this Issue to put an end to the harm being done to Me by Your (Ontario Works) infringements upon My rights… So Your ‘opinion’ of who I am Will not mean much in a court of law if You are not able to prove I am not King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God, and frankly, the fact You would even dare Quest-Ion My status is nothing less than a reflection of Your own incompetence and negligence as the director and manager of Ontario Works, and of Your Self as a natural Man in Your Sovereign state. Guess what Christopher? According to Canadian law, the People of a constitutional democratic monarchy are Sovereign in their natural state. Sovereign = King/Queen. If You are suggesting the Canadian People are not Sovereign or that I am not a King, You are effectively committing treason against Me and Canada’s People, as treason is defined in law as any Act (Ontario Works Act) that undermine the independent, autonomous rights of the Sovereign People.
So I don’t care what Your opinion of Me is, Chris or Kristine. When I Write You an email, I address each of You by Your appropriate title. I treat each of You with dignity and respect. I Write You thoughtful letters explaining My grievances to You, and they are categorically ignored. Not ONE individual in Your office has demonstrated that they can respond to an email and address the Quest-Ions (questions) I am as King of them. These are the current Issues I Wish to see resolved by Ontario Works IMMEDIATELY.
- I was as King of Kristine Haines-Chiarello for a letter of apology from Anne Charette for ignoring My emails to her. Kristine failed to Honour this reasonable requisition, though insists she spoke with her staff. Kristine made a lot of promises to Me that she has not followed through on, so if I do no receive a letter of apology and proper reply to My emails to Anne Charette, I Will presume Your failure to resolve this Issue is Willful and a further attempt to demoralize My Character.
- When I first spoke with Kristine Haines-Chiarello on the phone, it was in response to a message that had been left of My voicemail for ‘King Sean’. Kristine assured Me she does understand the title is real and True and that We are all Sovereign in Our natural state, yet refuses to address Me by My proper status or acknowledge that the People are the authority of government in a constitutional democratic monarchy. “The authority of government is derived by the consent of the Sovereign People.” – Government of Canada Website, look up the link Your Self, You are their representative and should know this.
- I am not expressing My ‘opinion’ to You when I site the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Freedoms, I am referencing Canada’s legally binding international obligations to its People – that is why I informed You the covenant has been legally binding (ratified) since 1976. The harm being done to Me by Ontario Works is a result of Your negligence to Canada’s international obligations, and to Canada’s obligations as an administrator over the Trust (Ontario Works Act) relationship a citizen is presumed to have placed with their government.
- The U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Freedoms is a legally binding contractual agreement, and ANY organization registered to do business in the country of Canada is legally bound by it. Failing to Honour Your obligations to Canada’s People is a breach of public Trust and negates (nullifies) the citizenship contract, as the citizen is presumed to have placed their Trust in government to protect their Sovereign (inherent), natural rights. If Canada openly suggests that any organization within Canada is not obliged to Honour international agreements ratified by Canada, the Trust relationship has been breached and the People have no duty or obligation to their government. This means that if You believe I am not a King and a Canadian citizen, then You are in breach of trust for failing to Honour Your international obligations to Me as an administrator of the Ontario Works Act which was created to satisfy this international obligation. I feel as director of Ontario Works, You should have intimate knowledge of these details.
- You know and understand that You may not commit an Act You know to be trespassing upon a right. It does not Matter what that Act is or what that Act is Called. So, the Ontario Works Act does not have the power of law to trespass upon My rights and Your belief that it does is causing Me serious harm.
- The culmination of these emails to and from Your office have led Me to believe that it is Your ‘OPINION’ that Ontario Works has absolutely no duty or obligation to ensure the Ontario Works Act they are enforcing does not trespass upon the constitutionally protected rights of Canada’s People, or any legally binding international obligations. It is My belief that if You do not feel You have a duty and responsibility to ensure that the Ontario Works Act is sufficient to satisfy Canada’s international obligations to protect the rights of Canada’s People, that You are incompetent in Your position and should be removed immediately.
SPECIAL NOTICE – Please Keep in Mind that as a result of Covid and new business practices, email is now considered legal and lawful [proof of] service of delivery in Canada and the province of Ontario.
This email Will be the ’cause’ of an application to the Superior Court for Judicial review if You do not respond to each of the statements I have made in this email. Kristine Haines-Chiarello replied to numerous emails without ever addressing a single item I was as King of her. It is like as King of someone what is for dinner and having them tell You it’s beautiful outside. My main frustration with Your office is Your apparent inability to provide an intelligent response to reasonable questions outlined Your actual legal obligations to the People of Canada. If You think this is some joke, I Will be happy to Present these letters (and Your inability to respond to them) to a court justice.
Finally… Kristine was as King Me how the government responded to Me when I declared My Sovereignty. I told her they accepted My Notice, provided Me with a letter to prove My Notice has been received by the highest authority of law in Canada, but failed to dissolve the trust and [now] refuse to respond to My Letters. I am going to Give You a Gift! They no longer respond to Me because I have nothing to do with Canada except by Way of Your belief and their negligence. Once I rescind My citizenship, they have no obligation to do anything at all with the incorporated person because it belongs to them – I don’t. I am not that corporate fiction, and I am sorry that is difficult for You to comprehend but it is True. The government at the levels of authority I Writ, Will not be stupid enough to ever Write Me anything that would EVER imply I WAS the incorporated person – because I never was. All that has been communicated, is that the government knows that I know they only have authority over paper fictions, not the Living Man, and certainly not a King. Your emails to Me have provided Me with enough rope to hang You both in any court of law (that’s a metaphor, and court is not a threat, it’s a promise).
So, show Me that You are NOT negligent or incompetent in Your duties and responsibilities by Showing Me that You know how to properly respond to an email. If You can’t respond to Me, it Will be easy to comprehend why none of Your staff can, either.
Once again, the U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Freedoms. https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/ccpr.aspx
All kinds of Good information there, Christopher. I think this would be a Good time for You to brush up on Your international obligations as an administrator of the Trust Canadians are presumed to have placed with their government.
Hope You have a fabulous week, this Will also be published on the international record at www.vondehnvisuals.com.
King Sean,House of von Dehn,Hand of Stephen,Kingdom of God.
[Sidenote I HATE WordPress new ‘blocks’ editor. Can’t change the font size or colour of email without selecting each ‘block’ separately and I just can’t be bothered. WordPress, Your new editor SUCKS! Why do You fix what was not broken?].
Surprisingly, Kristine did get back to Me with a response that is absolutely perfect – perfect because it demonstrates just how incompetent she is. Notice that not a single point in My email to her is addressed. This is typical. It’s like they listen to You but pretend they hear nothing and act stupid. I felt like I was losing My Mind Writing this crazy bat, does she not understand English, or does she just not know what it means to respond to an email?
This is Kristine’s last email to Me:
Good afternoon, King Sean, House of von Dehn, Hand of Stephen, Kingdom of God,
We would like to acknowledge your feedback and concerns regarding the Ontario Works Act with this and prior emails. As well, thank you for the clarification on how you would like to be addressed when communicating.
As responded in previous emails, we are committed to the local administration of the Ontario Works program and responsibility to respond to feedback and/or concerns from residents. We are committed to actioning requests in a timely and responsive manner which may include a direct resolution or transfer of information and/or resources to assist residents with their concerns, where applicable.
We directly addressed your concerns regarding the service delivery approach taken by a staff member. We provided you a respond on August 6, 2020 in which you responded that you were satisfied with the results and the complaint was effectively resolved. If you have new or arising concerns, please let us know.
We also recognize that we do not have the ability to directly resolved your concerns regarding the Ontario Works Act; therefore, we provided you with information to assist you in addressing your concerns. In addition, we stated we were committed to connecting with you should we have any new information to assist you further. We would like to reiterate that commitment.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Seriously, how incompetent can an individual be? Whatever. And this is My [presumably final] response.
Hi Kristine,
Yes, You have successfully repeated Your Self once again. I know You BELIEVE this issue was RESOLVED, but at NO TIME can You site any correspondence with Me that indicates this Matter has been RESOLVED as far as I am concerned. It is not resolved just because You don’t feel like doing anything to resolve the Issue.. You have not done anything, I said I was pleased with Our phone conversation because You had committed to Me that You Will ensure My rights (legally afforded to Me by Way of Canada’s contractual obligations and ratification of the Covenant on Political and Civil Rights) are Honoured by Your organization.
You acknowledged My right of self determination, You acknowledge My right to freely dispose of My natural wealth to foreign obligations, yet I am still not enjoying My right of self determination, and I am still receiving letters from Ontario Works suggesting I need a doctor’s signature to determine what groceries I require for optimal health. Orsolya Vancsody has Signed a Mandamus which is a legally binding agreement acknowledging ME as the authority over My health and well being. I AM the only doctor in My country and I the legal and lawful health authority of My Nation’s People (Me). Do You understand the Words in this email? Do You understand that when I share the link to the U.N. Covenant, that I am showing You YOUR LEGAL OBLIGATIONS TO ME, and that by suggesting You Wll not provide for My rights, You are Willfully trespassing upon the Sovereignty of Canada’s People and refusing to acknowledge Your legal obligations to Me. As I am also a Sworn representative of God and the Queen, refusing to acknowledge Your legal obligations to Honour the Sovereign rights of Canada’s People is to aid and abet and Act (Ontario Works Act) of Treason.
So are You aiding and abetting treason and trespass upon My rights, or are You going to find out how You can Honour Your legal obligations to Me?
Love and Blessings, this Letter Will be Published, www.vondehnvisuals.com
King Sean,House of von Dehn,Hand of Stephen,Kingdom of God.
Alright, that’s all for now. I can’t publish too many of these at once or I feel My blood begin to boil…