Michael von Dehn: Motion to Dismiss, Rule 2.1.01(6)
Yeah, nothing to see here because We were not Given Notice of the Motion. A Motion was made at some point by Christopher Crisman-Cox, lawyer/liar/cheater in violation of Rule 1.09 and Rule 2.01 it Self. He must legitimately be thing King I’m stupid and have no Idea what the Rules are. I’ll be tall King about all Chris’ ‘contempt’ for the Rules of the Court and as King of the Court to impose a fine. It also Endorses and supports My Claim that My brother has no remorse (shameless) and believes withholding a Testamentary Instrument from Me and using his children as blackmail material if I dare make a CAET application to the Court, to be a frivolous and vexatious thing to be complaining about.
The less remorseful these People seem to be, the better it is for Me. All of this just makes My adversaries seem more and more like vexatious conspirators. None of this Will look Good to the Judge – and the Judge hearing this Motion, Honoured the Court and her Self. Thank You, Honourable Sally A. Gomery!